Breach and Legacy as Core Game Mechanics

Highly disappointed. Serves me right for getting my hopes up so high that the devs would make a decision I'd like... they're really good at creating hope and then dashing it to pieces.

Breach could disappear for all I care. If they really wanted to keep it, the % should have been higher. At 10% it's another watered down to a non-thing feature like every other league that barely ever has an impact on gameplay.

Leaguestones were the perfect method of adding past leagues to the standard experience. There are too many league-specific items that pretty much don't exist anymore in a practical sense, and there are leagues new players have never been able to experience. This means a lot of work was wasted on creating those league mechanics.

I'd incorporate Leaguestones this way: remove white leaguestone drops (these are the clutter) and add max charges to the blue stones (potentially adding Rare and Unique leaguestones with specific encounters pre-defined similar to the required challenges during the league like triple essense monster possessed with a talisman...)

Oh well, the people hit hardest by this are casual SSF who need far longer than a single league to experience all it has to offer, and prefer to take their time enjoying the journey, not just the destination. These are not the people that GGG are making a game for these days.

Bad news
League Stones removed (fail...)
Breach 10% chance (Low)
Where Talisman?
Where Perandus? (no thx Zana)
How again Legacy key?
ES Nerfed gears 33% less
Discipline Nerfed low ES
No leech ES
CI no more ES
Ring craft no 20% ES

2K17 R.I.P. PoE
I let out a Darth Vader "Nooooooooo!" When I read about leaguestones. It enhanced every part of the gameplay experience. Please rethink this... I would rather see you get rid of old evergreen league content and keep leaguestones than the other way around.
Keep the legacy league stones in the game pls. It would replace zana mods and it wouldn´t affect new players until they reach the maps.
Hello GGG and everybody!

I have played POE for a year now, put 800hours or so in it. I must admit that as a new player I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the game, but little by little I learned it. Still there are many things that I have not explored. It's cool that breaches will go into the core game. 10% is low, but better than nothing. But I think it's a real shame that leaguestone will not be there. Honestly, for me the leaguestone have made the gameplay much more enjoyable, challenging and fun. And, contrary to what GGG stated, it is thanks to leaguestones that i FINALLY understood what the bloody leagues were. Before, all this domination, ambush, nemesis etc was just jibber jabber. It is only when I was forced to play this content, that I learned it and understood how it works. New players will enter the game now, and even though they can read about the old leagues on wiki, they will not understand it until they experience it. And they will not pay ridiculus amounts of chaos orbs with Zana to play them, much too expensive. Another aspect of leaguestones that I really loved is trading. Leaguestone really revived trading for me, as I dont feel like selling rubbish uniques for 1 alk and getting something more valuable is not that easy. Leaguestones on the other hand sell quite well and for decent amount of coin. This made the economy much more interesting. And most importantly - the possibility to customise maps and the content that we need/like. I fear returning to normal now, as it might be just too boring, and starting another league is out of the question, as I have a job and family and cant spend all my life lvl toons over and over again. Maybe lower the drop rate of leaguestones, keep only the rare ones, and drop charges to three, just like with the map modifier thingies. GGG, keep up the good work and please reconsider keeping leaguestones in normal!!! Cheers from Poland and sorry for typos:)
Legacy has been the best league so far, and i hope that they will add this system to the core game
Zana can bee changed and reward harder moods, not leagues. (it is to costly).

Thanks GGG for the good work.
Last edited by bambidarra#3108 on May 31, 2017, 2:16:55 PM
KGabQr wrote:
Bad news
League Stones removed (fail...)
Breach 10% chance (Low)
Where Talisman?
Where Perandus? (no thx Zana)
How again Legacy key?
ES Nerfed gears 33% less
Discipline Nerfed low ES
No leech ES
CI no more ES
Ring craft no 20% ES

2K17 R.I.P. PoE

Funny how you've joined in 2012, are still playing, and even did 40 challenges this league. So no, there's no RIP PoE, at least not for you and thousands upon thousands of others, lol.
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Sounds absolutely awful. Breach is not a mechanic that fits the ARPG genre at all.
And once again cutting off access to legacy items by disabling the ARK drops to "look to the future", but meanwhile still increasing the pool of legacy items with every patch (hello upcoming ES changes) ? Pfff
Well if you believe Legacy is " too much overhead for newer players" restrict it only for maps, its so much more fun then Zana mods. I almost never used Zana mods and for sure im using leagstones every map. Pls reconsider you decision.

And about the Breach. If you see ppl are having lots of fun with it do not restrict it give us more Breach. And pls explain what is so intrusive about it? you can skip it and not activate it.
Last edited by cosey#7255 on May 31, 2017, 8:15:09 AM
HI guys

Dear GGG

cool for breach, i agree with your choice.

but for legacy i'm just disappointed.

i really enjoyed that mod. overall the leaguestone micro-management is not that overwhelming, when i see Zizaran and Ziggyd complaining about that i'd like to remind everybody that those guys give the feedback of people playing POE 8hours a day almost everyday. i'm not sure that they reflect the average player.
i've got a job, a family, i play at night and weekend and when i have time to play i like to be able to push the game mechanism toward what i enjoy most : i love prophecy and perdandus, especially on Solo Self Found mode, a little boost of chance with loot box etc... customizing the game makes it really enjoyable.

the problem with Zana old system, from my experience i never used it because it's way too f******* expensive (sorry for the language but that's what i feek about it). same thing i'm not trading, Solo Self found means that i don't have tons of Chaos Orbs to waste on so many things. this game tends to push to consumme that currency for anything, change an item, use Chaos, change a map, use chaos, use Zana, use chaos?, 4 of them? seriously? when trading, you end up with tons of Chaos (hundreds easily, a thousand sometimes).

Adding one mod to one map for 4 chaos orbs vs being able to add up to 3 differents mods for a legacystone, i'm sorry it's not faire trade at all, not even close.
why not using another currency for once ? you add one mod, it can't cost "that" much for no result garantee at all.

you just removing one aspect of the customization, and removing the fun of it.

it's just my feeling about your choice GGG. i would like you to reconsider backing up to Zana old version, i love legacy as it is.

thanks for the game.
Aim for the head

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