[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

It is stated that Totem life is the most inportant stat on jewels.
How does a 10% increased totem life do vs a 10% or 20% burning damage/area damage/fire damage ?

PS: Initialy I found some nice 40-50% fire/burning/area damage jewels and I wonder if I should try to find Totem life instead ...
DarthMother wrote:
It is stated that Totem life is the most inportant stat on jewels.
How does a 10% increased totem life do vs a 10% or 20% burning damage/area damage/fire damage ?

PS: Initialy I found some nice 40-50% fire/burning/area damage jewels and I wonder if I should try to find Totem life instead ...

last patch totem life was worth over double the value of other dmg nodes (12% totemlife > 24% dmg), not excactly sure about the value right now.

Path of Building will help you here.

i would use it if i got one, but a totemlfe roll instead of area dmg would ultimately be better (but not that huge of a difference)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Thank you!
Knowing is ~2x vs burning/area is enough to make small check!
DarthMother wrote:
Thank you!
Knowing is ~2x vs burning/area is enough to make small check!

It really depends on your stats. Got a high amount of inc dmg and low totemlife, totem life is more beneficial. Got high totemlife and low inc dmg its vice versa.

So i would just import your char in path of building and test different jewels you have/aim for (and also keep searing bond dmg in mind, a 12% firedmg roll benefits it, area dmg not)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Not sure if you have the time/willing to check, but here is my current POB: https://pastebin.com/CKnkUjbF

I feel a little squishy in breaches and sometimes some fast-shooting mobs are dps-me down, so I need to run. Not sure about the DPS. Any suggestuions will be appreciated :).
I did the guardians using most of the portals (all for minotaur :( ) and died to shaper at the second phase (tried once).
Is my first league and I am bad at gaming mechanics in general .. plus my old hands sometimes click badly :D

PS: I got that shield drop in the shaped Jungle and I just 6-linked my (secondary) armour with a 1-fusing/day strategy just before the 10 days race :) ... so I NEVER used the 6 link in battle :D
Last edited by DarthMother#6191 on Nov 16, 2017, 11:49:13 AM
Hi! I tried the build out. After swapping sunder for righteous fire. The totems dealt very minimal damage, and died very easily. Purity of elements was around, was using a scepter + shield, the scepter had 14% elemental damage, and had 6 link with tabula. Even with ancestral bond the damage was very lacking. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I need to wait for a power spike.
Last edited by TalkingPen15#6003 on Nov 24, 2017, 8:03:53 AM
Milky, I've done your build in like 2-3 weeks and I've to thank you so much for that build. I could get into end game and kill everything while being a funny build.

The thing is that I've been doing calcs and things on pathofbuilding and I've just realised that in the Chieftain Tukohama's build, you put a point extra in Area of Effect. I mean, you put Area of effect, Amplify, Area of effect. While I've now lvl 20 gems and a really good end game gear, I saw that I don't need that 8% increased area for RF. Because if I'm clearing I can put up to 3 RF totems and it's almost impossible that I don't have enough area to clear (using increased AoE gem ofc). And if I'm trying to kill a unique boss with concentrated effect, I put decoy totem + RF + searing bond + SR totem and I always land it. So I just refund that point and got an extra point in the tree. I think you should talk about that, because I didn't see anything about that.

Another thing you talk about in the photo about the skill tree is that if you really want some damage go for Celestial Judgement. I've been trying another paths to get into that point and I got a path with 4 points that gives you more damage.

I put the points like that: Elemental damage - Elemental damage (towards Celestial Punishment) - Celestial Punishment and the trick here is to get the Fire Damage node. Doing this you get more damage than your path towards Celestial Judgement.

Here's a gyazo of this: https://gyazo.com/73369fcbf12eb3d0dc68cf96837a4ec9

Again, thank you so much for this build <3.
So I'm at level 74 and I'm hoping I'll be able to do regular Atziri for the very first time before this league ends, but I don't know if I'm ready for it.

I've read the wiki page and it says that I need to be able to clear mobs in T9 maps in less than two seconds, but as I've only just started mapping I haven't done any T9's. I've gotten to T3 (they're easy) but haven't had the time to go beyond that.

Should I yolo it? Will I definitely not be able to make it?
I'm okay with losing some experience and the map pieces, but if it's just a stupid idea at this point then I might not bother.

EDIT: I did it! No deaths! White mobs hit like a truck, bosses would have two shot me, but they never got the second hit in. This builds playstyle allowed me to just focus on the movement aspect while leaving the damage up to the totems
Last edited by Pin_Cracker#7694 on Dec 1, 2017, 4:10:30 PM
Pin_Cracker wrote:
So I'm at level 74 and I'm hoping I'll be able to do regular Atziri for the very first time before this league ends, but I don't know if I'm ready for it.

I've read the wiki page and it says that I need to be able to clear mobs in T9 maps in less than two seconds, but as I've only just started mapping I haven't done any T9's. I've gotten to T3 (they're easy) but haven't had the time to go beyond that.

Should I yolo it? Will I definitely not be able to make it?
I'm okay with losing some experience and the map pieces, but if it's just a stupid idea at this point then I might not bother.

EDIT: I did it! No deaths! White mobs hit like a truck, bosses would have two shot me, but they never got the second hit in. This builds playstyle allowed me to just focus on the movement aspect while leaving the damage up to the totems


milky makes the best RF totem builds.

i remember using his rf build in perandus, it was my first "serious" build. i didnt manage to fight atziri coz i wasted all portals on trio lmao :D

Any comments for 3.1 patch notes?

Ascendancy choice : I don't see any Berserker nerfs relevant for this build, is that so?

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