[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

Linus69 wrote:

Why dont you use a Spire of Stone ?


because i dont pay 4-5c for a normally 1c jewel ;) i have my eyes on it :p

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
#1: Is Hrimnor's Resolve helmet still recommended, after freeze/chill immunity changed to 50% chance?

#2: What is the best place for Spire of Stone?

And note to build description: MoM is even more comfortable with Berserker / War Bringer, you get 25% of life/mana back with a single warcry, every 2 seconds. Even better, you may link the warcry with BM and fear not any mana depletion anymore.
- TroubiCZ
Last edited by trouba#5401 on Aug 7, 2017, 7:14:33 AM
-- double post removed --
- TroubiCZ
Last edited by trouba#5401 on Aug 7, 2017, 6:54:14 AM
trouba wrote:
#1: Is Hrimnor's Resolve helmet still recommended, after freeze/chill immunity changed to 50% chance?

#2: What is the best place for Spire of Stone?

And note to build description: MoM is even more comfortable with Berserker / War Bringer, you get 25% of life/mana back with a single warcry, every 2 seconds. Even better, you may link the warcry with BM and fear not any mana depletion anymore.

1. when did they change that? i am. using one and it grants freeze/chill immunity.

But besides that, a rare helmet can get almost double the health now with higher armour and resists. Hrimnor's is very nice for the extra dmg and freeze/chill stuff, but a rare one is defensive wise better.

2. right next to ancestral bond

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Please advise the MF/BUFF/CULLER build for the game together with a friend (this build + MF/BUFF/CULLER) ...

IGN: Rinold
Last edited by deltaone#6746 on Aug 7, 2017, 8:15:58 AM
Hi Milky...thank you for that nice build and for all your work!!!
I read a lot of pages of this thread and i don't know if you write somewhere...so...do you think Berserker is better than Chieftain? i think is a choice between more dmg vs more resistance right? Thank for the answer
So far I'm feeling this build, but I'm not in maps yet. It's fun putting different totems out and enemies are just melting away. I found a 4L, six-socket Soul Mantle and I can only imagine the hurt I can lay down with a 6L.

Thank you for putting together a good guide.
Manaio wrote:
Hi Milky...thank you for that nice build and for all your work!!!
I read a lot of pages of this thread and i don't know if you write somewhere...so...do you think Berserker is better than Chieftain? i think is a choice between more dmg vs more resistance right? Thank for the answer


The chieftain has better mitigation and fire immune totems (which is worth less in 3.0 since totems degenerate wax slower).

Berserker deals more damage, has a better lifeflask every 2sec via warcrys and higher movementspeed with shield charge thanks to his attack speed on the classtree

Please advise the MF/BUFF/CULLER build for the game together with a friend (this build + MF/BUFF/CULLER) ...


i cannot do this, because its not a good idea :p

For bossculls, yeah might be fine, but culling in general only works well with a MF Slayer. With slayer in the set any mf culler that isn't one will cull nothing.

The best way to play a duo or more ppl with a culler is:

The culler has to be a slayer with a high coverage skill. Kinetic blast, spark, lightning arrow, split arrow... something like that.

The other player/s use southbound gloves without any dots or freeze(or crit).

So the dps deals the damage, cannot kill anything and the slayer finishes everything off.

without southbounds a culler is pretty useless today if others oneshot every pack,it only works on bosses and other tough enemys.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Thanks for the response.

Milkyslice wrote:

3. if you remove the curses, self-flagellation does nothing. Its a exclusive benefit for kikazarus.

I leave the curses when I want the extra damage and remove them when there's danger, or if I get an annoying curse (temporal chains) between packs. It works well. Something to consider for SSF characters at least.

Milkyslice wrote:

5.i don't know yet, have only reached t6-7 maps atm. Clarity + rallying cry + warcry manarecovery helps a lot to substain mana atm.

Do you just abandon Endurance charges if you go Rallying Cry? If not, how do you generate them?

IGN: JooksOne
Timezone: PST(USA)
Last edited by Jooksone#6183 on Aug 7, 2017, 11:55:13 AM
@Milkyslice thx for help!
IGN: Rinold

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