Race Event 27: 1h Winterheart Ledge

Am i ever gonna play duelist again in one of those?
no i'm not

Used a short bow til level 23
Last edited by Swarox#2961 on Jun 6, 2017, 5:03:22 PM

This made doing this race as a pathetic bow duelist 900 times more fun. probably quadrupled my dps, too.

Not quite as nice as the duelists that found Sunder though...
Man...That moment when you're so close to 20 and the timer stops...FeelsBadMan...Anyone got spare beta keys they'd give me? One or two? If so PM me ign: TheRebelOfChaos
duelist here that was forced cleave and frost blades till 28
Hello, sorry for resurecting a old post but im trying to understand how te reward system works, it says that - The top player of each of the seven classes by experience will receive a Demigod's Dominance (Unique Golden Mantle). Does this mean in every class the top player of that class gets the reward or just 1 player at the top from all 7 classes? Becose for this event i was racing with the witch limporaceer got in front of all the other witched and didn't recaive the reward.

Thanks , limpo.

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