Spelling mistakes and typos

Invoker ascendancy node I am the Thunder... says "25% chance on shocking enemies to created shocking ground"
raging spirti with flame wall died
After the Witch first speaks with Lachlann the Lost and receives his quest in the Cemetery of the Eternals she says "I don't take orders from you...but I do love cemetaries"

The correct spelling for the plural form of cemetery is cemeteries instead of cemetaries.

Bug with Spirits, free 66 spirit, spell cost 30 supp gems 10+10+15 and its work only when just 1 supp gem its active, but when this 2 supp gems its active in other active skill its works properly but on interface i see 21 free spirit but its doest exist. Skills with i have bugs - Lingering Illusion 3 supp gems doest work with this skill and it work when 2 supp gems are in skill "Into the Breach" and 1 supp gem on Lingering Illusion then all works properly example spirit on interface. (all attributes i have on enough lvl)
Not sure f this goes here but Mercenaries Mass Hysteria tooltip has the same phrasing twice.

It says, "6% increased Attack Speed 6% increased Attack Speed."
When Alva completes an order for the currency exchange, the popup message states that Faustus completed the order.
I can't use Cast on Freeze for the second day, when I have 197 spirit free and 196 intellect, while writing "not enough spirit". I understand that you wanted to kill the non-OP build anyway, but so much so that it could not be used...
I can't use Cast on Freeze for the second day, when I have 197 spirit free and 196 intellect, while writing "not enough spirit". I understand that you wanted to kill the non-OP build anyway, but so much so that it could not be used...

Same situation, free spirit 166/166, "not enough spirit".
Во вкладке характеристик героя, когда наводишь на силу показывает, что 2 силы = +1 здоровье, но в описании силы написано, что каждая единица силы дает +2 к здоровью.
Спасибо за внимание.
Ice Strike got a different name ( Normal Strike ) when you preview DPS changes before picking new perks inside the Passive Tree

I did made a thread already but same issue : Hypotermia got a different name ( Frostbite - wich is a better name IMO ) when you are in the skill sub-menu ( for example when creating a support gem )
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version

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