On Balance Feedback and Charge Changes

allbusiness wrote:
GreenDude wrote:
Don't beat yourselves up. You guys are clearly hard at work and we appreciate it.

Keep in mind that while some changes may be pushed hard by a portion of the community, the portion that reacts poorly to the changes may in fact be a different one completely. Theres a lot of poe players so I dont think its the same people who are upset with the changes.

Ultimately its not an easy choice as to which side you listen to.

I think the major problem is that GGG tries to make a shit ton of new content AND balance at the same time. That is just a recipe for disaster, which is why this whole 3.0 patch looks like a complete shitshow. Most companies do not attempt to try and make massive balance changes when they introduce a crazy amount of new content, unless they give themselves a significant amount of time (i.e. see Reaper of Souls which put Diablo 3 back on the map, the Blizzard devs gave themselves WAY more time to balance things out PRIOR to releasing new content AND balance).

GGG committed a major blunder here by trying to do too much with too little time, and they are most definitely rushing to hit August 4th for whatever reason. They should have just delayed the patch by a month at the very least for extra time to polish balance.

yeah, whats happening at the "balancing" side makes me kinda worried for 3.0. the team has given themselfes more to do than they can. not that balancing was good at any point, but this looks horrible (still taking ur numbers like the energy shield thing where most players have 20k+ ES?).
You might have overnerfed frenzy charges for casters would be one of my concerns, especially when you consider trappers and that new unique chest you guys showed off. From what I've seen, you anticipated this by massively buffing Ice Bite...eh. I do understand wanting to separate and focus power versus frenzy charges.

A second concern is the general principle of shock and chill scaling off of how big a hit you do. Just scrap it (freeze might have to be an exception). Make the effects always the max effect and duration, let crits have a % chance to inflict stats in the 33-50% range, and make investing in the pitiful 5% chance to <status> in the tree more meaningful that way.

Overall my sentiments are mostly summarized by the guy on the first page.

Please don't change the game for reddit. Selling some threshold jewels is awesome. Nerfing crit and flasks is good. Breaking double dipping is long overdue.
jingbandit wrote:
I have total faith in your balancing. The charges were broken and keeping them the way they are, would be giving in to a loud minority, that doesn't have the perspective to see what the game needs.

Personally i feel like the 4% more spell dmg might still be to much, since we get dmg where there was none before. And we usually have enough dmg. But i am open to see how that plays out.

wtf are you talking about nobody gave a shit about it.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Jul 30, 2017, 5:44:32 PM
"The minimum requirement to join our QA team is 1000 hours of PoE experience, and we still turn people with that prerequisite away if they're not good enough at the game"
I have 4.6k hours in that game. Is possible join in testings beta and feedback for accurrate one better performance?
I'm brasilian and i want help the GrindinGearGames in any form and give my gratitude.

In moment im streamer amateur for help new players about the mechanics in the PoE.
Nerf on the Power and Frenzy Charges will make the game less diversify.
Not good for the game.
i have only one question to posters...
do you ever tired of talking for everyone ? when you post,there is NO "WE",there is only YOU.
stick to it.
Last edited by Nibelton#3140 on Jul 30, 2017, 8:37:32 PM
Assassin nerf. It needed to be done. Why on earth the crit node was that powerful to begin with is beyond me. The same goes for the 100% more damage on poison/bleed. Just wow.

Frenzy charge change, I'd like to know why generic 4% more damage was added to it in the first place. 4% attack/cast speed as originally implemented was good in my opinion. 4% more damage just made Frenzy charges over the top. At any rate, changing the 4% more damage to attack only, I don't like. If you are going to do 4% more for attack only, I'd rather you just remove the 4% more damage altogether and return Frenzy to 4% attack/cast speed. Or even change the 4% more damage into something else, like 4% totem/trap/mine placement speed per charge. That way, no matter the build something about the charge applies.

Power charge change. Reducing the crit chance, fine. 4% more spell damage per power charge to compensate for the reduced crit chance, don't like it just applying to spells. If you are going to do 4% more damage, make it generic so that spells, attacks, traps, mines, everyone benefits.

All the charge types have always applied to all builds fairly. Let's keep it that way. Not make it so thees charges are for these builds. These other charges for these other builds.

Besides, do as I suggest, you don't have to go through all the existing uniques and change all the ones that wouldn't make sense... ala the one you just showcased.

My 2 cents.
I hate grand spectrum max of 3 ;(
Also I was planning a 15 jewel build on that back to the drawing booard I guess
Galtrovan wrote:
Assassin nerf. It needed to be done. Why on earth the crit node was that powerful to begin with is beyond me. The same goes for the 100% more damage on poison/bleed. Just wow.

Frenzy charge change, I'd like to know why generic 4% more damage was added to it in the first place. 4% attack/cast speed as originally implemented was good in my opinion. 4% more damage just made Frenzy charges over the top. At any rate, changing the 4% more damage to attack only, I don't like. If you are going to do 4% more for attack only, I'd rather you just remove the 4% more damage altogether and return Frenzy to 4% attack/cast speed. Or even change the 4% more damage into something else, like 4% totem/trap/mine placement speed per charge. That way, no matter the build something about the charge applies.

Power charge change. Reducing the crit chance, fine. 4% more spell damage per power charge to compensate for the reduced crit chance, don't like it just applying to spells. If you are going to do 4% more damage, make it generic so that spells, attacks, traps, mines, everyone benefits.

All the charge types have always applied to all builds fairly. Let's keep it that way. Not make it so thees charges are for these builds. These other charges for these other builds.

Besides, do as I suggest, you don't have to go through all the existing uniques and change all the ones that wouldn't make sense... ala the one you just showcased.

My 2 cents.

Assassin's identity was that it could crit cap with weird ass weapons without having to use a diamond flask. Other classes had to use a flask slot to get close to that crit cap; Assassin didn't. Nerfing it's identity in poison like four times in a row and crit just makes the class incredibly weak, especially considering the class is a pure offensive class with no defensive capabilities unlike the other classes.
Last edited by aSfSteve#6611 on Jul 30, 2017, 11:55:26 PM

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