Balance Changes to Chill, Shock, and Charges

Tenzonian wrote:
No vendor really really REALLY kills my hype for SSF this league.... please reconsider

They DID indicate they plan on having all threshold jewels available through quests, so SSF won't be left to dry like that.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Good, charges stays the way they are with a slight reducement of power charges critical strike,which is fine. I personally dislike the all idea of chaning the charges and I dont understand why casters builds shoudnt benefit from the frenzy charges in their full power as they do now and that was one of the changes planned on the first place.
One of the things that make Path of Exile so unique and desirable game is the builds variety and after each legue , after each big patch and big balances more and more builds "bites the dust"and become forgotten and unplayable. Who plays nowdays Detonate Death or Incinerate for example and why no one play them? Because of all the "balances" being done to them. The builds variety was the main reason I started PoE years ago and I dont want to see on twitch and amongs my friends in game everyone playing Sunder , Frost Blades,Cyclone and 1-2 caster builds.
Last edited by Hardliner78#7191 on Aug 1, 2017, 11:49:54 PM
I think the biggest problem with charges is that you get 3 of each for free without any investment. This makes it that you just have to put on blood rage to get basically a free 3 frenzy charges or put on powercharge on crit on orb of storms to get 3 power charges for free without investment in the skilltree.

Just make more charges available on the skilltree, but remove base charges altogether. Or maybe let every class start with two base charges (marauder with 2 endurance charges, templar with 1 endurance and 1 power charge, witch with 2 power charges, shadow with 1 power and 1 frenzy charge, ranger with 2 frenzy charges and duelist with 1 frenzy and 1 endurance charge). Maybe adding one or two quest which gives you charges or skillpoint(s) is also an option.

Make charges available on sides on the skilltree, you dont normally see them that often, adding a power charge to the disembowling node comes to mind for instance.

Nerving the charges themselves is a mistake I feel, nobody is going to invest into charge nodes in the skilltree this way. spending two nodes for an extra power charge was already questionable, unless you were playing an assassin for instance.
The problem with limiting power charges to only benefiting spells is that it makes it useless for dagger,claw, wand, and staff builds. Critical strikes is one of the big reasons why any of those weapons were ever used in the first place.

Overall I think the change to only working frenzy charges with attacks and power charges with spell would be nice, but the more int-based weapons makes it a problem. Conversely, I don't see the switch with frenzy charges to be a problem, because spells haven't really required frenzy charges for builds, nor are frenzy charges particularly close to many spell/caster passives.

I'm not sure how to resolve the conflict. It's a core foundation that the game has always been build upon. I suppose one could just buff the base critical strike chance of those weapons back again and leave it at that, but not being able to use the main charge in that passive area might still make it too weak or undesirable to players.
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Last edited by Xapti#6455 on Aug 2, 2017, 1:47:53 AM
Frenzy charges are really good for any build. Power charges are only good for crit. Endurance charges are ok but there are many of ways to mitigate phys damage so they get left alone a lot.

If frenzy charges are going to give more damage and attack/cast speed (which greatly benefits every build) then the other charges need to offer more. Splitting the charges up into specific roles hurts build diversity, but if the other charges had more to offer it wouldn't be an issue and if we didn't get 3 of each for free then maybe it wouldn't be too powerful.
I liked the changes to charges as they were. Its a shame you'll revert changes so quickly. Especially since the majority of people posting against the changes would just be jumping on the band wagon of whatever streamer had that opinion.

It's inevitable that a change to anything will not be liked by some part of the community. You should have more faith in your balance team to approach things objectively and make adjustments accordingly.
ApocNizmith wrote:
For the love of god stop changing everything you can in the name of balance. POE is video game equivalent of cat mario as is. There is no balance, you follow a meta build and face-roll everything then 2 months later GGG changes the skill tree, add more items to the drop tables further screwing up RNG, and forces you to no life it to get decent gear again.

DECIDE ON 1 SKILL TREE! THEN STOP CHANGING EVERYTHING EVERY CHANCE YOU GET! It's annoying, I want to stop playing for 3 months come back and find my character exactly the way I left it. All the gear I had still be good. Tired of wasting my time having to reroll a character every damned 3 months.


It's getting old and tiresome of constantly having to redo a character. I'm down to 1 viable build now that, at least for now, won't be too badly affected by the path of nerfing noobs.

Soon as I heard about the power charge nerf, I was like, oh yeah, their goes my frost blades build now. lmao

I just switched it over to life, and it's squishy as hell. With 4.8k life, it's just not enough to be end game boss worthy. Oh sure, I could squeeze maybe 700-800 more life into it, but I end up losing much needed damage. And with crit on attack being dismantled, it will be crushed once and for all.

With skills like frost blades, there has to be a lot of investment into the damage in order to even put a dent in single target bosses.

Oh well, screw this game, I'm getting fed up.
I'm happy you listened to player feedback. You're awesome GGG <3
where is that treshold jewel quest? in act5 the NPC just offered me 3 jewels
Oh nice when i finally get excited about some freaking threshold jewel like split arrow they decide to not release it.. what's the big deal about that jewel
IGN gubert

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