im curious about the maim support gem effect of "Enemies maimed by support skills take % increased physical damage"
im just wanting to confirm that this is a global debuff, which will apply to other skills and not just the support skill. as in, its applied with support skill, say your totem, then the target will take increased physical damage from all sources? im pretty certain this is how it works, but path of building does not calculate this. |
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" Enemies maimed by a skill linked with the Maim support will take increased physical damage from all sources. This includes other skills, spells, even entities other than you such as your minions or other players. Enemies maimed in another way that is not the Maim support (for example, the Tombfist gloves) will not take any increased damage, even from skills which are linked with Maim. Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Aug 8, 2018, 10:27:37 PM
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thats exactly what i figured, so pob just gets it wrong, or doesn't know how to incorporate its calculation or something.
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" Path of Building only has a single checkbox "Is the enemy Maimed". It does not distinguish where the maim is coming from. If you have any attack skill linked with Maim, and tick the box, PoB will assume that this is the source of maiming, and adjust your damage numbers appropriately. This should result in accurate results in most common situations - what exactly are you trying to do, and what are you (not) seeing? Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Aug 9, 2018, 12:27:06 AM
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Can we get some feedback on priority or stacking of Maim?
I am using a minion build and would like to use Vulnerability, however, if my non maim linked minion's cause a maim to occur this means i basically lose 14% damage for all my minions from just using the curse? Is that correct? Or is there a system that favors the maim gem's debuff? |
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Working with Raise Spectre, Summon Phantasm Support, and Maim Support, and we've run into questions:
Raise Spectre is linkable to Maim Support, because some Spectres are able to maim with attacks; since the "Supported Skills deal 30% more Physical Damage" isn't worded as attack-based, does it apply to physical spells that Spectres (and Phantasms) use? i.e. Lithomancers and Phantasms use a physical projectile spell, and have the tooltip line "Minions deal % more Physical Damage", due to the support linking, even if neither minion can Maim on Hit (they do not use attacks). The wording appears to be very specific about "Attacks have % chance to Maim on Hit" versus "Supported Skills deal % more Physical Damage" (note the lack of "Melee"/"Attack" in that statement) Edit: :Removed numbers so as not to trip-up on a yes/no question :wording :I have 100% physical damage conversion, so I'm not worried about applying the "Enemies Maimed by supported attacks take % increased Physical Damage" - it doesn't apply to any of my minions, but if the More Physical Damage does, it's a nice red support for my spellcasters. :Full Build :: Spectre-Phantasm-MiniDamage-ControlledDestruction-Empower-Maim Zombie-Skeleton-WitheringTouch-Deathmark-MiniDamage Cluster-Jewel with Skeletal Atrophy. 4-White Triad Grips, Elder Helm with +2 Minion Gems/lv18 MiniDamage, Delve Chest with +1 maximum Raised Spectres Edit2: :General consensus says that since my minions do not use attacks, their spells are not acually supported by Maim Support. Since there's literally no-other case where a "Supported Skill" is not an attack, the damage modifier on Maim Support needs to read "Supported Attacks deal % More Physical Damage" or "Supported Skills deal % More Physical Attack Damage" Last edited by atoichi#7378 on Apr 24, 2020, 2:33:04 PM
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Havent found the answer to this yet;
If i link raise zombie with maim... and the zombie maims a skeletons AND zombies should be doing MORE phys damage to said boss. However; If i have a vulnerability spectre cursing boss as well, now "all" my minions are "maiming" from vulnerability.... Which "source" of maim stays on the boss? In other words, does the MORE phys damage from the zombie maim stay? instead of getting overwritten by millions of skeletons applying generic "maim" from vulnerability???
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So scenario:
1. Raise Zombie linked with Summon Phantasm Support. 2. Summon Skeletons linked with Maim Support. 3. Bane linked with Vulnerability. a) Cast Bane on mob to curse it with Vulnerability. b) Zombies goes up and smacks a monster and summons a Phantasm and procs Maim due to Vulnerability. c) Skeletons goes up and smacks said monster 1 second later and procs Maim due to Maim Support. d) Zombies goes up and smacks said monster 1 second later and procs Maim due to Vulnerability. e) Phantasm uses it's spell on said monster 1 second later. Summon Phantasm Support states: "...summon a Phantasm minion, which uses a piercing projectile spell that deals physical damage." In the above scenario will the monster "take (10-14)% increased Physical Damage" from the Phantasm's spell.? Maim Support states: "Supported Attacks have 30% chance to Maim on Hit" How does this interact with Vulnerability's "Attack Hits have 20% chance to Maim Cursed Enemies for 4 seconds"? What happens if both proc? Maim Support states: "Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take (10-14)% increased Physical Damage" For how long? Does it stack (assuming no, but text doesn't indicate that)? Can it be overridden/replaced/refreshed by other (or same) sources of Maim? How long duration (and which type of Maim) is left on the Maim debuff on the said monster in the above scenario and will it change with time? Last edited by Isobel#6615 on Jul 7, 2020, 8:15:09 AM
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Last edited by Sedes_Cruentes#2336 on Jul 26, 2021, 5:22:56 PM
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indeed .... we need answers
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