[3.1][HC] Scorching RF Inquisitor - cheap starter build - ZiggyD

Nice guide but I have only 1 issue, how do I get enough dexterity to use Atziri's Splendour?
Hey, thinking about this builds on a new league.
Will this build upgraded for a new league?
30% of the damage gets removed from mana before life.
This means if your unreserved mana is 42.8% of your lifepool or lower it's safe to say 1 mana equals 1 hp.

I'm bad at maths. Can someone explain how the 42.8% number is calculated?
shorlin wrote:
30% of the damage gets removed from mana before life.
This means if your unreserved mana is 42.8% of your lifepool or lower it's safe to say 1 mana equals 1 hp.

I'm bad at maths. Can someone explain how the 42.8% number is calculated?

Here: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Mind_Over_Matter , under "Derivation of the mana/life ratio".
ermakzoj wrote:
Hey, thinking about this builds on a new league.
Will this build upgraded for a new league?

Was wandering the same...
Hi guys, I was playing this build in Habringer and just turned to this RF in Abbys (I was playing till A10 with scorching ray, was quite ok).

So in Abbys I've got poor gear right now, 4L, 4k hp, 1,9k mana. I had some issues with mana degen, so I've added few points into additional mana regen. I've just started low tier maps with RF on, it is going fine. Still a lot to improve, mana regen is still low and I feel like I need way more hp/armor.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
so finding it super difficult at the moment, i think the changes to MoM and phoenix have definitely hurt the mana regen of this build- ive got 2 pretty decent rings plus shapers seed and yet when activating RF it burns away my mana and leaving me just running around like a headly chook....
Trying this build on 3.1 and so far is not going well, only got to around 50 but so far but i seem to spend more time running away or dying than actually doing anything useful at all. Going to try and push to RF but so far i'm not sure i will keep going with this character. Can anyone that got that far tell how hard the MoM nerf hit it?
Last edited by SaintLucifer#5963 on Dec 10, 2017, 9:54:28 PM
Doing up to T10 maps easy now (don't have higher ones yet), SC, 5.6k hp, 2.3k mana with additional mana regen points and Allira. It is insanely hard to get mana regen on + for me now. Each level, more hp, more mana regen issues. I was thinking about droping MoM and going pure life RF -_-
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs#6176 on Dec 11, 2017, 4:32:51 AM
Currently level 78, doing tier 1-5 maps for just leveling, starting to get quite tanky, haven't felt overly squishy so far, when leveling i turned of RF on hard bosses. Focused on getting flat mana on gear, so im not degening neither life nor mana atm. Still got life nodes to pick, and even so i'm at 5300hp, with pretty crappy gear :)

All in all, very happy with it as a league starter, my plan is to go over to LL when i get some more currency :)

Edit: forgot, i'm thinking of removing MoM aswell, hard to see it being worth it atm.
Last edited by Sprutfarbrorn#0135 on Dec 11, 2017, 6:08:10 AM

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