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[3.2] That Doomfletch Life | 3.1 VIDEO GUIDE UP! Tree/PoB | All Content | Reviews

more then 10% if u count flask effectivness its more arouond 12%
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
Its ok if i have 21 fire/cold 81 lightning for the wise oak?
rel4us wrote:
sielma wrote:
Heretic22 wrote:
Can someone take a look of my equipment? I am lacking of DPS. Only 1,2m vs Shaper

With litle changes u can get 1,5m vs shaper. You need to add power charge generator (orb of storm - pcoc-inc crit-faster casting) and try get enchament on your boots 10% elemental penetration from uber lab or cheaper option is 8% pene from merc lab. You also have 2 unused pasive point near "blood drinker" node. You can add this points for one more jewel. For jewel look for Life; global crit multi; projectile dmg. On next lvl You can take projectile dmg node near ranger start and in next respec it for another jewel. With this changes You should have around 1,55m dmg vs shaper.

Passives to respec

I don't feel that the power charges worth it too much....

not 5 links anyhow.

If you want power charges vs things that matter, use this set up:

CWDT + Immortal call + Ice spear + PCoC

Is your CWDT leveld or leave it at 1?


This is my gear currently. Wise oak is balanced Hp sits at 5.6k with lvl 88. I can still get 2 more jewels and another 5% lifenode so i should be hitting 6.2ish

What do you feel is the most lacking on my gear except another 6L and drillneck. I feel like i could use some accuracy on gear.

I have some difficulty with fast bosses and those that blink maybe because i havent played barrage at all the last 88 levels(recently bought 6L)
ign : EEMadness
Last edited by Volkarrr#5371 on Aug 29, 2017, 2:12:04 PM
Would anyone mind taking a look at my gear (in profile) and making suggestions on what I should improve next?
Currently resists are all balanced.
Update. I finally killed Shaper. Deathless. Never had a build that could reach Shaper and I usually stopped playing so clearing Shaper finally felt great. However it was a very underwhelming fight. A lot easier than I hoped for.

I had no trouble with phoenix, hydra. Minotaur gave me a bit of trouble but once I figured out his pattern he's easy. Chimera is probably the roughest one.

As for my gear, I bought all of it and it took a lot of farming. Roughly took 2 weeks. Still lacking 6L on my TS bow, barrage/TS enchants, and dmg pen on boots. Also lookin to get better steel rings and need better jewels. There's also a few things I can min/max but for now it gets the work done.

First 3 are for balancing oak. Probably gonna need to find a better solution.

Thanks to Ahfack for this build to allow me to actually "beat" the game. Will most likely farm shaper and uber lab to get my enchants. Maybe hit 100?
Last edited by Jellybee85#1743 on Aug 29, 2017, 2:55:11 PM
both of u medoosa n jellybee nice 0 or next to 0accuracy accross all the gear.

I know ur current dmg is enough to kill shaper n friends......

But if u want to improve pls again for the 43280917645312984 time ACC is VERY important ur accurracy is rolled twice on crit so u need a high chance to hit try to get around 88-90%. Not only that this will improve ur dmg but it will also help u getting more consistent leech.
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
Last edited by philophil#2404 on Aug 29, 2017, 2:51:37 PM
philophil wrote:
both of u medoosa n jellybee nice 0 or next to 0accuracy accross all the gear.

I know ur current dmg is enough to kill shaper n friends......

But if u want to improve pls again for the 43280917645312984 time ACC is VERY important ur accurracy is rolled twice on crit so u need a high chance to hit try to get around 88-90%. Not only that this will improve ur dmg but it will also help u getting more consistent leech.

My hit% is 91%. I haven't really had issues but sure, I can accept that I could use more. What should I be aiming for?
if ur at 91% then its perfect just make sure to be higher then 88%
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
Yitan wrote:
Its ok if i have 21 fire/cold 81 lightning for the wise oak?

Its exactly 60 res difference as stated in guide so why would it be not ok?

If u have Dying Sun and Taste of Hate ur resist gonna be perfectly balanced.
just advice if u are new and looking to play that build,

is insane expensive if u wanna scale damage like 3.5-4m,and atleast a decent damage is not cheap easy 50ex + so if u are poor dont do that.

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