Second Hotfix for 3.0.0b

Make more options to reduce resources client eats.
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please fix the harbinger buff bug
i posted here
You guys are losing a lot of the new players community cause of those crashes, my friends can't even play the game anymore.

The 3.0 is a good expansion, but there are already reddit posts and review about those 3.0 crashes that are making the game not a success at all.

Me and a lot of my friends left diablo 3 to play that game, but doesn't make sense create a good ass game like POE, if the game keep crashing, the game should be still in BETA.

That 3.0 was a success in the first 2 days, THEN, you made a patch fix that made people crash even more

Nerd900 wrote:

That 3.0 was a success in the first 2 days, THEN, you made a patch fix that made people crash even more

yep that's my experience

returned to POE after several months (pre-ascendency), finished act 10 and had a great time all around with the expansion, recommended to numerous people, and since 3.0.0b i've crashed out and disconnected (sometimes when switching zones but sometimes just randomly) so many times it's pretty much unplayable, and my noob friends can't progress into it at all and are back to D3

after the servers finally stopped tantrumming last friday it was great, then 3.0.0b, now so much d/c and crashing i've called "fuck it, i'm done" two nights in a row. :/ if it's so frustrating i'm not willing to deal with it, i can't imagine why a new player would.
Please fix Soul of Arakaali bug too.
3rd hotfix patch notes???
Computer specifications:
Windows 10 Pro x64 | AMD Ryzen 5800X3D | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | 16GB 3600MHz RAM | MSI Geforce 1070Ti Gamer | Corsair AX 760watt PSU | Samsung 860 Pro 512GB SSD & WD Black FZEX HDD
Nicholas_Steel wrote:
3rd hotfix patch notes???

This please.

I've been playing the game every day, but last night another patch came in and I have no idea what it contained.
I was wondering the same. I noticed a very small patch when starting today. When I tried logging in it timed me out the first time. I was hopeful when I was able to enter Oriath Square on the first try, but the next zone which I had not been to yet crashed me. Right now I'm stuck with doing everything but progressing the story in Act 5.
Atypical wrote:
Nerd900 wrote:

That 3.0 was a success in the first 2 days, THEN, you made a patch fix that made people crash even more

yep that's my experience

returned to POE after several months (pre-ascendency), finished act 10 and had a great time all around with the expansion, recommended to numerous people, and since 3.0.0b i've crashed out and disconnected (sometimes when switching zones but sometimes just randomly) so many times it's pretty much unplayable, and my noob friends can't progress into it at all and are back to D3

after the servers finally stopped tantrumming last friday it was great, then 3.0.0b, now so much d/c and crashing i've called "fuck it, i'm done" two nights in a row. :/ if it's so frustrating i'm not willing to deal with it, i can't imagine why a new player would.

I left POE with my friends today too, going back to D3 or League, at least i can play with my friends there.

For some people, the most important thing is playing with friends and path of exile has a shitty performance in group, crashes after crashes. We will give a try again in the next weeks if we see an improvement about the crashes.

TreeOfDead wrote:
Make more options to reduce resources client eats.

that might help too, the "potato community" is part of a huge numbers, cause they came from league of legends or hearthstone for example, where u didn't need a crazy ass pc to run your game.

So, might be smart by the ggg, introducing another option to reduce resoruces and maybe that would not make people crash.

Ofc , we all already tried those low settings ecc ecc, doesn't matter

Last edited by Nerd900#1344 on Aug 10, 2017, 4:05:32 PM

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