The Dried Lake music makes me wanna farm that area for hours. It is exceptional. Well done.
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Is there a way to use the Highgate music in my hideout(or other areas for that matter)?
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Have you guys considered implementing some kind of shortcut for muting music?
I had never felt compelled to mute music in PoE until Highgate; the vocals there really bother me for some reason. I have begun muting music solely to avoid hearing the vocals in Highgate, but I want to hear the music everywhere else. However, it is rather tedious to open up the options and mute/unmute music for every transition into and out of Highgate. I am finding myself missing out on music I do like because I am not willing to manually mute/unmute per Highgate transition; it is easier to just mute music and move on. Previously, I was turning my output device volume off when in Highgate, and I guess that this is still a viable option, but then I miss out on all sounds. Please, if you have not already done so, consider a quick mute/unmute music feature! Thank you for any consideration. TY to those who called me out on my BS on these forums. There is no benefit to being so selfish as to fail to acknowledge others' differing beliefs of what "should be" or believe your own opinions so supreme as to be factual and thus dismiss others' opinions as being somehow a lie or delusional.
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This is more of an observation, but I noticed that turning music off creates an absolutely brutal atmosphere. Hearing the ambiance of the environment coupled with the sounds of bones rattling and bodies being crushed is absolutely exhilarating.
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" Sorta related, but I think the quest complete fanfares are overdone in most of the game. They fit really well in the act 4 quests, but the ones that were added later to the rest of the game really kick me out of the mood. When there's a small something happening like the barrier into the mines disappearing, yeah it's okay to have a fanfare. When you put the 3 glyphs in the mud flats and the water clears out, do we really need an additional "YOU DID IT" fanfare? I thought the water sound effect on this one was perfect. Same with the gong when you kill Hillock. It's not a major thing, just something that bugs me. |
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Is there a way to get a complete soundtrack? With grandmaster map music (aka master mission music) as well as corrupted area music?
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Love the music in the game.
The other day I was playing and kind of idly clearing a zone and holding down my attack button and was getting a little bored.. then I realized I had turned off sound while doing something else and forgotten to turn it back on! Turned on the sound and music again and I was immediately re-immersed in the world and got sucked right back in. Not even remotely bored anymore. |
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I'd like to be able to download the new version of The CRYPT music as a supporter.
Can you upload it please? :- ) Here since Closed Beta. Never found a Mirror. Still love PoE. :- )
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Does anyone have already listened the new Ascendancy's soundtracks? Especialy "Izaro's Labyrinth Interior"? Have you noticed its venerable source of inspiration for the whole track? (especially at 3:36 and 5:19)
Diablo is back ! ;-)
PS : sorry for my english... ^^" |
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Thanks for the awesome music guys!
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