I tested that i will never get to full life while using blood rage with endless hunger except when i don't use it.
If you can outregen Blood Rage's degen (which you always can while mapping because of the huge leech Slayers have) you are always at full life. If you are like 10 hp short from full life with Blood Rage on it's a sort of visual bug and the Damage on Full Life bonus still works.
Damage on Full life is incredibly powerful for Cyclone because it has a huge damage multiplier and if you use Maim in the Ancestral Warchief setup you still have the Maim debuff on high hp targets / bosses without any need to use that support in the Cyclone setup.
Problem is BM-Cyclone.
If you take a look at character tab when you already have endless hunger leech, your damage still drop cause Cyclone's life cost then up again like crazy when in Bossfight.
DoFL is not ALWAYS active in this case.
So i prefer not to use DoFL with BM nodes.
You have The Retch and Death's Oath which deals chaos damage, but you also have Brutality which makes that supported skills deal no chaos damage.
Is this combination working?
Hey guys, forgive my ignorance, but how exactly are we applying bleed? I dont see anything directly inflicting bleed besides the 15% chance from Razors Edge... Is that all we are relying on?
What would be better for the time being, a 6 link deaths oath and a belt of the deceiver or a 5 link deaths oath and a the retch? I have 20/20 gems and a 6l oath but was thinking about trading it for a retch. I do t15 maps for farm and I want to do shaper
How much tool tip dps are you guys gettting on your cyclone increase aoe and conc effect in hideout? I feel like I am missing something
Lv91, ~900c in gear, 5link, lv18 gems, trash jewels, 90k tooltop with inc aoe and 137k with conc in hideout, no buffs.
Saving for 6l, still so much to upgrade.
What the hell, I have 6 link starforge and 20 quality gems lvl 17 and I have 73k with 20/20 increase aoe...
Ah, my bad, it's because I use Damage on Full Life. Crazy multiplier. With the suggested 5l (Cyclone - Melee Phys - Brutality - Inc/Conc - Ruthless) I have 61k/93k. 20 quality gems as well. Taking Ruthless away only drops the tooltip by 1k haha, so it'd be 92k tooltip for 4l. Which is why tooltips are bs. With 6l without DoFL, I'd have 82k with inc aoe.
zymyth wrote:
What would be better for the time being, a 6 link deaths oath and a belt of the deceiver or a 5 link deaths oath and a the retch? I have 20/20 gems and a 6l oath but was thinking about trading it for a retch. I do t15 maps for farm and I want to do shaper
As discussed earlier in the threat, Deceiver is more dps than Retch, while Retch has movespeed and flask duration. So Deceiver for bosses, Retch for mapping. Retch is sort of a mapping luxury mini-Headhunter. Since they are more or less comparable, I'd go for 6l.
Last edited by Clerith#0368 on Sep 12, 2017, 3:05:29 AM