[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Can I ask why do we use power charges altough we can't crit?
Last edited by Tomusokeri on Jun 3, 2018, 12:06:38 PM
Tomusokeri wrote:
Can I ask why do we use power charges altough we can't crit?

Read the guide please.. RTs only used for lvling and only if u don't have claw with hits can't be evaded mod or lyco shield.

Also Oos used not only for p'charges.. It's also used to proc first ascendancy ( forgot it's nane)
I tried this build as my starter for Incursion League, and I feel bad, cause either Im bad enough to fail to play a written guide, or I just failed to pick a starter that suits me as in the last 3 leagues.

I cant get to kill 3rd Lab, Izaro one shots me if he manages to get a hit, even with the cwdt setup.

I (rarely) go out of mana and gets insta-killed cause of the lack of leech.

I bought a belly way to early and now am too poor to even own a 5 link.

I do poor damages on bosses.

And I struggle with incursions and the temple (either I dont do enough damage to clean, either I get killed through my leech).

Anyway, thanks for the effort you did put into this guide. I guess Im not suited for it at all :(
soooo, what can i do when im starting game and dont have any of those items that are listed there? i mean, i would read all the 430+ pages but you know.. :x
PreacherCD wrote:
soooo, what can i do when im starting game and dont have any of those items that are listed there? i mean, i would read all the 430+ pages but you know.. :x

The same as the rest of us starting fresh every new league. What do you mean?
Last edited by kompaniet on Jun 3, 2018, 6:27:08 PM
ah, sorry, i was not specific what i ment is what links i should get first or like how first i should go on a skill tree, im really not sure about all that and reading all those different color links makes me confused :x
PreacherCD wrote:
ah, sorry, i was not specific what i ment is what links i should get first or like how first i should go on a skill tree, im really not sure about all that and reading all those different color links makes me confused :x

Leveling tree are listed in guide and for gears.. Ussualy for lvling u want anything u find with hp resists and as much dps as u can get. I personally try to buy 2-5 item max while leveling and save up all your orbs. Imean don't waste fuses, chaos on gear that u will dump after 10lvl.

And gear from drops ussualy can carry till maps with no problems. Esp with this build. Mu suggestion would be get 2x wildfire jewels asap and then at l 46 get ornament of the east claw. And ur good to go.
i have to say.. either this build is bad for incruson since its not so fast clear time and im missing out big time on temple :D or i am so bad at the game :x i cant figure it out.. i think i do enough dmg but i cant kill fast enough with so small aoe to get enough time
I only have 22% crit chance and I don't know why. Did I forget to skill something because it seems a bit low. I also looked at his PoB but I just can't find it. Someone please help.

Profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Proteusius/characters
PoB: https://pastebin.com/vSjg4h8S
Last edited by Proteusius on Jun 4, 2018, 2:15:48 PM
I'm having the same issue with my damage output. Luckily my BF is going explosive trap and I can tank while he kills bosses but the damage output is low. Also I'm confused why we go for Resolute, but also stack crit? I will say, I have 2x as much hp as my bf with this build which is nice, I just am totally missing out on damage. May need to add an aura or something? We are level 21 I believe.

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