[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

Just one beginners hint just go with arc totem after lvl 12 and youre completely fine, stay there, if you like it, its almost as good as GC or turn to GC.
This is the 2nd time I've gone GC Totems for my league starter and no doubt is this the fastest one by far, which it seems like most people here agree with on some level.

However I'm also a pretty new player, starting day 1 of Beastiary was the start of my sobriety from Diablo3. Not that long ago but I've managed to get 20+ builds over 80 without playing much after the first month of each season.

I mention that because the big question here, aside from swapping primary gems, is "Do I have to use Soul Mantel" and the short answer YES, even though Caracass Jack will do for early-late game. My assumption is that if you are complaining about Soul Mantel's debuff mechanic it means you likely aren't really good with flasks and flask management. Something SO important if you want to see the whole game without being carried by friends.

I was trash at using and flask but life/mana until late last league and hated Soul with a passion, but after forcing myself to use it by going back and doing a few easy Blood runs and then mapping, it just becomes another quick press, muscle memory skill. Honestly you don't even need to manage your flasks if you can roll the right stats on. Personally I moved my mana to the "5" slot and bound it to M5 or "`" - the rebinds helped so much.

C. Jack will work if you really don't want to deal with the debuffs but the DPS is just nuts with Soul. Just get 1 or 2 flasks with double digit + charges and commit.

Edit: For those totem spammers out there you'll accidentally learn totem management as well.

My only complaint and perhaps it would make it OP but "totems dying" should mean totems getting killed by mobs only and save you from getting cursed by correct positioning, timing, etc so the if it despawns after the time limit you don't get cursed.
Last edited by ynsae#4051 on Dec 8, 2018, 6:31:10 AM
I loved the build in the Delve League. Just went with the build for Betrayal but I am really annoyed by the movement skill changes.

So what would you guys recommend? Previously I liked Whirling Blades but I am not sure if two daggers is ok/the way to go. I went with Dagger mainhand and scepter offhand in 3.4.

Thanks for your advice/help.
Use lightning warp on a 4 link/pseudo 4 link. That's all I've used for 2 leagues now on this build. I had whirling in my gear every time but only ever used it on uber elder to trigger fortify. I only use Kaoms on uber elder, everything else I run 30 or 35% MS boots and a double move speed mod flask.
I might have to make some adjustments to my "all around" build this league, but I only ran soul mantle/kikas/kaoms/most of the guide for uber elder.

And whats with people arguing with OP about this build. I adjusted the build to fit me, there is no right or wrong. Wanna try it? Try it. Does it works? Neat. Does it not? Try something else. "I wanna see numbers" bleh.

And Shrunn, You should be able to keep up a diamond flask running a whole map, with little to no down time. Either your dps is low, you're taking too long, your item filter is too low and you're picking up too much, I don't know, but that's not a thing.
Dumb question but... In the leveling guide you don't say at what level you switch to using GC?
I was thinking about that build some time.
How about on finish build use soul mantle +2x kukizaru + self-flagellation
which boost mod of "increased damage"
And use 4-socket item for 2 aura spells (hatred + maybe haste/anger) + reduced mana cost + multiple totem support (we need also a jewel which reduce mana cost of that totems by 60%). We won't summon 2 totems at once caouse aura skills got cd. So we will have 2 different aura totem and 4-5 GC totem.
Ofcourse aura totem we will need only for bosses caouse GC-totems clean mobs fast enough.
In that way new patch can be a buff for that build inestad nerf.

What do you think about it?
nzgrover wrote:
Dumb question but... In the leveling guide you don't say at what level you switch to using GC?

I switched to GC as soon as possible and had no problem at all. You get the gem midway act 3 and can almost immediately finish your first lab. With 3 totems the spread and the damage are already good enough to smash packs, even if you're not fully converted. But staying on another spell can get you just as fine through the acts as well.

Enjoying the build very much so far. Can't wait to see it taking on late game :)
Last edited by Monti_Jones#4875 on Dec 8, 2018, 6:34:20 PM
And Shrunn, You should be able to keep up a diamond flask running a whole map, with little to no down time. Either your dps is low, you're taking too long, your item filter is too low and you're picking up too much, I don't know, but that's not a thing.

Watch some videos of this build. Curses happen. So the flasks aren't up all the time. If you use the flask at the end of one pack, you may not have it for the next one. Certainly my experience.

Of course, that's not the whole problem. The fact that you have to use them at all, and life and possibly mana flasks in addition, is what makes soul mantle unappealing to me.

This was one of my most useful niche builds in the past, as I could kill essentially any boss while staying well away from it, and with almost no flask usage at all (with carcass jack), but having to use soul mantle ruins the whole deal for me. Anyway I'm dropping this build now for several I like better, so no reason to argue it further.

I can keep up my diamond flask (and all others) up though entire maps on a 4 link in betrayal right now. Sounds like a case of git gud. Heads up, other builds use flasks =/
Last edited by Diemian#3166 on Dec 8, 2018, 11:46:54 PM
I'm messing around with ideas and this build is appealing but... How SSF friendly it is? The uniques here are MANDATORY? or this build is still a beast to get, maybe not to endgame, but at least far into the atlas?

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