[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

The leveling section is up to date.

New YouTube video talking over changes to the guide.

Going live on stream soon as we countdown Bestiary League!

Hi thi3n,

For Hiero, do you think that substitute Orb of storm-Power charge on crit-Arcane Surge-Increase critical chance with Frost bomb-Frost bite-Increase Duration-Arcane Surge is better?
Yes, especially when you get Conviction of Power! Updating the Gem Links and Quick Reference, thanks for pointing this out.
As a hiero i´m thinking to go with maybe carcass jack, the loss of one totem is barely nothing and you dont have to worry with curses.
Has anyone here played DP totems and can compare? Really torn between the two.
Revol82 wrote:
As a hiero i´m thinking to go with maybe carcass jack, the loss of one totem is barely nothing and you dont have to worry with curses.

It isn't just the extra totem you lose, you lose the 7th link. Soul Mantle is a huge amount of damage, even for Hierophant. As I calculated on the previous page with my gear from last league soul mantle comes out to 56% more damage.

dperls wrote:
Has anyone here played DP totems and can compare? Really torn between the two.

I don't think DP really compares since 3.1 nerfed its AoE. GC totems have more boss damage, and with the DP AoE nerf DP doesn't even really make up for it with better clear speed. GC totems is pretty unambiguously better.

kooowi wrote:
So guyz for Hiero:

Spell Totem - Glacial Cascade - Physical to Lightning (change to Cold Pen?) - Increased Crit Strikes - Added Fire (Change for what? Maybe Hypothermia) - Increased Area of Effect/Concentrated Effect

And others gems ? Same like in guide ?

Probably AOE : Spell Totem - Glacial Cascade - Cold Penetration - ADDED COLD DAMAGE SUPPORT - Inc. Critical Strikes - Inc. Area of Affect - Faster Casting

Single : Spell Totem - Glacial Cascade - Cold Penetration - ADDED COLD DAMAGE SUPPORT - Inc. Critical Strikes - Cocncentrated Effect - Elemental Focus
thx for the update but i dont understand added fire, why? the support crit strikes gem give you more dps in PoB in theory, and in the tree you dont think its worth to pick power charges?
thx for the update but i dont understand added fire, why? the support crit strikes gem give you more dps in PoB in theory, and in the tree you dont think its worth to pick power charges?

There is still points left in the tree, i think you are supose to pick up power charges, but i guess he will have to answer that one for you
So Thi3n mentions a treshold jewel in is vid, says you might need 2 for Hiero , is he talking about the Long Winter Cobalt Jewel ?
Last edited by Jbem82#5905 on Mar 2, 2018, 1:35:53 PM
Hiero or inquis? Which is better!? Someone help me decided quickly please! :)
iHacks0377 wrote:
Hiero or inquis? Which is better!? Someone help me decided quickly please! :)

Hiero is better for most things you will be doing for some time at the start of a league, so it would be my recommendation. Then you can always respec into Inquis for lategame further down the line :)

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