[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
" You also can consider Lightning Golem Buff effect enchant. According to pob for me its just 500 dps less, but its also give you more attack speed for whirling blades. Imho its just better option. |
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" You only need one dagger for whirling blades. You can offhand a scepter. " The word "increased" in this game is code for additive. The word "more" is code for multiplicative. The only exception I can think of is that "enemies take increased damage" modifiers, while technically additive with each other, are multiplicative with player "increased damage," due to functioning as a debuff on the enemy, rather than a buff for the player. |
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I would prioritize a Watchers Eye with Hatred base crit chance. It is a giant boost compared to anything else. Even if the second/third bonus are 100% useless from other random Auras. I would only consider Clarity mods as a secondary bonus to the Hatred gives crit chance. Since I can't afford a double hatred yet, I chose one with crit chance hatred + damage gained as mana clarity combo. The damage gained as mana is by far the best clarity one for builds with MoM. It is a life saver when you take damage that sucks up all your mana. And as magicrectangle said, you only need 1 dagger for Whirling Blades ^.^ |
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Hey BuDiu,
Is the Crit chance really worth it with Hatred? I have upwards of 80-85% crit chance with my GC totems already so much so that it PoB actually suggests I replace the Increase Crit Chance Gem. I went with Cold Pen instead... Thoughts? Thanks! |
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" Trust me, it is INSANELY good. You should use both the Crit Hatred Watchers Eye AND the Increase Crit Gem. There are very few and rare sources of BASE crit for spells. This rare stat helps so much with scaling crit in general. Last edited by BuDiu#0138 on Mar 19, 2018, 2:32:23 PM
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The base crit mod, with a good roll, is almost as good as an inc crit gem, which is pretty nuts for a jewel. It also costs 10 ex minimum even with trash other mods.
Whether you should run both will depend on your other gear. You should sim it in PoB. PoB lets you rank gems by damage contribution, so it is incredibly easy to pick the right one (as long as you have the appropriate flags set, such as the "chilled" flag to turn on hypothermia). PoB doesn't automatically recognize the conflict between hypothermia and ele focus, but other than that its damage rankings can pretty much just be followed as listed. Make sure you have the target set as guardian/shaper, because that's where the damage really matters, and if you don't it will under-value cold pen. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Mar 19, 2018, 2:55:04 PM
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I'd also like to add that Cold Penn, loses value depending on how many "phys as extra ele" mods on gear you have.
If you have a dagger with 40% as fire and 40% as lighting A scepter with 40% as fire and 40% as lighting. A neck with 20% as fire and 20% as lightning. That is already 100% of phys as fire and lighting, And then you can factor phys as chaos, or phys as a random element (fire and lit sometimes). All that damage is not being helped AT ALL by a Cold Penn gem. Just adding an extra layer to the solid explanation that magicrectangle gave. A lot of things can depend on your existing gear, but crit chance will help you at all timesunless you're hard capped. I have something like 95% effective crit with my Diamond flask active, and I use both the jewel + gem. Last edited by BuDiu#0138 on Mar 19, 2018, 3:44:47 PM
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" Slight nitpick, you can't get phys as extra fire on a dagger. Just lightning and cold (and ele as chaos). Still, my damage is only 63% cold. " I have 91.6% crit with diamond flask, and for me crit chance is actually not one of the 5 best supports. However it is the 6th best support, and I run it anyway (instead of cold pen which is slightly numerically superior) because I want to be able to be 5b1g so I can swap hypothermia out for cold pen on 90% ailment avoidance maps, or +monster resistance maps. Another slight consideration is that inc crit is substantially better without flasks. You should have flasks up most of the time, but you don't always. I tend to favor optimizing flasks-up damage, but when there's a big difference between two gems without flasks, and only a small difference with flasks, it is a consideration. |
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" Good info on the dagger, I did not know! But yea alot of dmg still comes as non-cold once you get some dank weapons and neck etc. It is nice having that Crit gem for when you aren't using Diamond flask. You can have pretty good uptime on it, but I often find myself alternating between my Diamond and Silver flask for curse immunity. So I don't always have both active at once, specially at times where I need to be conservative with my flask charges in certain fights. On a side note, should I grow some balls and meta craft this dagger? |
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" Do you think it is a good enough? It only has the two prefixes, you usually want 3 good prefixes if you're going to prefix lock it. Personally I'm not even close to rich enough to think about that kind of crafting this league. =/ Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Mar 19, 2018, 4:42:06 PM
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