[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
" This is not true, but also doesn't matter. All 4 of the sockets in the base build have 40+ int in radius. If you took he 3 point ele damage socket at the top left as a 5th socket though, that one won't work. And again, the int doesn't need to be allocated, it just needs to exist on the tree. That's a change they made to threshold jewels several patches back. (2.6) |
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Thank you all for clearing this out.
I didn´t know about the INT not needing to be allocated. -That is what confused me. What would be expected damage for a build like this, without the godly gear that some of you have? I have about 35k in HO, without totems, Power Charges and so. Is this good or bad? If not, how can I chance this? I don´t feel like my damage is good enough for the endgame bosses, Guardians, Shaper and so. My profile is publc. Thanks in advance. | |
I'm really enjoying this build however this is just my 2nd character in PoE, my first being a Cyclone Slayer at the start of this league.
I know I'm messing up somewhere and I'm spending too much time in my inventory, checking out each items I pick up (with a relevant base). There is no doubt the whole phyiscal->cold/element part is totally fubar on my current set-up. Any tips? Doing T5 maps with a bit of care. I'm not very rich but I have some wealthy guildmates that can help. |
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@bedt - just some I saw, looks like you missing 3 passives, says you have 12 pints left but you should only have 9 (/passives helps). Unless you done something with the bandits.
Also, normally good to have inc area of effect for mapping or conc effect for bosses in the soul mantle. You have 2 greens though, so gimping damage a bit there Also, getting an offhand with "gain #% of physical as xxx damage" or "gain #% of elemental as chaos" along with spell crit will up your damage even more @ynsae - your mainhand is pretty average, try swap your offhand to main to keep whirling blades and get an offhand sceptre with some spell crit and "gain #% of physical as cold" or some other element. Also swap faster casting for controlled destruction, and try get a 5l to get the cold penetration gem in there. A tabula would be better than a 4l soul mantle imho. Cya Last edited by l33tsmurf#3173 on Mar 22, 2018, 7:01:21 AM
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" I just picked up a hatred cold pen and a 10% MoM clarity watchers eye combo. Havent ran with it yet but the bad news is i only had 2400 mana and clarity on reserve brings me to about 1800 because of the essence ring... With the clarity on reserve i can replace clear mind in my tree but do you think its even worth it since i only have 1800 mana pool? This does make my MoM at 50% though... |
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Thanks for the build! I'm playing this in Hardcore Bestiary and thought I might share my gear.
I think it's very fun to play because it's killing bosses very fast. It's a bit squishy though since I have almost no physical reduction, dodge or evasion but as long as I stay behind my totems it is usually safe. I'm currently level 93 with 6k hp, 2,5k mana and 1,2k ES. Is there anyone else here in HC (or SC as well) who might have any tips? |
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@juntar Just take Clarity lvl 1 and it will be absolutely worth it.
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Thanks for the reply above. I made some changes and messed around with Tuko's which was kind of fun but I was doing maps just slightly under my level.
I feel like as a new player I'm going to want to use a shield/dagger or scepter as my main load out. Looking at poe ninja it seems like quite a few 90+ people using this build are using Trolltimber. Is that BIS or a rare spirit shield? Seems like quite a few people here as posting various spirt shields. Now to my question. What is an ideal set-up for 75-80ish? As I mentioned I'm a new player, just started this league, and haven't made it past t7 maps yet. I'm on t5, 6 if I'm careful with this build. So I haven't even seen the Shaper and it sounds like a lot of this build revolves around items that drop from him. or one of them with.. Which should I run, or should I attempt both? Ignore my gloves, maybe boots, amy and shield. I was just messing around with Tuko's before leaving for work. If you see anywhere I can improve immediately let me know. I don't mind selling Tuko to fund this build cause I'm having a blast. tia! |
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Trolltimber as a swap for no-regen maps is a possible choice, but running it all the time isn't really worth the damage hit. We get pretty good life regen just from being a hierophant so sustain shouldn't be much of an issue.
Tukohama kills your whole mana pool, disabling your 40% mind over matter, that's a huge hit to survivability. In exchange it gives you 1 extra totem. 6 totems instead of 5, for a 20% damage bump. You get a bigger damage bump than that from a shaper weapon, without losing your mana pool. Speaking of which, shaper weapons don't just drop from shaper, they drop in any shaper influenced maps. Or from poe.trade, of course. You can get fairly decent ones for fairly cheap now, as the market has matured a bit. Selling that Tukohama's should pay for a pair of reasonable ones, and a 5-link soul mantle as well. Running a yellow shield is also a big damage drop compared to an offhand shaper weapon, though they can at least have some offensive stats. Our primary defense is life and mana pool. The ES from a shield isn't all that useful. Sure a shield can have life as well, and can make it easier to balance your resists, but the amount of damage that is available on a shaper weapon is just too good to pass up. The reason shaper weapons are so good for us is because we're using a skill that is base physical damage, being converted to elemental. As a base physical skill, it takes full advantage of "physical as extra cold/light/fire/random element" mods on shaper weapons. A single shaper weapon can offer 2, 3, even 4 times as much extra damage as you get from a hatred aura. For example, my (pretty medium, self rolled) offhand scepter: That's almost two hatred auras worth of "extra damage as" right there, or one and a half added fire supports. Then whatever other normal stats you happen to get on top of that (mostly crap in this case). The market value of something like that is in the ~1 exalt range, putting it in your reach if you sell Tukohama's. You'd like a dagger mainhand so you can use whirling blades, then the offhand can be either a dagger or a scepter. Usually scepters are a bit better bang-for-the-buck, but if you see a good dagger at a good price, it doesn't need to be a scepter. The highest priority stats are the "as extra" ones: Phys as extra cold (dagger) Phys as extra light (dagger, scepter) Phys as extra fire (scepter) Phys as extra random element (scepter) Elemental as extra chaos (dagger, scepter) Runners up are: Crit multiplier Elemental penetration (dagger, scepter) Cast speed (scepter, hybrid mod on dagger too) Spell crit chance (dagger, scepter) Spell damage (dagger, scepter) Elemental damage (scepter) The ele as extra chaos mod is less good at early gear levels, and better later. The reason being it is multiplicative with the damage you get from the "phys as extra" elemental mods (which are additive with each other). Since "phys as extra" comes with twice the value (max 40% vs 20%) you need several of them before the multiplicative nature of ele->chaos catches up. At your budget (once you sell tukohama) you should be looking for something with 35%+ phys as extra [whatever], and a good roll on one of the runner up mods, or two phys as extra mods, and crafting room (for crit multi or spell crit as a suffix, or spell damage as a prefix). |
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Here's a budget search, and two passable looking results:
![]() The scepter has suffix room for spell crit chance The dagger has suffix room for crit mult or spell crit chance (crit mult probably better, but as always check it with your gear in PoB) You can tweak the numbers up a bit if you are willing to spend more. Tweaking the "sum" up to ~60 on the phys as extra category will give you results in the ~2 ex range. Tweaking the "count" up on the runner up mods will give you results in the ~1 ex range. Make sure you pick results that have room to master craft something. You can also find budget items somebody else already master crafted by switching the "count" on secondary mods to 2 and flipping the "crafted" tag to "either." If you don't have high level masters this might be more convenient, but it also tends to cost a premium compared to putting your own master craft on. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Mar 22, 2018, 3:24:59 PM
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