[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

KingCaracticus wrote:

With the boots off my:
Increased AOE tooltip is 57.437
Concentrated Effect tooltip is 88.463

Crit = 56.65
Multi = 506

Boots on:
Crit = 64.93

Switched around my tree a bit to pick up some crit multi nodes instead of crit chance and picked up a triple crit multi jewel and I'm at 470 multi now myself with around 55k dps. Thanks for all the information! That really helped me optimize my build :)
i'm glad it worked out for you :D
Is there a pastebin for the build out there? Didnt see one on the front page, sick guide none the less
Last edited by KsTeP#3983 on Sep 20, 2017, 11:15:17 AM
KsTeP wrote:
Is there a pastebin for the build out there? Didnt see one on the front page, sick guide none the less

Worse comes to worst, just import characters straight from their profile if it's public.
Thanks forgot about that feature.

Can you or anyone answer why not just drop added fire gem to run controlled destruction the whole time instead? Or is the fire gem for conversion sake and it doesnt show its actual increase in PoB?
KsTeP wrote:
Thanks forgot about that feature.

Can you or anyone answer why not just drop added fire gem to run controlled destruction the whole time instead? Or is the fire gem for conversion sake and it doesnt show its actual increase in PoB?

I currently don't have a character running this build. Scoping things out.

That said, GC was changed in 3.0 to scale off phys damage, and it looks like this build is taking advantage of that fact. It's not used for conversion purposes, that's what phys-to-light gem is for. So added fire damage is likely more damage than controlled destruction if that's what's being advised.

I'm sure someone else will chime in too.
Ya i can see that, but controlled destruction is roughly 14k more dps, than the added fire, i must be missing something for them to want to run that.
KsTeP wrote:
Ya i can see that, but controlled destruction is roughly 14k more dps, than the added fire, i must be missing something for them to want to run that.

The dps probably varies from character to character. The downside of using controller destruction when mapping is that you won't freeze anything, so technically, it's more dangerous.
Here is my character at lv 93 4k8 hp, 2k4 mana, 950 mana unreserved.
DPS with current setup using Bisco is around 100k-120k depending on how many curses I have on me lol.
If going full damage with my dps amulet 10% cast speed 38% crit multi + ele focus + conc effect, dps can jump to 150k - 180k per totem, again depends on the number of curses on me :)

So in my opinions, the Kikazaru + Self-flag jewel is easier to gear for and also more lazier for mapping, you don't have to care much about curses anymore, pretty much can do any map mods, although still get ripped in insane 8 mods maps :(

The lightning golem enchant is much nicer than other enchants because it provides dps as well as faster shield charge for mapping.

Slowacki wrote:
KsTeP wrote:
Ya i can see that, but controlled destruction is roughly 14k more dps, than the added fire, i must be missing something for them to want to run that.

The dps probably varies from character to character. The downside of using controller destruction when mapping is that you won't freeze anything, so technically, it's more dangerous.

Why do you say that using Controlled destruction you will no longer freeze the mobs?

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