[3.5] Soul Mantle Dark Pact Totems - League Starter - All Content

Having some issues getting this build to scale into the super lategame.

I'm well supplied with resistances, got a 6-link soul mantle and an OK helm enchant (dark pact cast speed). Still, I was unable to do Uber Atziri or the T16 trio. haven't actually gotten around to guardians yet, but I feel they should be relatively easy considering my experiences with T15 bosses.

For that matter, has anyone done Uber Elder with this?

ed: i especially noted my totems were dying too quickly. Would it make sense to invest in some more totem life on the tree instead of taking some of the worse 4/5% life nodes?
Last edited by KoldPT on Mar 17, 2018, 6:45:45 AM
KoldPT wrote:

Having some issues getting this build to scale into the super lategame.

I'm well supplied with resistances, got a 6-link soul mantle and an OK helm enchant (dark pact cast speed). Still, I was unable to do Uber Atziri or the T16 trio. haven't actually gotten around to guardians yet, but I feel they should be relatively easy considering my experiences with T15 bosses.

For that matter, has anyone done Uber Elder with this?

ed: i especially noted my totems were dying too quickly. Would it make sense to invest in some more totem life on the tree instead of taking some of the worse 4/5% life nodes?
Unspec out of Mental Rapidity/Arcane Focus and get some more life.
According to PoB you have over 1m Shaper DPS with 4 totems (even without wands) which should be more than enough for endgame.

Your totems are not dying because they lack life (they have about 12k effective health), but because they don't have elemental resistances. Grab the resist node at Ancestral Bond and get a jewel with 9% resists (or more).

Waggle nearly killed him in HC but died unfortunately.
He wasn't using Soul Mantle, which basically means less damage but more life.

I've done the fight already on my Assassin and honestly it's ridiciously hard if you're not a Jugg. Makes Shaper look like a joke.
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Thanks for the advice! I respecced out of what you suggested, grabbed the jewel socket close to Devotion and the totem elemental resist. Next level up I'll have Devotion and I'll hit up the Scion circle next.
Hi, I'm following the tutorial that you've posted and I like it a lot. I'm doing t15 maps but I see what I'm doing wrong, I'm a little new and see if you could look at my aquipo to see what I can do more to do more damage because I see that I do little. I need to buy the 6L

Thank you

Do not put on the items I'm wearing :) and do not use the POB
xixigrande wrote:
Hi, I'm following the tutorial that you've posted and I like it a lot. I'm doing t15 maps but I see what I'm doing wrong, I'm a little new and see if you could look at my aquipo to see what I can do more to do more damage because I see that I do little. I need to buy the 6L

Thank you

Do not put on the items I'm wearing :) and do not use the POB
Add increased duration to your Wither and get a Diamond Flask.

Otherwise get better gear (check the FAQ). For full DPS use wands (gear section).
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I have already changed what you have suggested, apart from the 6l what more team things do you recommend me to change ??

Thank you
Played the build so far to t15 with 5l. I must say there is almost nothing this build can't do. Except that when it comes to no regen mods, playstyle needs to be more cautious . I almost dn't even bother looking at map mods anymore i just chisel- alch-vaal and go . Very good for uber farming also. This build may not have the most insane dps or the fastest clear speed. But it is a very all rounded build with good survivability , shield + flame dash means we have 2 means to escape or move, so in the event u get stuck in the middle of a pack u can just flame dash out. Will post again after attempting guardians.
Last edited by mrflamee on Mar 22, 2018, 3:04:25 AM
xixigrande wrote:
I have already changed what you have suggested, apart from the 6l what more team things do you recommend me to change ??

Thank you
Unspec Light of Divinity, it's not worth 4 passive points. The 3-point jewel isn't worth it either. Follow my tree instead.
If you think the placement speed is fine, you can change into the other tree (it has ~10% more DPS).
Try to get a better jewel in your Stygian Vise.
If you can get a level 21 DP, that would be great. Get quality on your other damage support gems.
Enchantments are really strong if you can afford them; boots should be relatively easy to get.
I think you can get a better dagger/shield/amulet, but I would get a 6-link before that.
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Hi there!
Really enjoying the build. I destroy the content up to T15-corrupted bosses. But Guardians remain a bit tough... can't do them deathless and maybe you guys know what I could improve...

My gear:

As I was already doing tons of damage I took the trolltimber shield to help me leech (around 950 hp/s)

I will corrupt my gems when I get enough vaals to spare, but like I said, dps is fine.
EHP is 6.6k + 0.6k ES on top. Phys red at HO is 13%, chance to evade 7%. Resistance are overcap even with ele weakness. Also run a Shield Charge - Fortify setup and my Pantheon has a fully maxed Brine King and Soul of Ralakesh (for lab and Elder fights)

Any ideas :D?
Thanks to OP for the nice build

I will corrupt my gems when I get enough vaals to spare, but like I said, dps is fine.
EHP is 6.6k + 0.6k ES on top. Phys red at HO is 13%, chance to evade 7%. Resistance are overcap even with ele weakness. Also run a Shield Charge - Fortify setup and my Pantheon has a fully maxed Brine King and Soul of Ralakesh (for lab and Elder fights)

Any ideas :D?
Thanks to OP for the nice build

What exactly is it that you're dieing to, oneshots? Becaue it looks like you have enough life recovery.
You did give up a good bunch of health to get more damage and the curses will make you softer aswell.
More mana on your gear would be an upgrade, too. The ideal ratio for a 40% MoM is 66%.

Some guardians will just cause you deaths from time to time, especially with dangerous map mods.

I'd definitely replace that belt because it's not good with the Jewels you currently have; a regular Stygian would be better.
You could also get enchanted boots with regen or crit chance.
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