[3.3 Updated] MoM`s bloody Gladiator: when bleed actually does the job

Rvc1992 wrote:
Could you add leveling trees to your level section when you got the time? as in first 30 points 60 etc.
Looks really awesome, will probably be giving it a try :)

As requested, I expanded this section with some pointers. Hope it helps and I would like to hear your experience.
thanks for the reply dude. That makes sense I am gonna stick to sunder then. And I have been playing this build for a few days now. I freakin love it lol. Super tanky and the bleed damage is a lota fun
Will any pair of boots do? On xbox people want 3-4 exalts and i do not know why. Everything is 10x price on xbox. Will be trying this out though looks nice. Would a tabula be okay for a 6 link or should i get a 5 link with armor?
Last edited by Ivlyenny#4710 on Oct 20, 2017, 11:49:42 PM
Could you add some videos please. Like a guardian map + boss clear. I am very interested in this build but want to see how the attack speed and damage looks in a vid
Awesome thanks so much for the level trees. Is there a decent shield you can reccomend or what you used before getting the surrender as it's pretty costly on xbox.
Ivlyenny wrote:
Will any pair of boots do? On xbox people want 3-4 exalts and i do not know why. Everything is 10x price on xbox. Will be trying this out though looks nice. Would a tabula be okay for a 6 link or should i get a 5 link with armor?

For low lvl content basically any boots will do. For bosses where you need to dodge attacks (prime example higher level Izaro or Atziri) I suggest getting some boots with 30 % movement speed, as it will help with mobility a lot. But if you get very good boots with lower mobility, I do not think it is gamebreaker, just you will have less time to react and dodge correctly.

As for tabula rasa-if you can cap resist with tabula rasa, then you should be okay and still get comfortably to 6k HP + mana buffer, which is enough for even some red content without any trouble. But if you can´t cap resists, I would preffer 5L with some resists. I did content up to red maps on 5L and while it was slower to kill some bosses, it was not that big issue.
Rvc1992 wrote:
Awesome thanks so much for the level trees. Is there a decent shield you can reccomend or what you used before getting the surrender as it's pretty costly on xbox.

I recommend as written in guide-some shield with "Life gained when you block" modifier, they are specifically on STR shields. They work as mini Surrenders and are very cheap (on PC harbinger way below 1 chaos)
Runal wrote:
Could you add some videos please. Like a guardian map + boss clear. I am very interested in this build but want to see how the attack speed and damage looks in a vid

will try, hope it will fit in 10 minute limit of Bandicam. Never tried to make videos, so hope it will work :)
Ramireus wrote:
Runal wrote:
Could you add some videos please. Like a guardian map + boss clear. I am very interested in this build but want to see how the attack speed and damage looks in a vid

will try, hope it will fit in 10 minute limit of Bandicam. Never tried to make videos, so hope it will work :)

I'm excited to see. There is always a first time for everything I guess :}
Do you really think that MoM is worth it? You spend 17 nodes just pathing there and grabbing mana nodes, when you could grab an additional 51% increased life in just 11 nodes and then reserve your mana with defensive auras.

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