[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs
I'm lv 90 atm, and my damage is fine, but my survivability is lacking. When i encounter a legion in t12+ maps, and have 3-4 rares on me, they can insta kill me if all their attacks hit.
Anyone has some advice on what i could do to counter deaths like this? I dont have a koam, and i'm currently at 5.8k hp.
I have some few chaos gears on myself but clearing t13s (also did 4 Emblem map) but what I am starting to struggle a bit is dps on rare mobs, its not like i cant kill them its just like a loading screen, it goes down constantly and at 20% it crashes.
I managed to drop Fated connections (so 6L here or 7ex), got 7ex and over 600c. Now the big question is:
1) do I try to craft some fortify weapon and is it possible with this budget?
2) buy disfavor, 6L it (which is like 16ex+), get Kaoms, better rings and abyss belt and some more hp. tabula is really like paper, i get hit once by a random mob in map and my hp goes to half, still dunno how i survive :D
3) switch to 2x foil crit build (decent foil 6ex 2x + craft armor with crit and hp) and go ham. I didnt check the crit build yet but seems stronk and faster.
what do you guys think?
definitely craft a fortify weapon. it's not hard and expensive as many people think. it's way better and cheaper than Disfavour
Last edited by basti#7223 on Jun 17, 2019, 3:35:55 PM
FIrst of all, great job Ahfack, the build is well written and Im enjoying every piece of this guide so far!
I've got my elder axe crafted, no white socket yet so Im wondering what I could use instead of pulverize (I've already replaced Fortify with Damage on Full Life).
Connected to this, is it worth taking the impale nodes on the tree since Im not using it on my Cyclone? What could I grab instead?
Marthuk wrote:
Nemesis87 wrote:
ChilledBones wrote:
were looking at going for this cyclone build, but the disfavour PoB has 127/123 passive points, so its kinda impossible to do...
Hi, he stated, why he is doing this with the 4 additional stat Points.
If you actually read the guide you would know....
Its to include a jewel with stats that are missing from current PoB calculation
yea, noticed that in PoB just shortly after posting here.
are those stats on the jewel actually accurate?
also wouldin't it be better to leave out the 20% atk speed from "bane of legends" acsendancy when it comes to the actual damage? since you cannot get that buff during boss fights.
ahfack also put in damage increase from both dread banner and war banner, which is also impossible if im not mistaken? so the damage numbers are rather misleading.
when i removed the war banner buff, the damage was almost halved...
If you notice on the jewel, one of the banners is active and the lines for the others are commented out. Edit the jewel and uncomment the banner scenario you are using and then comment out the rest.
so basicly your supposed to remove the banner from the gem your not using?
aswell as atk speed buff for boss dmg.
but then the damage is far from the 5.6m he mentions its capable of doing.
thank you very much for this guide, this build has carried me through all maps and bosses. At the end I dared to corrupt my disfavour. A fitting ending point for my season