[3.7] Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone | Shaper FULL Life Kill Vid | 100% Pure Phys | All Content | PoBs

Emxper wrote:
gokturkh wrote:
im in lvl 91 have some gears and 5.1k life but i feel very squishy. how can i improve my defence?


I was in your spot also and followed @crazypearce suggestions and it feels very good so far done up to t15, still sometimes when there is many legions at the same time I can drop slightly in health. Otherwise it's pretty tanky now!

crazypearce wrote:

I see so many people struggling with survivability and there is one really easy option. Drop warchief for vaal molten shell. It gives me a 3.5k shield with lions roar up.

If you have a proper tree and your gear is somewhat optimised then the damage from warchief is literally pointless outside of buffing PoB numbers or getting a shaper or guardian kill 0.25seconds faster.

With 7.6k ehp I haven't died once since I switched to it. I have ran multiple uber elders, shapers, 8 mod juiced monoliths in t16s, etc etc. I have come close to dying like twice over all of that and those times are when I stop cycloning and stop paying attention and try to pick up loot.

If you make these changes and are still having problems then I don't know what to say. Maybe your tree sucks or some of your gear too. Maybe you don't have optimal gem links or you are still a low level. If you have fixed all this and are still dying then maybe you are just not paying enough attention

this is a great advice. im now lvl 92 and kill all t16 guardians.
thank you!
N00SE wrote:
Question for crit build. Would it be worth it at all to trade three 5% total life nodes to pick up Hematophogy and two Life Leech nodes since it gives:
1% of physical damage to life leech
30% increased damage while leeching
20% increased total recovery per second from leech
15% increaes maximum total recovery per second from leech

Depends what content you're doing. Low level alc and go maps or endgame shaper/uber elder? sure. But for high tier red map juice with vaals and all that? Probably not. You will end up with 60% less recovery mod a TON and you won't really notice is that much. With old slayer leech where you could get 7k leech is was good but with only around 3k we have now its not noticeable for the most part
Just curious how big of an upgrade over 2 socket tombfist's Acuity is for the crit version?

Also what are you guys running for a 6 link on the crit version? Should I be running impale now? If so what is the best 6 link for bossing with the crit version?

I am using a fortify Vaal Axe if that matters. Hoping that will work instead of having to make the switch to a sword.

crazypearce wrote:
N00SE wrote:
Question for crit build. Would it be worth it at all to trade three 5% total life nodes to pick up Hematophogy and two Life Leech nodes since it gives:
1% of physical damage to life leech
30% increased damage while leeching
20% increased total recovery per second from leech
15% increaes maximum total recovery per second from leech

Depends what content you're doing. Low level alc and go maps or endgame shaper/uber elder? sure. But for high tier red map juice with vaals and all that? Probably not. You will end up with 60% less recovery mod a TON and you won't really notice is that much. With old slayer leech where you could get 7k leech is was good but with only around 3k we have now its not noticeable for the most part

Crazy can u help me? i die easy in t16 with the cdwt setup

6khp :/
supernukem wrote:

Crazy can u help me? i die easy in t16 with the cdwt setup

6khp :/

Interesting... I have far worse gear and at 5k HP and have had no issues with T16/Shaper/Red Elder (working on spawning Uber Elder now).

Do you have your pantheon upgraded? - I found that helpful
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the people that feel squishy are just trying to spin in place and face tank. Use cyclone as a defensive mechanic, cyclone away and in circles around mobs so they can't hit you.
NSUCK wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the people that feel squishy are just trying to spin in place and face tank. Use cyclone as a defensive mechanic, cyclone away and in circles around mobs so they can't hit you.

100% agree - I just spin in circles around bosses lol. Never stationary in place.
Hi, I'm kind of new so I don't really understand equipment stats and passive trees on a endgame situation, I'm not doing that much damage and I don't have a clue about what is wrong, what can I do to get my build better? Thanks Guys

My passive tree, for some reason the image is not showing here so I had to post a link to it: https://imgur.com/V6gYonv
Last edited by TobbyGabriel on Jun 26, 2019, 5:28:13 PM
There are several problems in your build.

Read the description of Resolute Technique again and ask yourself about your flask setup (crit flask? wise oak?!)

Your Rings are really bad beside of the -Mana cost

Your jewels make no sense at all damage wise.

Boot enchant is important, your enchant does nothing.
kazafz wrote:
NSUCK wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the people that feel squishy are just trying to spin in place and face tank. Use cyclone as a defensive mechanic, cyclone away and in circles around mobs so they can't hit you.

100% agree - I just spin in circles around bosses lol. Never stationary in place.

My internet gets packet loss with PoE. So I generally play tanky characters. I feel like I have less random deaths this league than I did last league on a 20k ES chieftain. Cyclone is very good at avoiding damage if you play it right.

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