[3.2] Titan [16K ES, 1M DPS, 10K ES/sec, Deathless Uber Elder, Shaper on 1L, All map mods]

Joberx wrote:
Divini wrote:
Joberx wrote:
Hi, maybe someone can help me whit this build.

I can't even do T1 maps. Because of I'm dying.


My skill tree and my character JoberxLV

I follow the guide and done (i guess) everything right. but I die all the time. Or I just don't understand mechanics. But my ES don't regenerate.

Do you have any life leech (should have some from Incandescent's Heart)? Also, where is your mana leech coming from (without mana, it will be hard to do anything).

It would be hard without seeing your character (your characters aren't public).

I made my character tab PUBLIC. Pls if you can. Tell me what i did wrong. Thx

Not enough intelligence on items, not enough es on items, no life leech source.
hi divini, this build is always my go-to once i have a huge currency pool. bout to respec into it. You should update the skill tree to account for abyssal jewels, since it is best for this build to go for as many jewel sockets as possible. Thanks my guy, i love CI builds.

Found some Jewels whit life leech and bought Incandescent's Heart for 1 alc and 5 linked it. Needless to say. Now I can do tier 10 maps ;) Thx for your help
Last edited by Joberx on Mar 15, 2018, 10:58:52 AM
Joberx wrote:

Found some Jewels whit life leech and bought Incandescent's Heart for 1 alc and 5 linked it. Needless to say. Now I can do tier 10 maps ;) Thx for your help

These jewels are bad...they leech from physical damage, this build is making elemental damage
Divini wrote:

Do you have any life leech (should have some from Incandescent's Heart)? Also, where is your mana leech coming from (without mana, it will be hard to do anything).

The only life leech source on the build is the chest, and there is no mana leech source (do we even need one with Pious Path??)

Please enlighten me
nel0angel0 wrote:
Divini wrote:

Do you have any life leech (should have some from Incandescent's Heart)? Also, where is your mana leech coming from (without mana, it will be hard to do anything).

The only life leech source on the build is the chest, and there is no mana leech source (do we even need one with Pious Path??)

Please enlighten me

The claw is the source of life leech
relod87 wrote:
Divini wrote:
relod87 wrote:
So the build is now officially Uber Elder viable, just killed him with my char on standard today :)

Gear used:

Your gear is unreal. I note that you opted for a high-ES chest instead of IH, and you aren't using Ylfeban's. Can you post a POB link? I'd like to check out your stats.
seems like u scraped that toon ? is ur skill tree up to date at least? lol
played a build similar to this and got uber elder done in standard though but the only difference is a legacy regalia and shield which bumped me up from 12.3k es to 14.4k. The rest of the gear was what I had when abyss league ended

Should be doable in league lol. Brought 2 sulphur flask, wise oak 1 silver and 1 basalt. The high regen means we can ignore stuff that normally kills other builds, especially the ground degen and shaper beam/balls (basically everything)


Last edited by TheVengefulOne on Mar 18, 2018, 12:24:51 PM
Brantley03 wrote:

Your gear is unreal. I note that you opted for a high-ES chest instead of IH, and you aren't using Ylfeban's. Can you post a POB link? I'd like to check out your stats.

Hey there!

Sure, here you go!
You can also check out my profile, char name is Elod_Team_Shaper.

Since the first attempt, I did it a few more times, changed gear up a bit, got normal leech outside of Atziri flask and now I can do deathless Uber Elder too!

I know the gear level is intimidating, but take comfort in that if I say i'm a bad player mechanically I'm not being humble :)

Bonus tip: Tried mapping a bit with the harbinger belt The flow untethered, and it is amazing for this build. (Seems like its not yet available on Bestiary, but it should be once more people start doing Beachheads)
Last edited by relod87 on Mar 20, 2018, 8:59:06 PM

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