[DECEASED] Leech-based RF+Obliteration Slayer <ExtremelyCheap> All Content and HC viable.
Replied to a couple common questions in the FAQ section and added a generic 2H melee/aoe tree for leveling up to 55.
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I changed the tree a little bit and leveling with RF... works fine too :D
(if u look it up: yeah i know spell dmg doesnt not apply to rf.. just to lazy to change gloves :D ) Using: Last edited by Obermaster10#4008 on Oct 25, 2017, 7:02:14 AM
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Hey, so i leveled to mid 60´s right now. Invested 20 ex so far .. not much luck with crafting the amulet tho (Craftet 300, not a single +1 curse -_-). My current equip looks like:
Few levels and i can also equip: Also i bought 7 of the gems u recomend, 4 are waiting for a socket tho. Since we have some left open space iam using Vaal breach. If there are not enough mobs to sustain :D Have to level some more and will be back to talk about guardians :D Gj with this guide/build so far Edit; Bought this helmets: Need to craft them with horror essence ...Lets see if i have more luck with that than with corruptions :D Last edited by Obermaster10#4008 on Oct 27, 2017, 9:48:06 AM
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can u check my character,KillMySelfPls What should i do , i feel very bad with my char! Sr for my bad english |
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" 1.You have neither a single target setup nor have you any gems in passive tree. Thats quite alot of dmg you are missing there. 2. Dont level arcance surge... Plz read the text of it. You want to proc it with every flame dash - so dont lvl it |
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Sorry for stupid question, but :
1. What item filter u use ? i can`t find magic items on poetrade, nobody bother to sell them. How i can found a good base or blue items for me in the mountains of trash ? 2. Looting items - after doing map ? 3. Flasks - endless using all of them when they buffs faded ? I want to try this build in the next league on start. Last edited by daiverok#3109 on Oct 27, 2017, 5:14:35 PM
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Hi, I'm glad you guys are trying out / enjoying this build.
" I manily resort to poe.trade to find good blue items. It sometimes takes a while for top end gear since it's somewhat rare, this is much easier at the start of a league since waaaaay less people are playing currently (harbinger is almost over). Alternately, once you're doing T15 maps, what I do is pick up white and blue items of ilvl 84+ (which is minimum required for top rolls) with the base type that I want. If blue, identify, if white, transmute/augment. If you save 5 items of the same type, you can sell them to a vendor to reroll for 1 new. This is a bit of work, and takes up some item space. The equivalent reward is just 1 alteration in value, so you're probably better up just buying alterations and spamming them yourself (I just really really hate dealing with trade in this game). The last thing I can say on this point is that I once bought two blue items with double T1 rolls from the same person. He told me that it took him an average of 500 alterations to create one item with good stats (life + resist of high value) " I avoided looting most items in my videos for it to look better. That said, I don't really loot many items nor identify my rares because I suck at pricing them and don't like dealing with trade, so I only do the unidentified chaos recipe for rares. " ? |
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" Hey! I'm glad you're enjoying the build. Yeah, crafting a +1 curse neck must be a huge pain. You don't /need/ the amulet, not until very endgame at least I feel. You can always just buy a +1 curse neck from poe.trade, even if it's rare/unique. Although a blue type is optimal, missing out 25% damage should not be that bad. The same applies to your wands. The wands you have right now are solid, but if you want an upgrade, it doesn't have to be only a blue wand. In some cases, rare wands are even better than blues since they can roll so much spell damage increase. Lastly, using a vaal breach is a nice idea. I tried it myself, and it's definitely a valid way to go. Under the right circumstances (not often), you can use it to wipe out big bosses super quickly if you have your RF off. I haven't tried using it for stuff like shaper, but I guess it sounds like it could work. Let me know how it goes! |
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https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2740943/page/1#p22777382 - переход на офф клиент. /afk Last edited by WedWix#4581 on Oct 28, 2017, 5:03:36 AM
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" Dayum.. didnt think about this one...I might switch to blue helmet with enchant and delirium craftet gloves... should be easier i guess... @lucksickle: Yeah i bought a +1 curse amulet- but i miss max life there also i switch to Biscos while farming maps , for the extra bit of currency :D |
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