Harbinger Content Integration
what a mess...
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what happens with my harbringer char and all items/progression? (only char i have)
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Well the league is great. Otherwise the only thing which thickles me, is why at lvl 7 zana, we unlock nemesis mode, for 5c! Not sure that anyone even used this... The thing which missing here most is in my opinion an essence. I think at lvl 7 a quaranteed one essence on map might be a lot better choice. Especially if u want to complete essence challange. For these days i was looking for essences for corrupting and with regular modes i haven't claimed any of these essence. The only way which I'm considering now is to just buy from other player who made essence hysteria, delirium etc on map, which is kinda sad to me... what if i'd play SSF? Probably would never finish it... Or if i would like to make it complete i would probably spend whole days playing, which i do not have time for it so... ;x
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I did feel the Horizon orbs made the mapping stage of endgame more enjoyable, but completely understand how you can just leapfrog around the atlas spamming the high sextant areas, similar to shaping the atlas for weighted map drops. I did however because of Horizons enjoy how I could complete my Atlas fully this time around, gaining the ability to have a high % map drop tier upgrade and my own pseudo way of choosing which maps were available to me. Must admit i was just Harbinger orbing my 15s to go to guardians and spam shapers this league. Was great fun but completely see how trivializing adding the orbs would be to endgame content. Looking forward to what's in store for the future!
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If shards are deleted AND full orbs drops are higher why not...
With this league, I've really no luck: always shitty drops, suppression of leaguestones mechanics, nerf of ES, lot of crashes (minumum 2/hour) even with ultra high-end PC with last WSQL drivers, highest prices I ever seen on trade, no full recipe currency drops... The only things I hope for next league are a boost of ES, new good mechanics (not only useless boring mobs like harbingers), integration of leaguestones, little more luck for good currency, new channeling skills, an offline trade mode, lower shop prices (10€ a hat skin, 8€ for eyes effect, 25€ for a body armor skin WTF, the price of a new physical game!), nerf lab traps damages, boost uber izaro, a stash autosort button... Okay... It's not "only"... |
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Regarding the removal of harbinger#s orb because it was to easy to complete the atlas..that is a joke in itself. Now i will just go to poe.trade and buy the maps i need, like we all used to. Someone cried about not making enough profits from selling maps this season perhaps?
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Please adjust the Currency Tab right away with these changes. It's annoying and unsatisfying to "not" be able to fill these locked slots. Even more when we actually know they will not return to the game.
And for what's left, Harbinger had a great value of player when it launched but it was also the worst as the first two weeks passed and the terrible economy surfaced to be more than just a 1 week adjustment. And if we forget about the Mirror Shard, nothing was fun and exciting about the Harbinger packs. It even brought back the one thing I didn't like from Perandus; Huge packs of mobs to slow your leveling if you're not tanky enough right away to kill 20-30 with rare mobs... Hope GGG learned from this and let's not even talk about the Harbinger Supporter Packs. |
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So.... in short, everything that help casual player is out.... every thing that make game more random and difficult is there....
As ever, Path of exile is a game for hardcore gamer only and going more and more toward that.... Of course there was many players (like me) that gave another chance to harbrigner league. Since there was new content. But as always, if you are a not a hardcore player or "copy" existing builds that game is now Unplayable for non hardcore gamer that just want to "play" the game. So i will do as i do with each new league... start the league, HOPING to be able to finish the main game then DIE, and DIE and DIE and quit again. That game is now and ever more Broken for people who have a life and can'T play 4-8h a day. In fact the ONLY league that i REALLY liked was the Legacy, at least that let me replay what i liked in some and i could "level" the game to a difficulty i can work with. Legacy IS what shoudl have be instated in the "standard" league. and only there... so no league stone to manage in new league, but only in standard... OR uou can add a NEW mode LEGACY mode so you have a STANDARD/HARDCORE, League SOFTCORE/HARDCORE, and a more casual "LEGACY" mode for player that want to have a "customisable game" wher they can have "access" to league after they are out with thier "peramment, or not" Character for those who need more time to go trought the full content of teh game but still enjoy new mechanics. Last edited by FrogMastr#3430 on Nov 2, 2017, 7:41:47 AM
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GGG - that's the problem with your leagues_system so far!
1.) With every new league and binding uniques to it, you are facing the problem to fit it into the core game (or not). 2.) Inventing a new mechanic for a new season, makes it tougher and tougher to provide something special. 3.) The core_game will be overloaded the more, the more U'r adding stuff to it! Here is the solution! (Learning from Diablo_2 is not a shame) 1.) Make every league a LEGACY LEAGUE! But inventing/giving items a legacy buff! Even items existing without it so far. 2.) With every "new legacy league" U can improve/give some items an improvement (legacy stat), that were shitty so far. 3.) Giving legacy_stats to an item (let's say Kaoms: 500life/1000life) will not break the game, but everyone wants to have it! P.S.: Even Mr. Brevik said something similar. And he suggested to generate a currency destoying meachanic into the game. Something like 'calling Über-Diablo' for (let's say:) spending Exalted. Guess, what reward it could be... My InGameName: Aui Last edited by Aui#1650 on Nov 2, 2017, 7:45:38 AM
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" Do you realise Nemesis is needed to obtain Headhunter? |
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