Trade Manifesto
One word to describe Chris: Hubris
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Your idea of trade balance is just wrong and pathetic. Just give us a vendor npc with limited inventory space that can we can put item in.
GGG refuses to buff Melee and gives every surivability tool to Spell/Ranged/Minion Builds because they dont play the game or at least melee themself.
[Removed by Support] -The Truth |
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Please remove the live search option if you are really trying to tone down on bot-flipping.
I get abused by GGG staff every time I post because I started the Fix Your Game meme. Pathetic and unprofessional.
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I'm sadly posting this at page 67, but I hope someone from GGG reads it.
Thanks for explaining your reasons against "easy trade". Most of them are about how you see drop rates, and how hard it should be to get good items, but some are about economics of the PoE marketplace, and I want to address those. The current absence of an AH means GGG is *helping* bots cornering the currency market. No one can compete with current bots. When you make a good illegal -- here "bots", the ability to buy and sell very quickly --, you help blackmarket sellers -- here, any bots user -- to make larger profits than if there was an AH. The fact that for most currency items, you must go down multiple pages to get a reply also shows the current trade system isn't working well. It's the worse with maps where the first dozens of pages are totally worthless. I should be able to message the first result in the marketplace, and trade almost immediately. An AH would indeed make bots more widesprad, but it would also increase supply, drives price down to their "best value", instead of all those pages of worthless items, since the vendors doesn't reply to the whisper. Hence, an AH would massively profit players. However I can understand why you want to not make trading equipment easy, given your position on equipment drop. I don't see why the argument holds for currency though. There should be an auction house where you can trade any currency item. This would exclude drops with variable values like any piece of equipment, and jewels. Last edited by Jack_Whitehand#4045 on Mar 6, 2020, 5:14:48 AM
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A simple and effective solution is a premium tab with which goods are taken immediately without human intervention!
what prevents you from earning even more on the game? I buy this tab for 200 coins (one) I put 20 items in it and go to the maps, another player clicks want to buy puts currency and picks up a thing automatically! Everything is in + and you and the players .. what's the problem? Isn’t that that you need to artificially REDUCE the gameplay for ostentatious mass ?! an ordinary player does not see even 50% of the content of leagues, as he plays 1-2 hours a day and not 24/7 Stop thinking about nerds. Isn't it time to think about 90% of your audience? GeGeGe Last edited by sanba#5661 on Mar 6, 2020, 8:06:12 AM
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Dans un premier temps, merci pour cet article ce fut très instructif à lire. Pour ma part je fais parti des personnes qui évitent autant que faire ce peux les sites d'échanges car je trouve que cela dénature la progression des personnages et rend le jeu trop facile voir sans intérêt. Pour autant je ne joue pas ou très peu en SSF pour deux raisons: Je ne peux pas jouer avec mes amis... mais surtout si mon build dépend fortement d'un item ou pire d'un joyau (!) je sais que je ne vais pas pouvoir profiter du gameplay de mon perso avant très longtemps voir à jamais... De bons efforts ont été fait avec les cartes divinatoires par exemple mais il y a encore beaucoup de choses qui sont trop compliqué en SSF tel qu'obtenir une prophétie permettant de up un unique, obtenir certains uniques en particulier et surtout obtenir les bons joyaux dans cette infinité de possibilités... Certains personnages ne sont vraiment pas envisageables en SSF à l'heure actuelle. Ne serait-il pas possible : De permettre de jouer avec nos amis en ssf en mettant un id de session sur les loot afin qu'il ne puisse être échangés qu'avec les personnes présente dans le groupe lors de son apparition en SSF ? De rendre les taux de loot plus élevés pour les cartes divinatoires réservées à des map particulières seulement en SSF ? Idem pour les taux de transformation en unique des orbes de chance (avec un lock sur l'item si il devient unique par exemple ?). De mettre en place plus de mécaniques permettant de cibler les objets modifiants considérablement le gameplay d'un perso (je pense par exemple au joyaux qui transforme les squelettes en mages ou encore les joyaux de stacking de statistiques, etc.). |
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I loved this game for its mind-blowing mechanism, not for the "hard" trade where I have to deal with a bunch of low-baller just because some items appeared to be on sale but they are, in fact, not. By the way, your reasons are not logical at all. Do you see how humans life has improved since we got better transportation? Quick trading is the most natural improvement for a healthy economy.
Last edited by mondlicht1#3898 on Mar 8, 2020, 8:24:58 PM
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" yea logic is a bitch. in RL we get money and wares for slaying monsters on the street.... oh wait. xD "Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
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" It's the same thing. In-game, the values of items are approximately equivalent to the average hours player put into the game, due to the low drop rate. Trading = exchanging hours of working in the form of currencies, that never change. If these developers really want to create positive interactions between players, they should make something else more meaningful than this trading crap. Last edited by mondlicht1#3898 on Mar 9, 2020, 11:59:06 AM
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This thread is around 68 pages of players dumping all over GGG being out of touch with the overwhelming majority of its player base: Casuals
We want a way to trade the items we find while eliminating the greatest hindrance to trading: other players. We don't subscribe to your definition of "easy." "easy" isn't sending 50 tells to other players through a 3rd party site only to be ignored at the cost of 10 minutes to an hour of time. That's more accurately called "not fun." When a game becomes "not fun", I for one would rather play another game that is fun. It shouldn't become a second job to recreate in this community. I want to play POE, but each league reminds me again and again why I spend less and less time playing each one. The same problem remains: trading is inconvenient, irritating, and inefficient when nothing exists to remediate the human-factor from trading. People are the best and worst aspect of this system. The proposition of automating trading through a special "tab" or "vendor NPC", even through real-world-money, isn't addressed or refuted by the stance given from GGG here. At the least recognize the fact that you have a game where players are willing to pay for convenience. Offer the possibility here and you'd be overwhelmed by how many take it. |
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