Monster Density in Maps


Thx GGG from the bottom of my heart.
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
Or in other words: You, again, have neither clue nor concept how to design map progression.
This doesn't adress a single problem the current system has.
Normalised xp per hour? That is the worst approach you can do.
The best tools won't matter, if you have no idea how to use them.
back to strand boys
Glad to see this getting addressed.

Now can we puh-lease fix the crazy damage everything in game does??
I'm looking forward to this.
But do something with unrewarding bosses, it's no sense to killing them, we get 0 exp and no drop in 80% cases and messing with some bosses means just killing yourself. Only in case of using sextants and zanamods it's worth to kill bosses. Also I hope somedays you will will fix uber-shit layouts like The Core.
Last edited by K4r4k4s4#5749 on Nov 13, 2017, 10:26:21 PM
I smell a major nerf in exp coming through :(
"but i tell u its just fo' try, fo' peep n' fo' know"
OK, let's see

basic idea is easier map less exp, harder map more exp, must be like this right?

but they have to test it under some meta clear speed build, other wise easier map still wins, therefore the balance would be done according to fast clearing

but non-crazy players might play a just OK clearing build, then hard map will have advantages

I guess I should start making builds excellent in hard and awkward maps. Oh no not RF again
As a player that likes stuff like fireball and other not much used spells I hope the changes will be good
The best change so far. So now it appears I don't need to run the 'meta' to keep up with everyone else, but can run what I want and still be able to keep up if I play the right build. It's good to know that we won't be forced into certain layouts as much now. I'm pretty sad that this wasn't implemented in 3.0 when GGG attracted so many new players; such a missed opportunity that could have negated the lethargy of harbinger league.

Now lets see if we can get some changes for sextants too in the coming patch. :)
Will see if its a good change...

we support you so do it good GGG....

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