ScrotieMcB wrote:
I think the illegal immigration problem is similar to the healthcare problem in that the ridiculous levels of bureaucracy involved in the legal immigration process are an obvious contributor to illegal immigration.

However, there is an important distinction between illegal immigration and illegal entry. From what I understand, most of these detainees are illegal enterers. Considering that thousands of Mexican tourists enter the United States legally every day, and that the process for legal entry is much simpler than that for legal immigration, I have much less sympathy for these detainees.

I would support a detainment center for certain classes of illegal enterers that has a "you're free to leave" policy: nonviolent nonsmuggler illegal enterers could be given opportunity to complete legal entry procedures and await their day in court, or voluntarily self-deport. The catch would be that this detainment center would be on US land on the Mexico side of The Wall, such that anyone who leaves would be released back into Mexico. I don't see any reason why such a detention center couldn't provide families with accommodations that keep parents and children together. It's worth noting that this strategy of "outside the wall" voluntary detention centers has already proved effective in eastern Europe.

P1: Agreed. I don’t know the particulars, but that’s the sense I get when hearing about first and second hand accounts.

P2: Insofar as the punishment fitting the crime, I do not believe any such distinction ought apply except to repeat offenders (and as mentioned before, those associated with known dangerous persons). For those legitimately seeking asylum, a vacation buys them some time, but still costs precious resources and is not a permanent solution. In light of P1 I cannot blame somebody for weighing their options and evaluating the risk of illegal entry to be worth the reward. Well, I can, but do not deem separation of families to be a suitable response to the circumstance.

P3: Would you argue any distinction between voluntary detention and open-border cities? Actually, I just answered my own question. They’re designed similarly—the cities I propose would likewise have a secure U.S. side border and with voluntary exit through paper-stations to Mexico—but would be receiving and redirecting different inputs towards different outputs. The cities are a place for both sides of the border to voluntarily engage in he American way of life while waiting for entry, while the voluntary detention centers are a place for people/groups already caught trying to work around the improved entry mechanism. They work in tandem, and the latter has a built in overflow mechanism. I like it.

Seriously, free market border cities, more semipermeable than open, sounds like a huuuuuuge opportunity for Merica to show the world what the fuck it’s all about.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
Poor, tormented kids. EEEE-vuhl Presidetn Trump keeps 'em in cages 'cause he's a big meanie...

The pictures that had everyone in such high dudgeon were from Obama's watch.

They have limited access to telephones to call relatives, both in the U.S. and abroad. They receive therapy, both as individuals and in group sessions. They enjoy field trips to local museums, parks, and the zoo, where they can explore the city beyond the shelter. And they also have social activities, including a recent “prom” for which they dressed up.

Sounds nicer than what a lot of American kids get. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Khoranth wrote:
Everyone knows the USA healthcare system is screwed up, but the question is how to fix it: more government meddling? Or removing government meddling[?]
That's not really the core problem at the moment.

The sad situation we're in now is everyone arguing about how to solve the funding problem, when all of their solution are at best a non-sequitur. The funding problem is an attempt to treat a symptom; curing the actual disease means fixing the pricing problem. There is no long-term-viable solution to the funding problem without addressing the pricing problem.

There are arguably (to use the term loosely) several potential Big Government solutions to the pricing problem, but amazingly I've only ever heard one. I don't hear anyone on the left suggesting government price-fix hospitals or nationalize health insurance -- well, technically that last one is single-payer, but it's fallen out of favor for Democrats to suggest that.

All I hear is lefties saying "don't be greedy, help other people pay for their healthcare;" meanwhile, Republicans oppose that solution while offering none of their own. No one in US government seems cognizant of the real problem.

Oh definitely. I agree 100% pricing is the problem, but what caused that problem? Government meddling in the 60's & 70's that was brought on by union thugs & lobbyists.

It is the same for college tuition in the USA as well: government meddling caused prices to skyrocket there as well.

These are the two things, in the USA, people complain about the most; for being too expensive. You would think people would do some research and find out WHY they are so screwed up expensive.
鬼殺し wrote:
CanHasPants wrote:
Ah yes, yes. That’s a nice dung castle you’re building, but please keep it in the litter box. The adults are talking about real problems.

RE Cheeseburgers -- Aim_Deep's. Didn't even bother reading yours. Was already feeling metaphorically ready to puke by then.

Talking about 'real problems' because you know you can't fix Trump, so you're just talking around him. Around all the things about him that you know are wrong, that have infected the entire WH administration.

Not. Much. Hailing. Of. President. Trump. In. Here.

And the only refutation of what I'd said, nothing more than what is right in front of people's faces, is fucking puerile. As usual.

Okay, back to your impotent 'geopolitical' jibber-jabber about the minutiae because you can't face the basic truth. Doesn't change anything, and you all know it.

Fuck Trump.


This is obviously a "one-size-fits-all" USA politics thread. It is easier this way, as opposed to littering the off-topic forums with 20 different USA politics threads.

Just consider this politeness on the part of people who want to talk USA politics.
1453R wrote:
Nobody is after your munney.

This man was after Claudia Feathers' Munny.

Lani might say "Remember, we do this for freedom," but most people are "after" some money when they go to work. Most companies are "after money", and every government is "after money" when it sets up taxes and enforces them.

1453R wrote:
The only thing anyone wants is for everyone to pull together

The only thing the leftists want is to divide people into groups and pit them against each other.

1453R wrote:
pay a very small percentage of what they make

By the time income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, utility taxes etc are paid, the total tax burden is close to or over 1/3- 1/2 of the average person's income.

1453R wrote:
into a communal help pool

It isn't a communal help pool. When a city has 4 viable ways of fixing traffic, ranging from 400 million to 20 billion - choosing the 20 billion dollar option isn't "helping" the people. It is helping the big companies that are getting most of the money from that project. When funds that were specifically meant to be kept separate and actually help people by providing a safety net are then put into the general fund, so they can be spent right now - that isn't "helping people".

The government's method of "helping" people is like charging every Path of Exile player $5 a month to "help" pay for a single premium stash tab for those that can't afford to buy one on their own.

There are legitimate government services and functions. A very large portion of government spending is wasteful and/or just kickbacks.

1453R wrote:
Looking for a third house, have at it.
Don't mind if I do - a nice waterfront property for my summer home -

1453R wrote:
Want some hookers to go along with the blow, be my guest.

We'll send our usual van to pick them up - What I don't understand is why the government can't build a light rail to bring them over for me.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
CanHasPants wrote:
Separating children from families is never, should never be acceptable
Agreed. The children should be sent back with the parents until they are adults, at which time the former children can return.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
See, I just suck at it. Dalai doesn’t. Still mildly curious if I’m autistic, but that doesn't make me more than mildly curious if I’m wrong.

Would love to discuss actual immigration reform though. Peurile? Hypocrite. It’s predictable by now and that’s disappointing. These red chains blue chains sales pitches are boring. Still fucking chains. Let’s have an actual conversation. It’s not as if the machine wasn’t going to do the same thing, if only we had stuck to the memes.

Whatever, you know where to find me.

Seriously, Charan, I thought you too intelligent to succumb to something so foolish as De Niro worship. Straighten up, you’re slouching. I wanna chat about shit and not be all emotional about it.
To my shame, 1453R getting emotional about taxes gets me emotional about hating taxes.
But that’s only because I love you all
and just wish we could fling a piece of corn at supper without the whole table breaking down into a slobbering mess.

P.S., I don’t really think it’s fair to suggest that a Trump thread can’t just spin the wheel and pick a topic at random. Have you seen his twitter feed?

DalaiLama wrote:
CanHasPants wrote:
Separating children from families is never, should never be acceptable
Agreed. The children should be sent back with the parents until they are adults, at which time the former children can return.

I’m not sure I understand. Children can immigrate legally once they mature, if their parents attempted illegal entry? Makes sense. Would be nice if two competing megapowers weren’t so embattled that they weaponize the topic of immigration. Seems like this ought to be a rational and fairly self evident point.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
@ Charan - He's way worse than you believe him to be. Otherwise 100% :)
DalaiLama wrote:
CanHasPants wrote:
Separating children from families is never, should never be acceptable
Agreed. The children should be sent back with the parents until they are adults, at which time the former children can return.

So sending a child that has been born and raised in Country 'Z' to a country that speaks a different language, has different values and, lets face it, a vastly reduced standard of living is ok to you?

Your punishing the wrong people here, and you know it.

BTW - Whoever had that waterfront property image, hope that's not a beach your next to for your kids sakke, your home will be flooded in the next 50 years ...

@Charan - I think our problem with this particular forum topic is that we are outsiders looking into the fishbowl that is the USA. And we have a very unique perspective of how the world views the current president (Hint: Derision).

There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
essemoni wrote:
@Charan - I think our problem with this particular forum topic is that we are outsiders looking into the fishbowl that is the USA. And we have a very unique perspective of how the world views the current president (Hint: Derision).
American mainstream media coverage of Trump is basically a non-stop stream of derision. Your "world" perspective isn't unique, it's just the secondhand news your media copypastas from ours.

Even Charan's perspective isn't particularly unique. Keith Olbermann already did it, and his new signature in this thread is a Robert De Niro quote. Noticeably more fervent than normal, but not unprecedented.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 17, 2018, 4:09:21 AM

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