Trolls gonna troll I guess. No matter what Trump will do they are going to be orange man bad.
" That's a gross misrepresentation of the other side. Suggesting that if Trump actually were an ACC proponent, a leader in cutting emissions for example, that it would have no impact on his opponents??? The ENTIRE reason for me hating Trump, is climate change and what he's doing to generations of our people (in europe as well as globally). I would surely stop hating him, if he demonstrated a complete reversal. I probably still wouldn't like him though, but that is completely besides the point. As it stands though, the man is a corrupt liar and a criminal so mere words would hardly be enough. In any case, the man is cornered like an animal, and wields little credibility in these matters, especially since Dems control House. |
" Trump is overrated. People pick and elect bad leaders all the time. It isn't such a big deal. If they like their leader, they can keep it. Countries’ Foreign Policy Could Use More Prudence. |
Really enjoying some of these articles coming from the alleged FAKE NEWS sites ;)
Trump can't hire the 'very best people,' because he's the very worst president " |
Trump supporters that only watch Fox News are brain washed. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Trump did definitely do some things wrong.
He fired Michael Flynn (big mistake). He appointed Jeff Sessions as AG (probably his biggest mistake). That's about it. Overall pretty good for a newbie. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
"Well, populism is a concept of some depth, but at it's core it is simple concept: the Venn diagram intersection of "popular" (according to the masses) and "wrong" (according to a minority). I wasn't trying to make like I was an unwavering advocate of raw democracy. Indeed, my approach to the PoE forums back when I actually talked about the game (e.g. opposition to SSF) could be described as distinctly anti-populist. However, it could also be described as anti-democratic: I routinely said that polling gamers as to solutions (as opposed to polling them on problems) is the wrong way to go, and that solution-crafting required the skill of a game designer — an unabashedly elitist perspective. You might say that if I'm not an unwavering supporter of democracy, it is hypocritical for me to criticize others of wavering support of democracy. Perhaps. But I don't label myself a Democrat. To be clear as to what I do advocate, I advocate division and oppose unity. This might sound strange, but it's backed up with simple truths. For instance, if you have a large group of people vote on something as simple as coffee for ALL of them to drink, the average satisfaction score is mediocre — in large part because people are inclined to say the like a dark, hearty roast, when most actually prefer milky, weak coffee — but if you have them vote on three batches instead of one, satisfaction goes up tremendously. (Those that have followed my posts for years know how much I love Malcolm Gladwell's talk on pasta sauce and correspondingly loathe the idea of Platonic perfection.) It's all about expanding the number of choices available. Allowing them to be truly distinct from each other. I'm all about diversity and allowing "weird" tastes to thrive. That's part of the reason I came here in the first place, back when GGG wasn't timid about the tartness of its apples. However, in practical terms, this means (at a minimum) the notion of several democracies (e.g. the fifty States) trumping the notion of a single all-inclusive democracy (e.g. the federal government). That's why I want things like Roe v Wade repealed even though I'm pro-choice and why I don't have a problem with California being a sanctuary state as long as The Wall encircles it as well. I want all of you lefty anti-Trump types to get your way. Sort of. But I emphatically don't want you to get your way as far as Texas is concerned. I would love it if you'd secede. May the glorious balkanization commence! Down with the EU! Hard Brexit! Viva Catalunya! And above all, may a one-world government never be seen upon this Earth. Are these ideas strictly right-wing? I'd say not. After all, I'm perfectly fine with Stalinists trying to live their utopian dream, so long as it's safely away from me. But my ideas do rely, and rely quite heavily, on the concepts of independent local sovereignty and borders — and in that sense, are Trumpian indeed. So to get back to populism: I'm not trying to say that the popular ideas are the right ones. I have certainly been in the position where I have argued that the popular ideas are wrong. But simultaneously I believe that the popular wrong ideas have a right to be implemented, even if that leads to a predictable failure, and that your right, should you consider such ideas to be vulgar populism, is to go somewhere else safely shielded from the consequences, both good and bad, of the policy you oppose. Stop trying to bully idiots into not being idiots; instead, allow them to do them while you do you. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 11, 2018, 12:01:09 AM
" If that's the only stuff you believe that Trump did wrong, then you are extremely biased. I mean, even if I globally agree with one president, I can find a lot more mistakes than that. If you were being sarcastic, please make it clearer. If not, then please re-study what the president has done since the start of his presidency. With Fox News, Breitbart and Infowars off, of course (find some neutral sources so that you can make your own mind about his deeds). |
"I'd add the following as Trump mistakes: - signing of the Omnibus Spending Bill, particularly reasoning given - military interventionism in Saudi vs Yemen war - bombing Syrian government in response to obvious false flag carried out by rebels - calling for criminal charges against Julian Assange - advocating for a ban on bump stocks, which is like trying to ban sticks - the appointment of John Bolton to National Security Advisor And that's with no further research on my part. And I'm generally pro-Trump. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Btw Sub and vote for PewDiePie. :D