rojimboo wrote:
The 1.5C warming limit, has in all practicality, been passed already and proved too hard for mankind due to addiction to fossil fuels and petty political squabbling. The 2C limit is something that is at least still possible, if we try really fucking hard, all of us.

I see us missing that as well, hope is slowly but steadily being eroded.

And now you have to show how this is Trump's fault. Here's what happened in 2017:

Huh, weird. All the countries who pat themselves on the shoulders for sticking to the agreement are polluting even more, while the Trump-led rogue state polluted less. Really makes me think.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion#3432 on Dec 16, 2018, 11:00:34 AM
For those curious, this site lists all indictments, charges to date. All relevant court filings are also linked. It's the most organized timeline I've come across so far.

The indictments are incredible reads, especially the one against the 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russian companies. The efforts to infiltrate US democracy is stunning.

There's a lot. None of this is from 4-chan. It's all official government court filings. Anyway, fill your boots if you want to know what goes on beyond Trump's fantasy world:
Khoranth wrote:
Trump is doing great in polls with many minority groups, when compared to past Republican presidential candidates.

I guess he could be doing worse with specific groups, but all the minority polls I've seen show Trump doing much better then past Folks like Mitt Romney ect

Because they have more jobs. Already said multiple times in this thread if the unemployment rate stays where its at, he will be re-elected. Economy and Unemployment are the key barometers for re-election and for someone not getting elected.

People have to live their own lives before they start worrying about what someone across the pond thinks of Trump not signing a fleece Paris Agreement. Someone having a job to go to, and money to spend on their family, outweighs someone mad they have to watch Trump on TV.

So if all this blows over, and it will, enjoy 6 more years haters.

Honestly, if he wasn't SO hated, like, if he was a Ronald Reagan, his approval would probably be through the roof right now. But he is hated for how he is, acts, (and party politics seem to have really went up a notch last few years), which is understandable.
Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Dec 16, 2018, 11:28:38 AM
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
The 1.5C warming limit, has in all practicality, been passed already and proved too hard for mankind due to addiction to fossil fuels and petty political squabbling. The 2C limit is something that is at least still possible, if we try really fucking hard, all of us.

I see us missing that as well, hope is slowly but steadily being eroded.

And now you have to show how this is Trump's fault. Here's what happened in 2017:

Huh, weird. All the countries who pat themselves on the shoulders for sticking to the agreement are polluting even more, while the Trump-led rogue state polluted less. Really makes me think.
Cherrypicking one year is easy.

Let's try the next year 2017, as an example.

Trump and US at fault based on per capita emissions and historical cumulative emissions (US and EU at fault):

Last edited by rojimboo#7480 on Dec 16, 2018, 11:42:49 AM
rojimboo wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
The 1.5C warming limit, has in all practicality, been passed already and proved too hard for mankind due to addiction to fossil fuels and petty political squabbling. The 2C limit is something that is at least still possible, if we try really fucking hard, all of us.

I see us missing that as well, hope is slowly but steadily being eroded.

And now you have to show how this is Trump's fault. Here's what happened in 2017:

Huh, weird. All the countries who pat themselves on the shoulders for sticking to the agreement are polluting even more, while the Trump-led rogue state polluted less. Really makes me think.
Cherrypicking one year is easy.

Let's try the next year 2017, as an example.

Trump and US at fault based on per capita emissions and historical cumulative emissions (US and EU at fault):

Wow, well I hope you are going to Chinese & Indian video game forums, and being just as hateful & nasty to the citizens of those countries, as you are here to Americans who support Trump.
rojimboo wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
The 1.5C warming limit, has in all practicality, been passed already and proved too hard for mankind due to addiction to fossil fuels and petty political squabbling. The 2C limit is something that is at least still possible, if we try really fucking hard, all of us.

I see us missing that as well, hope is slowly but steadily being eroded.

And now you have to show how this is Trump's fault. Here's what happened in 2017:

Huh, weird. All the countries who pat themselves on the shoulders for sticking to the agreement are polluting even more, while the Trump-led rogue state polluted less. Really makes me think.
Cherrypicking one year is easy.

Let's try the next year 2017, as an example.

I prefer real numbers, not projections. And this still doesn't show how it's Trump's fault.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Khoranth wrote:

Wow, well I hope you are going to Chinese & Indian video game forums, and being just as hateful & nasty to the citizens of those countries, as you are here to Americans who support Trump.

What I do or don't do, is none of your concern.

However, you seem to have gotten the impression I've been nasty or angry to someone else other than Trump. Like I've explained twice before, my ire is reserved for Trump. I don't think I've personally attacked anyone here (the same cannot be said of some of you, but I could care less) so maybe stop pretending to be a victim and start quoting me personally attacking them.

And you completely disregarded the whole per capita argument and figure regarding China and India, amongst other arguments I can't be asked to repeat again (especially to you, considering your post history).
Xavderion wrote:

I prefer real numbers, not projections. And this still doesn't show how it's Trump's fault.


It's late December 2018! How much projection is that?

You're funny.

Also, I edited my post a while back, added some more figures. Maybe you missed them, giving you the benefit of the doubt; I'm a nice guy after all.
Raycheetah wrote:

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it'd already have been revealed. He's just fishing.

Now that assertion is flat out wrong. Not one thing has yet leaked from the Mueller investigation. Fishing is a very ridiculous assertion from our President, not a sane assertion based in reality. Dozens of indictments, many guilty pleas and time already served and being served.

Raycheetah wrote:
As for any "conspiracy" to commit campaign finance violations, it first requires that those actions actually violate campaign finance law. Aside from some talking heads, and some politically-motivated DOJ apparatchiki nattering and girmishing, I haven't seen anyone actually show how, by law, any actual violations took place. I've already stated my reasoning, but it obviously won't stop an attempt at political lawfare if the Dems and their allies think they have a chance to at least inconvenience a sitting President of whom they generally disapprove. ='[.]'=

They did violate campaign finance laws. In 2015 AMI head, David Pecker, Cohen and Trump had a meeting where they conspired to break campaign finance laws, in a so-called catch and kill scheme. This was part of Trump's preparation for entering the presidential campaign. Pecker and Cohen are both cooperating with prosecutors. Cohen pleaded guilty last Friday and the judge (who can see the redacted information) ruled that Cohen had committed this felony at the behest of Trump, which is a felony. Here from Fox News.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Xavderion wrote:

I prefer real numbers, not projections. And this still doesn't show how it's Trump's fault.

We're all in a sinking boat together. If we're not being part of the solution then we are part of the problem. Especially because from a per capita perspective, the cause of the problem is worse in the USA. Pulling out of the Paris accord is like Trump saying we're not going to help bail water out of the boat.

Your reasoning that it hasn't been proven that Trump is the one that caused the hole in the boat is ignoring the problem.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!

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