Raycheetah wrote:
Reporting other posters in this thread is kinda lame. We all know what we've signed up for by posting in it; calling in the forum cops because someone else was naughty is pretty weaksauce. =9[.]9=

I've been specifically told that I should report instead of retaliate because the latter would get me banned. Super lame tbh.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:
Reporting other posters in this thread is kinda lame. We all know what we've signed up for by posting in it; calling in the forum cops because someone else was naughty is pretty weaksauce. =9[.]9=

I've been specifically told that I should report instead of retaliate because the latter would get me banned. Super lame tbh.

What retaliate? Usually I either ignore, or mebbe point and laugh.

However, if someone aspires to usurp the title "Squealer of Wraeclast," this would be the thread to do it in, I s'pose. =0[.]o=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Is that like a badge of honor for people that dislike mental inconsistency and dialogue in bad faith?

Where can i get one?


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
Boem wrote:

Not really, my point was that human rights have been violated continuesly in Turkey and nobody condemned it.(thus it is not really a right in that geographical location)

It's called a double standart.

All that I was arguing was that human rights existed in Turkey. You argued that they didn't exist because they were violated. Then I argued that violation of those human rights did not mean that they didn't exist, it meant they needed to be strengthened.

Your position that they didn't exist really made no sense. Even from the perspective of your statement above. If they didn't even exist then how the heck can you say that something that doesn't exist is being violated?

Anyway, I'm sorry I brought it up, you obviously are thinking about it in a way that makes no sense to me.

You argued trump needed to pay "lip service" to the notion of human rights and condemn it's violation.

That's called "a double standart".

For example, obama had no problems with supporting a president that shut down freedom of speach for two years during the period he did a campaign to get himself ellected as president and reform the consitution and power structure in turkey.

Absorb the bolted part please. Turkey went from a democratic republic to a presidential republic.(2017, with backing from the obama legislation up to 2016)

Erdogan arrested roughly 58% of the turkey military(position of military control) which historically have always stepped up in the past 80 years to control any power-plays from the goverment.
He arrested a big part of the juridicial system and journalist's and public paper institutions that ran against him(in the public opinion).

And all of this happened roughly within 2 hours after a coup broke out in Turkey. Which gives high credibility to the argument that it was a hitlist and staged to take control of the structure prior to the elections.

There has not been a single case in human history where a nation-wide coup has been "dealth" with in under 5 hours.

Yet i don't sense any outrage from you about that at all.

Because for some weird reason, Obama good when he fascilitates the downfall of a democracy and trump bad when he just remains silent.

I will restate the earlier part, double standarts.

I will judge both and say both good and bad things depending on what they do but judged by the same standart.

I call that integrity of character.

Just like i call out Xav in this thread for posting triggering meme's for the purpose of triggering, i do the same with kellog acting in bad faith.

As for the human rights point of view that i have, i can use the analogy with weed regulation in my country for example.
The laws are in place, it's illegal, yet cops don't arrest people that infringe on it, it is public knowledge that the law is just there to discourage.

The law has a goal and an aim and it can be utilized in the court of law, but it rarely if ever does.

Does that make weed illegal, most certainly it does, are people arrested for it? Not really, only the most gross offenders and usually in relation to other laws(human trafficking, hard drug infringements etc)

Human rights is the same deal, it is infringed upon constantly but only the most gross offenders get punished and usually for other motivations unrelated to human rights to substantiate actions against the offenders.

I already mentioned to you that over 10.000 human right violations sanctioned by the court of human rights have not been enacted.
And that most nations have laws that circumvent the enactment of sanctions from that court.(which means they can independently overrule the verdict if they see fit)
Which makes the whole thing what i call "an air castle". Not sure if that translates well in english.

Your equating sentiment for actual enforced law.
Human rights are arbitrarely enforced by law, that doesn't mean we should let go of the sentiment behind them or the believe it instills in people to strive and achieve it.

Do we hold the sentiment that all people have the right to live? Live a good and trouble free live? Be previe to education? That children and women should be protected above all else?etc etc

Of course we do.

Is that enforced by law across the board equally without fail? No, we still have a long way to go assuming it is actually attainable which i have doubts about. I think it's and ideal and the world doesn't seem to work well with ideals since they lead to extremism.

I will end with this, enforcement of law in a nation itself is quite "easy", but enforcing your law and ideals onto other nations has turned out badly in history.(enforcing should raise a red flag, when human freedom is at play)

Lead by example seems to be the best form to actually achieve such a desire and has done wonders for systems that function.(markets as a concept being adopted cross ideology seems like a fair example that comes to mind)



Sorry, you are not really making any sense to me. It is all a totally different topic as to whether or not there is such a thing as the human right to life.

You are also being ridiculous to blame Erdogan taking unprecedented power in Turkey on Obama. You falsely assert that I said a whole bunch of crap about Obama that I never said. You falsely assert that I said a whole bunch of crap about Turkey that I never said and don't even believe.

There is such a thing as the human right to life in Turkey. It is in the Turkey constitution. PERIOD. The other stuff is really irrelevant to that simple fact. You can't say that Turkey violates human rights on one side of your face and then on the other side of your face say that human rights do not exist in Turkey. It is not possible to violate something that doesn't even exist. To me it is an absurd position to take.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Mar 28, 2019, 3:52:25 PM
Turtledove wrote:

Sorry, you are not really making any sense to me. It is all a totally different topic as to whether or not there is such a thing as the human right to life.

You are also being ridiculous to blame Erdogan taking unprecedented power in Turkey on Obama. You falsely assert that I said a whole bunch of crap about Obama that I never said. You falsely assert that I said a whole bunch of crap about Turkey that I never said and don't even believe.

There is such a thing as the human right to life in Turkey. It is in the Turkey constitution. PERIOD. The other stuff is really irrelevant to that simple fact. You can't say that Turkey violates human rights on one side of your face and then on the other side of your face say that human rights do not exist in Turkey. It is not possible to violate something that doesn't even exist. To me it is an absurd position to take.

The Constitution asserts that Turkey is a secular (2.1) and democratic (2.1) republic (1.1) that derives its sovereignty (6.1) from the people. The sovereignty rests with the Turkish Nation, who delegates its exercise to an elected unicameral parliament, the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

It no longer being a democratic republic seems kind of weird if that's the premise from which to build the entire document on.
Moving away from secularism seems problematic as-well.

And it all bases it's intrinsic sovereignty from the people.(as is regular for a democratic society)
Good stuff.

Btw i didn't imply you made claims about obama or turkey at all.

I am providing aditional information around the subject itself that is relevant to the discussion.

And to strenghthen my position that your using a double standart when judging trump on his actions.

My claim is fairly simple, a constitution in a compromised corrupt region holds no relevant value to the people in it's territory.
Maybe you want to make that claim, but then i would direct that statement to the tens of thousands of people put into prison without a trial in 2016.
(a fair trial, being one of the basic principles of a non-corrupt juridicial system comming from the "innocent before proven guilty" basis we use to justify locking away people)

That the guide-lines of the human rights charter have been breached, i could agree on, but those are not laws just guide-lines or sentiments we strive for.
since again, they are not enforceable.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

Sorry, you are not really making any sense to me. It is all a totally different topic as to whether or not there is such a thing as the human right to life.

You are also being ridiculous to blame Erdogan taking unprecedented power in Turkey on Obama. You falsely assert that I said a whole bunch of crap about Obama that I never said. You falsely assert that I said a whole bunch of crap about Turkey that I never said and don't even believe.

There is such a thing as the human right to life in Turkey. It is in the Turkey constitution. PERIOD. The other stuff is really irrelevant to that simple fact. You can't say that Turkey violates human rights on one side of your face and then on the other side of your face say that human rights do not exist in Turkey. It is not possible to violate something that doesn't even exist. To me it is an absurd position to take.

The Constitution asserts that Turkey is a secular (2.1) and democratic (2.1) republic (1.1) that derives its sovereignty (6.1) from the people. The sovereignty rests with the Turkish Nation, who delegates its exercise to an elected unicameral parliament, the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

It no longer being a democratic republic seems kind of weird if that's the premise from which to build the entire document on.
Moving away from secularism seems problematic as-well.

And it all bases it's intrinsic sovereignty from the people.(as is regular for a democratic society)
Good stuff.

Btw i didn't imply you made claims about obama or turkey at all.

I am providing aditional information around the subject itself that is relevant to the discussion.

And to strenghthen my position that your using a double standart when judging trump on his actions.

My claim is fairly simple, a constitution in a compromised corrupt region holds no relevant value to the people in it's territory.
Maybe you want to make that claim, but then i would direct that statement to the tens of thousands of people put into prison without a trial in 2016.
(a fair trial, being one of the basic principles of a non-corrupt juridicial system comming from the "innocent before proven guilty" basis we use to justify locking away people)

That the guide-lines of the human rights charter have been breached, i could agree on, but those are not laws just guide-lines or sentiments we strive for.
since again, they are not enforceable.



Like I've said many times. Just because a right is violated, it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't exist. I pointed to the exact spot in the new Turkey constitution where the right to life was explicitly stated as a right.

I had a work colleague that was from Turkey and I'm fully aware of the things you say but just don't see the relevance. Regarding all the thousands of wrongs that have occurred in Turkey, if two wrongs don't make a right then thousands of wrongs can't make a right and murdering Khasoggi was wrong. Trump should condemn the people that committed that murder. If Obama had refused to condemn a murder of a USA citizen by another country then I would say the same thing.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
Trump should condemn the people that committed that murder. If Obama had refused to condemn a murder of a USA citizen by another country then I would say the same thing.

Kashoggi wasn't a citizen of the US. And lemme quote Trump on this:

"The crime against Jamal Khashoggi was a terrible one, and one that our country does not condone. Indeed, we have taken strong action against those already known to have participated in the murder. After great independent research, we now know many details of this horrible crime. We have already sanctioned 17 Saudis known to have been involved in the murder of Mr. Khashoggi, and the disposal of his body."

"Representatives of Saudi Arabia say that Jamal Khashoggi was an “enemy of the state” and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but my decision is in no way based on that – this is an unacceptable and horrible crime."

Yet again, you are saying literally the opposite of what happened.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Turtledove wrote:

Like I've said many times. Just because a right is violated, it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't exist. I pointed to the exact spot in the new Turkey constitution where the right to life was explicitly stated as a right.

You realize that if the founding principle of a document is violated it becomes invalid right?

All rights proposed in the link you posted depend on the founding principles being adhered to.

The document for example also says

"freedom of expresion"
"freedom of thought"
"freedom to diseminate thought"

Which are no longer rights under the presidential republic. In name only, since erdogan simple puts "international terrorist" labels on people who disagree with him due to his power position under the new power structure and imprisons journalist's he dislikes the publication off.

According to the Human Rights Watch 2019 report, Turkey has the maximum number of jailed journalists. In February 2018, prominent journalists Ahmet Altan, Mehmet Altan and Nazlı Ilıcak were sentenced to life imprisonment without parole on the couped charges.[71]

Do some follow up reading if you want.

As a little side remark, what does "USA citizen" have to do with anything?
All life is sacred in my opinion or at least we should attempt to behave like that is the case.

Or did you add the USA tag so i can't make the obvious remark "why didn't obama condemn the kurdish racial murders?"

There was plenty to condemn during obama's period in that region of the world the UN is specifically condemned for doing nothing on various occations by various articles and agency's concerned with right violations etc etc...


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
faerwin wrote:

Personally, I think that those that truly abuse the system should end up paying after a number of visits. If you keep having to visit the hospital because you make overdoses or get alcohol poisoning, you should end up with the bill. This might discourage a few to do dumb shit if they have to fork a few thousands. Most likely they won't and they'll end up paying but at least, it's gonna be money for #3

Which is improvement of old techniques and technologies. An example of this is my dad having to go to a follow-up call to get news on his operation. The meeting lasted about 5 minutes and could have easily been done on the phone or with skype (I say skype out of convenience). This kind of stuff takes pointless time out of the day for both the doctor and for the patient.

There are lots of potential solutions. The biggest hurdle to fixing them is that the people at the top of the government are too isolated to know how the system is broken and the people that communicate with them (aides, lobbyists, etc) are too biased to give honest answers.

It would be like asking the president of country X to fix the balancing problems in a new GGG patch. Naturally, we don't expect the government to be an expert on Path of Exile - or any particular subject. We do need a better system of communication so that the govt can understand the causes and scope of a problem.

Given how expensive health care is, and how big a chunk it takes out of personal and national budgets, I think it warrants some extra time and effort to fix. Personally, If I was an elected leader, I would randomly stop in some hospitals and some clinics and talk to people who work there and get their input to understand the problem better. Some of the people may have ideas for solutions already. It may take a few big changes, maybe a lot of small changes.

Something as simple as a secure phone app/printed sheet that you are given in the waiting room saying "Is this list of your medications current? Yes/No?" could knock 5-10 minutes off every visit. For a small clinic, that might mean helping 3-4 more patients a day at the same cost. A big hospital might help several dozen people more for the same costs.

For people who show up far too often at hospitals for drug/alcohol overdoses - it might be a mandatory few days in jail after they sober up. Then again, maybe that would be bad, as someone might end up dying because they feared jail more than dying from an overdose. The point is to ask the people actually involved in the process - and stop relying on lobbyists and medical representatives that aren't actively involved in day to day care.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Mar 28, 2019, 6:43:35 PM

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