Path of Nerfs

You cater only to the top 1% of players.

The rest of the 99% are screwed, every single time, over and over and over again...........

You guys really have no understanding of your own playerbase......but ok w/e........
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Want to join a MULTI-GAMING community including one of POE's oldest guilds???
I feel like the people complaining over honestly and genuinely minor nerfs are kind'a in the wrong, the current state of the game feels amazing, I've tested many builds, designed atleast thirty alone for friends none of which have failed as they're all clearing t15's currently, Those who relied solely on the gimmick of "immortality" through vaal pact were just holding onto a crutch rather than actually playing the game, sorry to say. ^^;; Loving the new league, been here since closed beta and have been enjoying and hating changes, but unlike most, I look at the logic behind every action and feel the game is actually in a very good state, there's obvious powercreep, but the difficulty of the game honestly going up might have finally caught up to that creep. For those of you complaining of the dev(s) only catering to the top percentile, Have you ever PvP'd against someone with an immortal build? You basically can't play the game and it's beyond frustrating. Yeah there are "ways around them." But, If you're new to the game you'll basically be stomped out no questions asked. In regards to the ES nerfs / Vaal pact nerfs, NONE OF YOU NEEDED 15~30K ES builds with instant leech from vaalpact+Ghost reaver, SINCERELY, they were beyond unhealthy and made this game feel like everything, Including shaper at the time was a white mob.

TL;DR, Oh no, you actually have to play the game now, so the game is dead? Get over yourselves.
Last edited by devin21321#6603 on Dec 17, 2017, 6:49:26 AM
Another fanboy which have nothing on his side. All of his characters is HP based, all of them are low level wearing HP junkstuff.
He is probably never played ES / CI and probably never ever seen someone with ES beyound 20k.
Nor his gameplay.


This is the short truth. I am not playing it at all. All guildies are offliners. Most of my friends as well. The game population decreasing with 2000 peoples per day.
The main population is from peoples which gathering currency and items to sell on the goldesellers sites, or just stream their "mighty" builds for a profit.

That's all. PoE is a dead and burried game which was put in this state by the same kind of person which we have above my comment.
I was silenced for telling the name of USA president for 40 days.
I was silenced for stating "I am Jesus" for 5 days.
Maybe it is time the deeds of the moderators to become public, so peoples understand that they hired a cheap mods which enforcing their "woke" agenda on players.
Last edited by BlazeSTX#1437 on Dec 17, 2017, 9:19:27 AM
Whining and complaining about the fact you have to play the game to play the game doesn't mean it's a bad or dead game.
Last edited by devin21321#6603 on Dec 17, 2017, 10:09:08 AM
Chris wrote:

Rise of the Phoenix
Maximum Fire Resistance granted has been reduced to 5% (from 8%). Life regeneration has been increased to 15 to 20 per second (from 6). New versions now also grant 40 to 60 Life (this cannot be divined).

This item granted too much maximum fire resistance, more than any other shield provided for any other maximum resistance type. This made it far too easy to max out fire resistance on a Righteous Fire character. Other bonuses on the item have been added or increased to have the item remain useful for other builds.

Well, there's the list of significant nerfs. Hopefully we didn't forget any important ones. We have a decent list of buffs to go with it, which will be posted tomorrow in the full patch notes!

That is just I do not understand why you decided to nerf RF build. I have been running this for multiple leagues and had fun with that. Such a nice casual and slow paced style is what i like, or liked a lot. Now that 'it is not easy to max out fire resistance'- well it is impossible to max out fire resistance - I can't run around maps - not that high tiered ones - with ease of mind. It is not like RF Build was overpowered or needed any nerf, like new 'vaal pact' made more build nearly immortal because they do milions of damage. If you nerfed that shield, you should provide additional item or skill or purity of rire with additional max fire resistance to make it up for endgame content. I do not like that nerf to be honest, it is like not needed :/ /whine

I guess it is time to start looking at any other OP build where your character is immortal because of milions of damage. And I do not like that kind of stuff, which makes me want to play it a bit less
I can not recognise PoE..

There is dead trade channel, dead trade sites, deat trade at whole.

Peoples which I played with is gone, and only there is some which is "running" those pointless "leagues" or whatever.

Even the goldeseller sites have no interest anymore into the PoE.

WTF did You've done with my PoE ?! Why those nerfs was so importat that you destroy the game for many just to fit it for a few, which even does not play the builds like Energy Shields ?!

I just can not understand.. OMG !
Solid nerfs that were mostly needed. The people whining just got used to facerolling, cos stuff got too easy and now when it's being reigned in to make the game, how it was meant to be, they whine.

The xp nerfs are the only ones i don't agree with, although let's get real... the only ppl that made it to 100 even before, were ppl who nolifed the heck outta it and took it to an unhealthy extreme by popping 10 energy drinks/painkillers etc... so it doesn't even matter cos most ppl end their lvling at 90. Although the problem was that you introduced more and more ways of getting more xp and hence the race times got smaller and smaller. Dunno why the whole playerbase must get slower lvling, cos of a handful of nolifer racers...

Lol at some ppl acting as if they speak for anyone but themselves... Also looks like most people don't bloody read patch notes etc, cos they're whining about stuff that just got changed to how they claim they'd like it more lmao.

This xp stuff kinda does smell like serving the elite players, who sink a lot of dough into POE though...

Otherwise good stuff!
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Dec 27, 2017, 1:30:09 AM
Hi Christ little comment concerning your vaal pact nerf,having no life regen when the leech was instantaneous were justificated but with the new way vaal pact work i think the no regen tag is too much now why not make life regen 50 % slower now instead of completely disabling it ?
Last edited by ThorTX#4927 on Feb 1, 2018, 2:52:31 AM
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