Path of Nerfs

good for u VP is a trash now
So far, so good!
MFJones wrote:
My concerns are continuosly being buried by people who have $0 - $50 supporter packs and highest characters at level 90 who have only been playing for ~2years so i will have to repost. I WANT AN ANSWER GGG.

chris why do you keep nerfing things? do you just want us to play vanilla sunder builds for the rest of our lives? seems like such a waste considering how much potential the game has for more creative builds. CAN WE HAVE CAST ON CRIT BACK ALREADY? why does it matter if certain builds are OP in a game that is mostly just gonna be played as single player or co-op anyway?? It's not like PVP is a real thing, nobody cares!

Meanwhile we still have builds like traps and mine builds running rampant and one shotting end-game content like atziri, shaper, and uber izario. how is this fair??? i've been supporting this game since closed beta (look at my supporter packs) and i only end up playing less and less patch after patch simply because there just aren't enough fun builds for me to try anymore

why???? back then when i played HC i would roll 10-15 builds each league. now i can barely justifying rerolling more than 1 character because nothing interests me anymore. your NEW content is made obsolete becausee you're changing and forcing the meta too much. you guys need to relax on the nerfing. this game should allow players the freedom to play and create what they want. PLUS, most of these things being nerfed are mostly high-end stuff that majority of players won't be able to achieve anyway, or takes a lot of time/currency investment in order to achieve. I understand nerfing broken and cheap builds but nerfing items like acuity or old builds like CoC just doesnt make any sense to me when there are builds that currently exist that take low currency and time investment to achieve power levels even higher than old CoC (eg. GC mines).

im sorry but if this continues i dont think i can continue to support this game. I am at a point where i am starting to regret the thousands of dollars $$$ i've thrown at you guys because the game just isnt as fun anymore.

P.S. i am fine with the exp nerf, never cared about 100 and 100 should have never been so easy anyways

I would like to hear an answer from GGG for this post as well, since my line of tought is the same.
lurker14ownz wrote:

3% max resist will be something like 350-400 life regen a second I think? That is a pretty large chunk.
for 8k life build thats what, 5% tops of life regen ? not really a huge chunk with so many tools at our disposal nowadays

lvl 20 stone golem gives 105 flat regen
marble amulet gives 1.6%
vitality if you can squeeze it in gives 1.65%

there are at least 3 pantheon powers that reduce dot/ele damage taken (some conditional, some not)

kintsugi (aka best kept secret) reduces all damage taken by 20% if not hit recently

any life recovery rate modifiers multiply with your regen (trickter/ascendant patient reaper, new alternative to soul tether GGG promised)

then obviously MoM for a huge chunk of degen taken off your life and transferred into mana

Last edited by grepman#2451 on Dec 4, 2017, 7:11:11 PM
Fuck that. I can understand anything, but not those idiotic XP nerfes. Even hitting 90 is hard for me. And you nerfing XP, because some people say that they get 100 too fast. Lolwut?

And the QotF nerf... Jesus... I can acsept hp nerf, CoC nerf, es nerf, evasion nerf, vaal pact nerf, power charges nerf, shock nerf, any dps nerfes, even assassin nerf! Anything! But movement speed is sacred aspect, that must not be touched. But you do that! GGG, burn in hell!
To argue with a fool means to sink to his level.
cryyyy wrote:
The SALT on this thread makes me laugh so hard. Keep it coming bois I'm making a compilation of all the salt.

Good for you. Too bad the vast majority of people agree these nerfs are more heavy-handed than ever.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
SiriusLouve wrote:

it should feel special to hit level 100 and not just something you do.
really? i was expecting more nerfs..
luke6666sama wrote:
MFJones wrote:
My concerns are continuosly being buried by people who have $0 - $50 supporter packs and highest characters at level 90 who have only been playing for ~2years so i will have to repost. I WANT AN ANSWER GGG.

chris why do you keep nerfing things? do you just want us to play vanilla sunder builds for the rest of our lives? seems like such a waste considering how much potential the game has for more creative builds. CAN WE HAVE CAST ON CRIT BACK ALREADY? why does it matter if certain builds are OP in a game that is mostly just gonna be played as single player or co-op anyway?? It's not like PVP is a real thing, nobody cares!

Meanwhile we still have builds like traps and mine builds running rampant and one shotting end-game content like atziri, shaper, and uber izario. how is this fair??? i've been supporting this game since closed beta (look at my supporter packs) and i only end up playing less and less patch after patch simply because there just aren't enough fun builds for me to try anymore

why???? back then when i played HC i would roll 10-15 builds each league. now i can barely justifying rerolling more than 1 character because nothing interests me anymore. your NEW content is made obsolete becausee you're changing and forcing the meta too much. you guys need to relax on the nerfing. this game should allow players the freedom to play and create what they want. PLUS, most of these things being nerfed are mostly high-end stuff that majority of players won't be able to achieve anyway, or takes a lot of time/currency investment in order to achieve. I understand nerfing broken and cheap builds but nerfing items like acuity or old builds like CoC just doesnt make any sense to me when there are builds that currently exist that take low currency and time investment to achieve power levels even higher than old CoC (eg. GC mines).

im sorry but if this continues i dont think i can continue to support this game. I am at a point where i am starting to regret the thousands of dollars $$$ i've thrown at you guys because the game just isnt as fun anymore.

P.S. i am fine with the exp nerf, never cared about 100 and 100 should have never been so easy anyways

I would like to hear an answer from GGG for this post as well, since my line of tought is the same.

GGG can we get an answer for this?
looks like nerfs gonna impact a lot of players though but its up to you. imho im gonna grind my LIFE now ..
Dspayre wrote:
Yup, another patch, another nerf to xp.

Seriously, this has got to stop. Yes, 100 should be difficult, but not next to impossible for a player who may have a life. The grind from 94-100 is not fun, not difficult, not interesting in any way what so ever. What is it? Mind numbingly dull.

If you want to encourage those that get to 100 and quit the league to continue, try making creating a new character more interesting to them so they start new ones. Oh wait, they are only interested in getting to 100 as quick as possible, so no character but the peak of efficiency will do.

No matter what you do, those players who do the speed clear meta will always get to 100 too quickly.

Just stop please.

Personally, i don´t mind the XP nerf that much. But this.

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