Summoner sucks anyways...there are better builds but you take the nerf hammer to it and expect us to play builds we don't like. You ever heard of diversity? This game is almost on my shit list of do not play.
Posted byAbetow2531#7305on Dec 5, 2017, 11:52:22 PM
Chris wrote:
Do you feel this approach was worse than holding back information to bolster the patch notes with crazy reveals?
No, piecemeal information is better.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
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Posted byunsane#5479on Dec 5, 2017, 11:53:30 PM
Some of the nerfs sting but I understand they're for the better. Thanks for the transparency.
Posted byFernanda#5108on Dec 6, 2017, 12:04:25 AM
Had time for a 2nd (3rd?) straight league of 80% nerfs, again no time for meaningful buffs to the ever growing list of useless skills and uniques, and the response is come back next league? Was still somewhat motivated to play until literally just now.
Posted byMrMarchus#6108on Dec 6, 2017, 12:05:19 AM
typecast wrote:
It's become an endgame caster weapon for shield charge.
And? They're sacrificing a wand or scepter damage for movement speed. On a weapon swap it's just smart gameplay. Perhaps the lack of decent caster movement skills is the issue, and not just any melee weapon with nice attack speed.
typecast wrote:
Trivializes boss fights like Shaper still. Get any decent rare main hand for damage, prioritize crit and flat phys (abyss league helps with this). Play an ascendent (slayer/assassin) and enjoy both instant leech and overleech.
The damage is low enough that your instant leech from the claw will be less powerful than the new VP with a decent damage wep. It doens't trivialize anything, and if it did, then Slayer leech already does that.
Besides, the difference is, again, Bloodseeker only gets instant leech from it's own hits, and it's a claw, so it needs to be melee and claw accessible skills.
VP before was: Any skill. Any range.
They are light years apart in terms of effectiveness and Bloodseeker definitely doesn't trivialize things.
IGN: Bravo_Thirsty Last edited by Darkblitz9#2193 on Dec 6, 2017, 12:14:28 AM
Posted byDarkblitz9#2193on Dec 6, 2017, 12:13:43 AM
Catering to the top 1% is always a bad idea, the rest of the crowd will feel screwed over. The exp nerf is really the thing that makes this league already suck for me.
Will still play up to 95 though and look at all the good things in it, just not complete it. :/
Posted byZhatan#4250on Dec 6, 2017, 12:22:19 AM
Honestly Chris, I feel bad that you even had to make a post about this. Screw that! No need for this apologetic tone. Nerfs are PART OF PATH OF EXILE. The majority of the faithful still love your game. Whiners are always loud; please ignore them and trust your development team -- they have gotten you this far.
I'm excited about the QoL changes, and these are more exciting notes in 3.1. Nerfing over-used skills is perfectly fine in my eyes. As a temp league only player, I do feel standard players sometimes really suffer but there is absolutely no way a Standard player can come in here and say that this hasn't happened to them from Day 1! I do believe that you should try to preserve legacy items as MUCH as possible though, so that Standard can have their own fun.
Great job on the patch; I look forward to the new meta!
Last edited by sephonly#4230 on Dec 6, 2017, 12:36:21 AM
Posted bysephonly#4230on Dec 6, 2017, 12:35:53 AM
jdance25 wrote:
Honestly the content in 3.1 looks good. I'm excited for Abyss and I'm actually someone who would like the grind to 100 to take longer (so long as there are still items to chase while doing so). The problem I have with GGG as of late is the flat out lying or misleading or deflecting of criticism.
- We have a decent list of buffs coming tomorrow.
- We have a million DPS build that we will share before next week.
- ES builds at 25k
These are all essentially lies, mostly stated seemingly for the purpose to mislead the majority to explain a reason for a nerf or change.
Just fucking tell the truth. Seriously. Say this instead:
- We don't have many buffs tomorrow, however, patch 3.2 will feature a complete re-work of ascendancies. A future patch will deal with reworking skill gems.
- We don't like how powerful this build was, we are reducing its power to compensate.
- We are sick of the ES meta and would like the current meta to change.
I fucking hate feeling like I'm being lied to. If you make changes with the honest intent to make the game better, just state why you're doing it. It's mindbogglingly frustrating that we have to consider whether or not you as a company know what the fuck you're talking about (consider the whole GGG doesn't actually play their game fiasco) when you try and justify changes through lies. This whole controversy started because as a company you've started to say factually incorrect things and straight up ignore people that demanded an answer for it.
For god's sake just tell the fucking truth.
Posted byDrDraids#2941on Dec 6, 2017, 12:36:05 AM
Don't listen to idiot haters. Plenty of new uniques and supports will shake up skill usage.
You guys set the bar so high people start to expect miracles each week. These patch notes are great as always and I'm hyped for the new league.
Posted bybunkymag#7674on Dec 6, 2017, 12:38:59 AM
DrDraids wrote:
jdance25 wrote:
Honestly the content in 3.1 looks good. I'm excited for Abyss and I'm actually someone who would like the grind to 100 to take longer (so long as there are still items to chase while doing so). The problem I have with GGG as of late is the flat out lying or misleading or deflecting of criticism.
- We have a decent list of buffs coming tomorrow.
- We have a million DPS build that we will share before next week.
- ES builds at 25k
These are all essentially lies, mostly stated seemingly for the purpose to mislead the majority to explain a reason for a nerf or change.
Just fucking tell the truth. Seriously. Say this instead:
- We don't have many buffs tomorrow, however, patch 3.2 will feature a complete re-work of ascendancies. A future patch will deal with reworking skill gems.
- We don't like how powerful this build was, we are reducing its power to compensate.
- We are sick of the ES meta and would like the current meta to change.
I fucking hate feeling like I'm being lied to. If you make changes with the honest intent to make the game better, just state why you're doing it. It's mindbogglingly frustrating that we have to consider whether or not you as a company know what the fuck you're talking about (consider the whole GGG doesn't actually play their game fiasco) when you try and justify changes through lies. This whole controversy started because as a company you've started to say factually incorrect things and straight up ignore people that demanded an answer for it.
For god's sake just tell the fucking truth.
Posted byWukufyze#1642on Dec 6, 2017, 12:44:00 AM