[3.3] The Poet's Pen Volatile Dead/Bodyswap "Shaper Down"[Inquisitor ✌]

Ok i think its GG eq.

Just got small upgrade
Last edited by LechiaGdansk on Apr 5, 2018, 2:51:59 PM
Hello, i have some issues with survivability.. i have 75%res, 1500 armour(with flasks 9000), and 1900 evasion rating. plz help me.:/

Can we not use elemental equilibrium? We can simply have mods like add # to # lightning or cold damage to attack and won't frenzy deal lightning or cold damage so that we can utilize it? since it only takes 3 points to node EE.
Hello, i have some issues with survivability.. i have 75%res, 1500 armour(with flasks 9000), and 1900 evasion rating. plz help me.:/

Read whole guide+really helpfule is read comments below this guide :)

MachoGuy wrote:
Can we not use elemental equilibrium? We can simply have mods like add # to # lightning or cold damage to attack and won't frenzy deal lightning or cold damage so that we can utilize it? since it only takes 3 points to node EE.

We dont use elemental equilibrium.
is there a better aura to use except anger if you cant afford watcher's eye yet?
IGN: hyrenfreak
Hey folks! I have a question about the Increased Crit Strikes or Elemental Focus supports on main Poet's volatile dead. When should I swap Inc Crits for Ele Focus? Or what's better to run with?
So I always keep VolDead with Conc Effect, but cant decide which one to use from Ele Focus and ICrits
uber elder guys
blood magic = must have
Last edited by Dervish69 on Apr 8, 2018, 6:28:18 AM
Hi all,
finally got my endgame gear :)
I guess due to the Abyssus getting hit really hurts, and good CDR gear with decent rolls is pretty expensive :/


Also any comments on my skill tree? Maybe something is useless or can be replaced by other skills.

PS: PoB link.. https://pastebin.com/30j47hNh
Last edited by jochen_wuerfel on Apr 8, 2018, 12:50:48 PM
Can you please detail ideal enchants for all equipment, i dont think you have that covered in the build.

Also i would like to add, using Doryani's Invitation Heavy Belt is really good for this build. Adds 30% fire damage, gives you good resistance + it has life leach.
Last edited by bosanskivuk105 on Apr 8, 2018, 1:45:40 PM

I changed Elemental focus for Inc crit strikes.
Becouse i have over 600% crit multi.
Without this inc crit strikes sup i have around 26% chance for crit. With inc crit strikes over 50% :)

Acctualy testing new frenzy setUp Frenzy Gmp Life on hit Faster attack :)

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