[3.2] Bobby's Lacerate Bleed Gladiator [Budget Friendly | HC Viable | TANKY] UPDATED!

GeneParmesean wrote:
Belerophone wrote:
Why not reach to "Dirty techniques" and "Hatched Master" ?

Not needed or you needed points somewhere else?

This is something I've given a lot of thought, and your suggestion very well might be better. The initial plan was to fill that entire axe wheel out (I was overlooking how overcapped on chance to bleed that would make me), but since I haven't ended up doing that, Dirty Techniques is probably a better idea, though it'd take a few extra points to path over there. The Onslaught is nice though- mainly for the movespeed it grants us.

The only concern I have with this is that you already have to travel to that part of the tree to get Resolute technique.
alexraccc wrote:

I really like the idea of your build, therefore I started an HC abyss character running it, but I have one question: Are you sure MoM is really the best option for this build? I feel like we're wasting too many points by going to it, maybe they could be better spent on the Juggernaut passive in the marauder area+ some other life passives, or maybe we could gen Command of Steel for some more block and damage, plus other life nodes? I'm not exactly the best "build builder" but that's the vibe I'm getting.
Also, by skipping MoM, you could get less mana nodes, saving you even more points for other stuff. Or you could just use vulnerability+blasphemy and grace?

Again, I'm not saying my options are better, but I want your opinion on it

Good questions. Mind over Matter isn't strictly necessary, however it is a truly enormous defensive bonus. If you're playing in HC, I would highly suggest going that route, especially instead of Grace. I've personally never been a big fan of evasion, and especially in HC, relying on lucky evades just doesn't always cut it. I'd rather plan on getting hit and being able to survive it (through blocking, MoM, good armour, and a good life pool).

As for the mana nodes, at this point (level 90), I could spec out of some of them. The points we would gain from speccing away from MoM would quite literally all go towards more life, and even then I doubt it'd be objectively better. Think of this situation- you take a massive hit (100% of your life total worth of damage to make this simple) that you failed to block/mitigate. 30% of that gets sent to your mana, which now makes that damage non-lethal, so you're now down to 30% life (because you took 70% to the face) and probably out of mana. Now you can pop both your Life flasks AND your mana flask and regenerate both resources at the same time (or run a hybrid flask). Very efficient stuff.

Lastly, even if you decided against MoM, our build currently basically has all of the available life nodes taken already. You'd end up spending quite a few points just trying to get to more life nodes on the tree. I believe that this is the most efficient way to build our defenses.
There's Faster Attacks gem in you chest armour but in Gems/Links section you didn't mention it.
What would be the best 4L? Lacerate - Chance to Bleed - Melee Physical Damage - Faster Attacks? or Brutality as 4th gem?
Hi, I wanted to give the build a try after playing some RF and Ancestral Warchief Totems. Still have some currency stashed away (100c) and looking to jump start the build. I got myself already a Daresso's defiance (5l: 3r, 2g). Now my question is, is there any gear or affixes except the block recovery which i should look out for to get some more damage out of the build? I never played anything like this where the bleed is the main damage source.
Additionally i have a question regarding the priorisation of resolute technique and MoM. Would you rush these nodes and fll out the other stuff later and which of the two would you prioritise while leveling/early mapping? First the resolute technique section or first MoM?
Last edited by FlyingKumquat#1712 on Jan 6, 2018, 6:51:18 PM
Snakorek wrote:
There's Faster Attacks gem in you chest armour but in Gems/Links section you didn't mention it.
What would be the best 4L? Lacerate - Chance to Bleed - Melee Physical Damage - Faster Attacks? or Brutality as 4th gem?

Completely missed it it would seem. I just fixed it. Thanks for the heads up.
FlyingKumquat wrote:
Hi, I wanted to give the build a try after playing some RF and Ancestral Warchief Totems. Still have some currency stashed away (100c) and looking to jump start the build. I got myself already a Daresso's defiance (5l: 3r, 2g). Now my question is, is there any gear or affixes except the block recovery which i should look out for to get some more damage out of the build? I never played anything like this where the bleed is the main damage source.
Additionally i have a question regarding the priorisation of resolute technique and MoM. Would you rush these nodes and fll out the other stuff later and which of the two would you prioritise while leveling/early mapping? First the resolute technique section or first MoM?

Flat phys damage on pieces of gear where it's easy to fit in (gloves, rings, amulet) helps quite a bit. Get a rare axe with as much physical dps as possible and you'll be set. Again, this isn't the fastest build, but for the low cost-of-entry (I.E. you could play this SSF and be fine), it's pretty impressive what it can accomplish.

Take Mind over Matter later rather than sooner. You want to make sure it doesn't cause you any mana problems. As for Resolute Technique, I'm the worst person to ask about that. I always put off taking it until late, and I always regret it :P.
One more thing - why Ancestral Protector over Ancestral Warchief as a secondary offensive skill? Is it crucial to have more attack speed over more melee physical damage?
How to scale this build more into late game?
I have a few exalts to spare on this character
If anyone would look at my character and make me some suggestions I would appreciate it
Snakorek wrote:
One more thing - why Ancestral Protector over Ancestral Warchief as a secondary offensive skill? Is it crucial to have more attack speed over more melee physical damage?

Because we don't need the AoE damage from the Warchief. The one thing this build slows down on is bosses, and the protector does much more damage vs. single targets.
Enjoying this build. Levelled to lvl 83 on a four link lacerate setup.

Can't imagine what six link would be like!

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