[3.6 updated!] Crit Storm Call Inquisitor

Is Berek's Grip needed or nah?
Tecken1407 wrote:
No hc viable i guess

You mean the build in general or the amulet? Well, to make this build hc viable, you just run wrath (in essence worm) and herald of thunder. And instead of going for damage nodes (lightning walker, light of divinity) you spec into MoM and grab some extra mana nodes (deep thoughts at least). Less dps, but a lot more survivability.
But it's definitely hc viable.

Is Berek's Grip needed or nah?

Without Berek's = less dps. Use warlord's mark to leech life. I wrote in the initial post about this.

Did shaper deathless now, it's a slow run though, since I'm really bad at speedrunning endgame content :P
Shaper run:
Last edited by Contractor on Dec 29, 2017, 6:15:46 PM
This looked fun and all, but a +Spell Crit/+1 Actives 6 link with space for a life roll is currently about as expensive as a head-hunter.

Please tell me Shaper and Guardians are somewhat comfortably killable with just the Impulsa's?
Hum, why are you not using arcane surge on orb of storms? It's a noticeable increase in spell damage and cast speed for nearly free.
Last edited by Keyen on Dec 30, 2017, 3:51:40 AM
This looks insanely fun and im definitely about to try this out. What do you think about using Choir of the Storm for regular mapping over a rare?

Also how are guardians/shaper with inpulsas rather than swapping in a rare due to budget issues? Anyway thanks for posting videos with your build this looks great.

Also how is the leech against bosses? Since bereks wont be giving leech then.
Last edited by bitbite11 on Dec 30, 2017, 4:23:26 AM
Galadedrid wrote:
Please tell me Shaper and Guardians are somewhat comfortably killable with just the Impulsa's?

Yes, it's comfortable with Inpulsa's, but get choir of storms at least. It buffs your single target a lot.

Keyen wrote:
Hum, why are you not using arcane surge on orb of storms? It's a noticeable increase in spell damage and cast speed for nearly free.

Good idea! Am still tweaking around the build, thank you for mentioning it.

bitbite11 wrote:
This looks insanely fun and im definitely about to try this out. What do you think about using Choir of the Storm for regular mapping over a rare?

Also how are guardians/shaper with inpulsas rather than swapping in a rare due to budget issues? Anyway thanks for posting videos with your build this looks great.

Also how is the leech against bosses? Since bereks wont be giving leech then.

Choir of the Storm is fine using while mapping, but achieving 6k life with it may be a bit difficult. Shaper/Guardian just with Inpulsa is fine. You still can leech vs the bosses, they get shocked anyways, especially when they are getting hit by the storm bolt of choir of the storm. Shock duration is 2 seconds always and renews with a new shock, just the shock effect isn't that strong like against a regular monster.

I will post a Guardian run with Inpulsa's any time soon, to show the general dps.
How do you progress through the tree while leveling? Can you mention a few waypoints as guidance?
Thanks for the clarification! Will make this my next/final char, always loved Storm Call, there's just something so satisfying about it.
Nice build! I'll try that as Storm Call sound great to use!

i've maybe missed something but how do you generate Power Charges?
BattleLeader wrote:
How do you progress through the tree while leveling? Can you mention a few waypoints as guidance?

lvl 30ish:

lvl 50ish:

lvl 70ish:

After that spec in jewel nodes and if need/want, in phase acro.
I hope it helps, you can whisp me ingame if you have more questions. ;)

Moruial wrote:
Nice build! I'll try that as Storm Call sound great to use!

i've maybe missed something but how do you generate Power Charges?

Storm Call + Power charge on crit vs bosses, HoT/HoI + Curse on Hit + Assassins Mark for general mapping.

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