[3.1][Video Guide] Instant Leech Facetank Gladiator - Easy Deathless Shaper/Elder/Guardians

Polarity69 wrote:
Firstly thank you for the build.

But I'm really struggling with taking too much damage from ranged monsters and getting over whelmed by larger packs. I'm level 85, and I cant even complete a tier 6 map. Cant do my uber lab cos i get one shoted by anything at range and and I die in 2 seconds to larger packs of casters mainly, so i never get chance to start leeching against them. my resist are capped except chaos. I try to use whirling blades to close the gap but I'm dead by the time I get there. I'm so confused as to why i die so quickly to mobs that are 10 levels lower them me.

if anyone has any suggestions they would be appreciated

I swap out dual strike and ruthless for Frost blades and ancestral call. It's great for clearing whole screens.
Hey great build I was really wanting to try the bloodseeker claw so I'm making a HC version of this build and I just wanted to share my pastebin if you or anyone else was interested =) you lose quite a bit of dps but thats the trade off for HC!! https://pastebin.com/C64JKX8e
Last edited by Destreaga#2533 on Jan 20, 2018, 3:45:20 AM
I have got problem with armour ... and defense agnist bosses ... they can kill me on ONE hit ... with life 5k+ it's something wrong with my setup ... Testing this build on standard for next league but feeling too squishy..


I know build isn't finished ofc but it's strange with not bad items dying like noob ...

Skill tree lvl 90:
Bandids: Alira.
Pantheon: Same like in guilde (poe builder).
Charges: 3 endurance by enduring cry + 6 Frenzies.
Ascendancy: Like in guide.

I know my jewels sux but it's annoying while Dying by single one shot from minotaur... any solution what need to be changed to do real facetanking...?
Hey guys found this build just before the start of bestiary and thought I would give it a blast as new super OP Champion. Works a treat, killed Uber lab first try at 78 on a 4 link and had no issue with maps so far. Made a few changes with gear ( dropped Kaoms for rare boots and picked up Perseverance Vanguard Belt) check out build if you like , heres the paste bin.


Gear so far is

Thanks to ImTheWinningest for youtube vid that got me started. Best of luck to the rest of you.
A bit late on this ,but what do you think about using the carnage heart amulet ?

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