3.1 Poet's Pen Cold Berserker

I just afraid, what if we will change berserker (i agreed, this variant no more so perfect as it was) we will lose APS. Of course 1 skill in poets pen too will cool, and no existing builds now using cold pens, but 4 skills with these combinations are so cool. (I will too try to find another class, so 1 qiestion pls-do we need leech or build will be without healing except flasks?)
Fraudik wrote:
I just afraid, what if we will change berserker (i agreed, this variant no more so perfect as it was) we will lose APS. Of course 1 skill in poets pen too will cool, and no existing builds now using cold pens, but 4 skills with these combinations are so cool. (I will too try to find another class, so 1 qiestion pls-do we need leech or build will be without healing except flasks?)

I think you need at least some leech for it to be enjoyable.
Yeah, i have come to 1 result. We need at least to cancel Vaal Pact for regen, because with 50 rage charges leech do not save - we need or overleech (like from igniete with Eye of Innocence) or regen. So with canceled Vaal Pact im trying to improve regen more. If say real, now build have bad defense-he will clear t13 maps but not so easy as it did.
P.S I chekced other variants, including Scion- we do not have enough APS. If take Scion-Berserker-old problem, we still need regen. The last chance is or too find more APS on items or tree(possible), or improve defence as bersekrer, or do not cap 8 APS. (eh...)

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