3.1 Lightning Conversion Bladefall 389k Shaper DPS w/ Vinktar's Shock (Complete)

Concept Behind the Build
I heard a lot about the hype of Spell Cascade with Storm Call,
but haven't seen a lot of Bladefall builds with this new support gem. I decided to give it a shot myself. This build is still a WORK IN PROGRESS. I will update it accordingly when the build is complete :). I have a youtube video attached that showcases a small guide along with Tier 2 mapping (currently lvl 74 inquisitor with 2 ascendancies in).

This build converts 80% of our current phys dmg in to lightning damage by using Physical to Lightning Support and the new Stormchargers Unique item in 3.1. Inpulsa's is a great addition to the build because it helps immensely with waveclear (because of the explosions) and syncs well with Herald of Thunder damage. This build is currently at around 72% crit rate (it's around 80% with power charges), so we are pretty much always shocking. Shock effectiveness from Inpulsa's and Stormchargers helps enhance our single target when we replace Spell Cascade for Conc. Effect!

Youtube Video (includes elder+guardian fights + map clearing)


intimidation is checked because vinktar's applies a 10% more dmg modifier with its shock. its hard to calculate exact shock you'd be applying personally yourself, so i removed my initial 551k shocked dps forecast for something more accurate overall.


1. Bladefall - Added Lightning Dmg - Physical to Lightning - Increased Crit. Strikes - Spell Echo -
Spell Cascade/Conc. Effect

2. Herald of Lightning - Wrath - Enlighten - Decoy Totem

3. Leap Slam - Fortify - Blood Magic - Faster Attacks
Leap slam is preferred movement skill of choice so that we can get the full effects of Instruments of Virtue.

4. Lightning Golem - Minion Life

5. CWDT - Immortal Call - Vaal Haste - Inc. Duration

6. CWDT - Molten Shell - Firestorm - Life Leech



How did you level this through the acts?
I started off with 2x Driftwood Wands and slowly upgraded to Axiom Perpetuums which I kept using until Blood Aqueducts. Then I swapped off in to my current staff.
I used Frostbolt up until lvl 28 and started using Bladefall. I was already lvling the support gems:
Added Lightning Dmg, Increased Crit. Strikes, Spell Cascade, and Physical to Lightning, before I used Bladefall so that I could link it to the spell when I was able to use it.

I recommend adding a Lightning Penetration gem in until you do your 2nd ascendancy for Inevitable Judgment so that you won't feel like you do no dmg.

Herald of Thunder is great with the addition of Inpulsa's because of explosions and lightning dmg.

How do you sustain?
I am using a warlord's mark ring.

Do you still get shocked when using Vessel of Vinktar's while wearing Inpulsa?
you still get shocked, BUT, you are not affected by it. So you just don't take more damage.

Last edited by asphyxiaPOE#7806 on Jan 11, 2018, 5:41:54 PM
Last bumped on Jan 12, 2018, 11:21:08 AM
Interested in the build, wasted a lot of my currency since i was about to quit the league, this build brought me back. How much was the staff (curious even though i just bought mine)

Do you think this build could benefit from the unique amulet Choir of the Storm?
Last edited by TinieWenie#7640 on Jan 4, 2018, 2:21:06 PM

Interested in the build, wasted a lot of my currency since i was about to quit the league, this build brought me back. How much was the staff (curious even though i just bought mine)

My staff was 10c surprisingly.

Do you think this build could benefit from the unique amulet Choir of the Storm?

Yes, but resistances will be tight since Inpulsa's and Stormchargers do not provide resistance (outside of stormchargers' lightning res).
Can you give link on how you developed skills every 10 levels pls)
What base staff its better i think im go to try to craft one, there is no good staff like yours on poe trade to start the build xD

I Craft this staff it work for the build no?
Last edited by slimq3#5056 on Jan 10, 2018, 3:47:57 PM

What base staff its better i think im go to try to craft one, there is no good staff like yours on poe trade to start the build xD

I Craft this staff it work for the build no?

Yes, thats fine! Inquisitor ignores all ele resistances so it's fine. You just won't have as much lightning damage as I do, so you may not proc shocks for more higher tier bosses, but otherwise it's fine.
I like your build, but I have one possible suggestion. Depending on how intensive the mana cost is, you could spec out of the tireless wheel, and get the blood-drinker life (shadow side) + Fangs of the Viper + Nullification for the same cost.

You'll essentially end up with +5% life, +20% physical + movement speed + 8 all res + more dex + ev/es

But again, I don't know what the mana consumption at the end game is.

You're also a bit closer to another jewel slot.


You could also spec out of the staff nodes and get the witch spell damage + Force Shaper. You'll end up with less crit on the tree, but you open yourself up to dual wielding shaped daggers or scepters.
Last edited by BigKevSexyMan#4582 on Jan 10, 2018, 11:52:21 PM
Ok im just starting the character and found another staff for the shock you say before...
multiplier + spell damage on jewels no?
Last edited by slimq3#5056 on Jan 11, 2018, 12:09:05 PM
Ok im just starting the character and found another staff for the shock you say before...

your staff is better than mine lol.

multiplier + spell damage on jewels no?


I like your build, but I have one possible suggestion. Depending on how intensive the mana cost is, you could spec out of the tireless wheel, and get the blood-drinker life (shadow side) + Fangs of the Viper + Nullification for the same cost.

i believe i specced in to it mainly for the extra strength i needed to wield a staff. in addition, without the mana reduction, it's close to 95 mana cost for the spell. this reduces it to 75-ish which is more manageable.
Just wanted to mention, my initial title was 551k shaper dps with shock but it has been changed to 389k shaper dps with vinktars shock. i originally checked the pob shock which adds 50% more dmg, but its obviously not possible on second glance because there's no way we do enough dmg to apply a 50% shock.

i dont want to deceive any1, so i have just checked intimidation on pob and unchecked shock, since vinktars shock = 10%, which equates to the same bonus intimidation would normally give.

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