[3.17] Beerleague's Shockwave Cyclone Slayer - Optimized with Options

Trolling wrote:
Looking for a bit of help here, I love the build, but im having some mana issues. I cant seem to cyclone at all times, while running Grace and vuln. i have level 3 enlighten. Is there something im missing in the tree that smoothes this out? its no problem when fighting a pack, but single target bosses absolutely annihilate me.

take node on the tree for mana leech :), for me it fixed mana problems, and now i can pwn with 159 mana, rest is haste and other one aura :)
premierunio wrote:
@BeerLeague hey Mate! rly thanks for the guide. Its my 1st pure phys melee in this game, and i pwn all bosses maps till T15, its rly breeze when You got starforge, also thumbs up for that step by step guide, what to do 1st and next.

Got question: PathOB says ive got 150k dps vs shaper, is it possible? Ive followed Your guide in 90%, and on 91lvl im a lil bit above 7k HP. Can You tell me 2 things:

1. im rdy with those items to kill guardians/shaper [dont wanna spend TONZ of chaoses for map t16/shaper, they are expensive atm]

2. is my tree also good with this build? ive checked and compared mine and Yours, i feel good with mine, but some good tips so much welcome!

G;day M8;

On items, for the most part is looks fine, but I would search for better abyss jewels, both of yours add nothing except life.

On gems, not running Vuln is a giant dps loss for the build, make sure to fit this in. Also, while haste is nice for mapping, grace or determination will be better for boss killing. Finally, zero reason to run culling strike on warcheif.

On the tree, taking the bottom path of a waste IMO. You miss out on another jewel socket and Berserking, which is giant DPS gain.
Trolling wrote:
Looking for a bit of help here, I love the build, but im having some mana issues. I cant seem to cyclone at all times, while running Grace and vuln. i have level 3 enlighten. Is there something im missing in the tree that smoothes this out? its no problem when fighting a pack, but single target bosses absolutely annihilate me.

The single mana leach node is enough, make sure you grab it.
So far I've cleared everything up to and including T16 with this build (with the exception of HoGM and a couple of expensive unique maps which I don't care to waste currency on), did Vaal Temple with one death, and then killed the Shaper deathless, but failed miserably with Uber Atziri. Her flameblasts are a huge issue for me. The problem is, when the flameblast appears on the screen, it takes a while for cyclone to complete the spinning animation so that I can leap-slam out of the AoE, and by the time I stop spinning, the flameblast already one-shots me. Basically, as soon as she casts a flameblast, I'm dead. Any tactical adivce?
Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter.
Got my Lvl 92 Slayer do this build and he is doing very well.

Although I am far from 7.5k Life (6.8 atm) the DMG is really good and satisfying. DId a couple of T15 Maps and faced no problems. Guardians are also easy but with a death here and there.

My gear:

Hey Beer, i didn't play your build, i played ahfacks, but i saw you on Reddit complaining about that one and checked out yours. I got a few Adjustments to my skilltree and the "gear checklist" from your guide that finally made me able to get my first shaper kill, so i wanted to give you a quick shoutout for your amazing guide, keep up the good work my dude :)
By leniak
Last edited by kianelz on May 27, 2024, 4:12:30 AM
DGTLDaemon wrote:
So far I've cleared everything up to and including T16 with this build (with the exception of HoGM and a couple of expensive unique maps which I don't care to waste currency on), did Vaal Temple with one death, and then killed the Shaper deathless, but failed miserably with Uber Atziri. Her flameblasts are a huge issue for me. The problem is, when the flameblast appears on the screen, it takes a while for cyclone to complete the spinning animation so that I can leap-slam out of the AoE, and by the time I stop spinning, the flameblast already one-shots me. Basically, as soon as she casts a flameblast, I'm dead. Any tactical adivce?

It takes a little bit of practice, but usually she will come out of split form and do one of her three attacks, before attacking, wait to see if she casts the flameblast, if she does, leap out of the way, the other two you can tank through easily.

Also, can always play warcheif lite w/ the 5 link and let it kill her while you dodge
StorgutBorsit wrote:
Got my Lvl 92 Slayer do this build and he is doing very well.

Although I am far from 7.5k Life (6.8 atm) the DMG is really good and satisfying. DId a couple of T15 Maps and faced no problems. Guardians are also easy but with a death here and there.

My gear:


Looks good so far, on the deaths, usually after going over 7k you will notice less spiky deaths with the build (but can also rip if you are running a ton of damage mods on something like hyrda).
Muddaawwsome wrote:
Hey Beer, i didn't play your build, i played ahfacks, but i saw you on Reddit complaining about that one and checked out yours. I got a few Adjustments to my skilltree and the "gear checklist" from your guide that finally made me able to get my first shaper kill, so i wanted to give you a quick shoutout for your amazing guide, keep up the good work my dude :)

Much appreciated! Grats on the kill

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