[3.7] LL RF Scorching Ray Guardian | 19K ES | 52k Armour|1.5 mil dps| Uber Elder & HoGM DEATHLESS

zzang wrote:
Due to a ring swap i added cold dmg gem to my shield charge setup to proc ele equilibrium it greatly improves map clear speed. My old ring had lightning dmg therefore shield charge with added cold gem wasnt neccessary

Life rolls just happend to be there it is not neccessary to have them on gear.

Alright, thnx for the quick response!
Can i start this build with lvl 68 with the right items?
Or should i lvl higher?
Do i really need enlighten 4? what if i got a 3? and the gloves really need to have +1 to socketed gem? i know its not a budget build but if i can i'd like to save some money lol =D
Do i really need enlighten 4? what if i got a 3? and the gloves really need to have +1 to socketed gem? i know its not a budget build but if i can i'd like to save some money lol =D

You need enough mana reservation to run the required aura's. If you only have an enlighten lvl 3 and no +1 Shaper's Touch then just get the reduced mana reservation nodes by sovereignty. Possibly drop Clarity if you really need to.

The build can definitely function without the "expensive" items you mention. I won't be using either initially and PoB says I will be fine. Bear in mind you may want enough aura effectiveness to get the extra +1 from your purities. For me I am going into the leadership cluster but see what works best for you.
metat0r0 wrote:
bois, can you check my LegacyFBT char please? i don't get where i've fucked up something since even in zana missions like gorge lv75 i die, simply the RF melts me and they kill me badly.
spent 40c for PoF l20q9 then used gcp's to level 20/20

auras active: clarity, vitality, discipline
on prism: purity of fire, purity of lightning, determination

can't cast purity of ice due to low mana

80% fr 46% cr 77% lr 14% cr
i need to keep life flasks cause otherwise i can't reactivate RF once has melted ES :(
ES regen goes from 578 to 2459 every 5 or 6s (dunno why and if i can make it permanently on 2500)

once again i thought i could have had some fun with all content and try to clear atlas (never did in 5y or more) but seems i failed again. sad

Mistakes in your tree :
- You miss many crucial regen nodes ;
- While you don't have +1 corrupt Shaper's Touch or an enlighten 4, you should took some aura nodes ;
- Some nodes are not relevant, you should respect them in order to get buff
- You miss Unwaivering Faith ascendency. This should help your regen in many ways. Do your merciless lab as soon as possible. If you struggling for it, feel free to wisp me, I can help you.
Try this tree from your level :

In your flask setup, your whole flasks setup is almost useless. You should do this :
- Coruscating Elexir is useless here while you play with Shavronne. This flask is only usefull if you want to play a Geofri version of this build. But it's extremly specific and not realy the more confortable gameplay and setup you may have.
- List of flask you should have : 1 Witchfire Brew, 1 Sulphure Flask, 1 Ruby falsk, 1 Quicksilver flask. Personnaly, I like to add a Granit Flask for the armor buff, but you can go for something else.
- On each magic flask, get a inc duration prefixe. And rest is having 1 Burning (on granit), 1 Shock and 1 Freeze remover.

In your items setup :
- Set the correct links to your items ;
- Get a Shaper belt (Heavy belt ilvl 82+ if possible) with the affixe "20+% inc. Energy Shield recovery rate" (you cans buy one with 16% recovery ES if there is str/es/cold res in complement, and devine it until you have 18+%) ;
- Your rings should provice you : 45+ str / 40+dex or Intel / Energy Shield as base. 1 ring should provide you some dex while the second should provide you intel instead. One ring should have cold or light dmg to attacks affixe.
But the most important : Don't take fire flat dmg to attacks at any cost or you will break your EE and lower your RF/SR dps.

In your gems setup :
- Quality on aura skill gems is useless. It only upgrade the aoe of the aura. You don't need extra radius on aura while the aura is casted under your ass ;
- Complet your gems setups ;
- Put your Shield Charge setup in Doon ;
- Put your Clarity & Orb of storm in the same items ;
- I would not put Purity of Light in Prism Guardian. I would rather put Discipline in this slot, or Purity of Ice, in order to balance res (because you have a +1% max light res from Unnatural Calm node)

This should help you to sustain your RF degen.

Orbit84 wrote:
Yea you have right about Shapers touch - 2-3 days ago price was +1 4-5 ex. Now +-2 and +- 3.5 and more ex then... sry : ) We still talk about League ? Not about crap standard ?? Or maybe we hawe difrents poe trade :P


About Watchers Eye - who said about life regen ?? Everybody told that most important is MANA TO ES WITH CLARITY - then price start from 13 ex


Life regen with vitality is most have ?? I dont think so ;p Then... sry why i farm so hard to collect exalts ?? :D Totaly shit haha :D

BUt yes - very udget version is Astramentis. But if you can = buy CHayula - as fast as you can.

Currently, after a week I managed to collect such items - the cost is ... check POETRADE and evaluate how much it cost. For a week or so, I think it's okay, but it hurts the amount spent exalts.

Gloves for rework with colors because I was doing it myself (some 7 x 5c and it came in, now only Vorci for 8 and set the colors). Shavrone - I was shooting alone but it cost me so much to buy ready.

And still dont have opal rings and belts. and still 7 ex in the stock - picking up on rest ( waytchers eye as first).

You are doing a common mistake. There is few core items for this build :
- Shaper's Touch (non corrupted one ofc) ;
- Doon ;
- Prism Guardian ;
- Memory Vault.

All other items are totaly optional. You can run this build with Solaris, Alberon, Astramantis or any high str rare amulet, etc. Shavronne, Chayula, Death Door, Watcher's Eye are absolutly not needed to run this build. Yes they are extremly powerfull items. Yes if you can, you should go for them. But no they are not mandatory to make this build works.

I posted few reviews in this topic about my Beastiary RF and his progression. You should read them, they should enlight the discussion about this.

Just as Merciel said, you can switch Death Door for Alberon, Chayula for Astramantis, and I add the fact you can switch Shavronne for Solaris Lorica, every rare and expensive jewels for Healthy Mind, and you can just run without Watcher's Eye. You will just need a different tree (something like ~20-30 skills point different).

You can just check out about my Beastiary Guardian (Esculape). It's the living proof that you can run T15 maps with 4ex stuff with no major problems.

Orbit84 wrote:
Stop telling nonsense please. I guess you always give prices from the standard.

Shaper's Touch + 1 to socketed gems - price from 1 ex - with 1 socket to 7 ex with 4 sockets and 4 links....


Wake up and stop people misleading with prices to enter.

If you have problems with understanding - use google translator.

Or try to check prices - on poe trade - bestiary league.

The non sens here is to consider overpriced stuff just because you are ignoring a master 8 crafting.
Shaper's Touch +1 corruption cost 1-1.5ex in bestiary. You don't have to care about the number of sock or link. Vorici 8 will give you the possibility to get a 4 linked corrupted items for 15 extra vaal gems (10 jewellers + 10 vaal for 4 socketed them, and 5 fuses + 5 vaal for 4 linking the gloves).
The only part that can be a little bit expansive is to coloring the gloves. You will have to use the master crafting "1 green socked" for 4 chroma and 4 vaal. This can raise the price of the glove, but it shouldn't raise it over 30-40 extra vaal. It's just like 2ex paire of gloves. It's way cheaper to buy a 2-2.5ex paire of glove than buying a Enlighten 4 for something like 5ex.

You should keep cool man, it's only a game and pixels.

PS : If you don't have Vorici 8, there is some trustrable guys who do lvl 8 master crafting for almost no nothing (like 10c tips).

bomag wrote:
ok can u re check everything i upgraded to a 21/20 pof got thos nodes and im sustaining but my es degens then goes back up

If I can give you an advice, I would suggest you to sell your 21/20 PoF for something like 2ex, and buy a lvl 21 with no quality for something like 60c.
Keep in mind that quality on aura gems is absolutly useless. It only buff the radius of aura. And we don't care about aoe of aura while the cast center of the aura is under our ass.

SoUDT wrote:
Does anyone have a leveling skill tree?

Level 30-35

Level 45-50

Level 55-60

Level ~68 (still life build)

Level 68 after switching to Low Life

Level ~77

Level 90 if you still don't have the full end game stuff

yungtity wrote:
This has probably been answered, but can someone tell me how the interaction with MoM works with how little mana we have available? Obviously the nodes behind are huge, but how does this affect our shield charge, etc

It's simple. We don't give a fuck about MoM. We take MoM because behind MoM there are extremly juicy mana nodes.
Why do we take them if we don't care about MoM mechanics ? Here again it's simple.
Firstly because we have Radiant Faith ascendency that grant us ES = to 15% of our reserved mana. And this is supported by the Mana to ES Clarity Watcher's Eye.
Secondly because we are using Memory Vault. Memory Vault grant us an equal amount of armor to our reserved mana.
In short, the more we have mana, the more we have ES and Armor.

metat0r0 wrote:
Tetlis has 3 guardians in std, i gave a look at this one

Yeah, I have few Guardian RF. But just check out my Beastiary one. He can be a good guidance for anyone who want to play this build in a realy cheap way.
Yes I do have a different approche of this build, yes I don't have as much as dps as most of people here, but for a 4ex stuf build. But at the same time, I think I have some pretty balanced defensive stats, and a fully working char that can do most of content in this game (I did some T15 with no problems). I just posted some few leveling trees in this post, feel free to look at them, some might help you in some way.

If you are struggeling with RF degen, the FAQ of OP and the tree of my character Esculape, should help you to solve most of your degen issues.

Pixelicious wrote:
Can i start this build with lvl 68 with the right items?
Or should i lvl higher?

You totaly can. I played RF/SR from lvl 35 and switched to Low Life with the core stuff of this build at lvl 68.

Do i really need enlighten 4? what if i got a 3? and the gloves really need to have +1 to socketed gem? i know its not a budget build but if i can i'd like to save some money lol =D

No. You absolutly not need enlighten 4 or a +1 corruption Shaper's Touch.
If you take Leadership wheel + Devotion + Soverignity and your full ascendency, you should be able to run 7 aura with only a Enlighten 2 and non corrupted Shaper's Touch.

If you have doubt, just check my character Esculape in Beastiary.

+1 Corruption Shaper's Touch or Enlighten 4 alow you to respect those Aura buff nodes. But you will lose +1% max fire res at the same time. But do not consider switching to Enlight 4 or Shaper's Touch +1 if you have degen issues.
back from work, full rekt atm. ty tetlis for the patience and tips. tomorrow i will look for the adjustments.
I currently level 50 starting to play RF currently have 180% fire resis but I still lose energy shield when running RF. If I use ruby flasks I can maintain it but I can't just stand still and keep it up. Is there something in the guide that I missed?
SoUDT wrote:
I currently level 50 starting to play RF currently have 180% fire resis but I still lose energy shield when running RF. If I use ruby flasks I can maintain it but I can't just stand still and keep it up. Is there something in the guide that I missed?

For leveling use those uniques (mandatory imo if you want to playr RF before lvl 68) :
- Dual Kikazaru ;
- Shaper's Seed ;
- Springleaf (and The Oak when you are 40).

Honorable unique that may be mentioned :
- Bloodbond ;
- Brightbeak ;
- Goldrim ;
- Belt of the Deciever.

Don't forget to grab PoF and Vitality.

/E : You did some little mistakes imo in your tree and in your stuff orientation. Check out the few progression tree I posted in my last message. This should alow you to sustain RF degen.
Last edited by LAGROSSESIMONE on Mar 25, 2018, 6:20:01 PM
How can you see my tree? I built the tree before I saw the post with the leveling trees and I just kind of stuck with it. I have dual kikazaru and the seed, I recently replaced the springleaf.
Just started this build at 68, gear on profile! working fine!

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