[3.7] LL RF Scorching Ray Guardian | 19K ES | 52k Armour|1.5 mil dps| Uber Elder & HoGM DEATHLESS

How are people managing to get Shaper's touch +1 with the right colours? Seems like the right colours costs and extra 2ex :/
Sageycorp wrote:
How are people managing to get Shaper's touch +1 with the right colours? Seems like the right colours costs and extra 2ex :/

Just buy one with high %ES and fix sockets/links/colors with Vorici lvl 8. It's much, much cheaper.
ah, i figured that was the best option :/ guess i better get him levelled :D thanks
I like the build but its like i still need some more defense i just need to save 1 more ex and i can buy my chayula.
What otheres things do you recomend to change?
I use 2 curses because its a REALLY REALLY boots to my dps.

santi987655 wrote:
I like the build but its like i still need some more defense i just need to save 1 more ex and i can buy my chayula.
What otheres things do you recomend to change?
I use 2 curses because its a REALLY REALLY boots to my dps.


actually the extra curse dont boost your dps by that much, uniques have curse effect reduction. a 16% fire 20% burn jewel at the 4% elemental damage nodes gives you 9.8% more damage, while the flamability curse gives you 5.6% more damage. And you have the option to get a jewel with defensive if you prefer that over damage. So spend the 3 passive points for extra jewel over the +1 curse is my recommendation.

The fact that people don't test stuff themselves in pob baffles me. Always asking for advice instead of some people are just clueless.
Last edited by Agita on Apr 14, 2018, 12:29:23 PM
santi987655 wrote:
I like the build but its like i still need some more defense i just need to save 1 more ex and i can buy my chayula.
What otheres things do you recomend to change?
I use 2 curses because its a REALLY REALLY boots to my dps.


Consider swapping your jewel near Pain Attunement to Healthy Mind jewel , this will boost you defensive stats really good. And , as it was sayed the lack of deffense is other side of going dual-curse ( without witchfire lol ? )
Hello, just wanted to say thank you for the build!
I`m in the process of leveling but ive gathered some eq for it already.
My question is whether these rings are good enought?
my fear is that lightning damage to attacks bricks one of them? Not sure tho.
bosmano775 wrote:
Hello, just wanted to say thank you for the build!
I`m in the process of leveling but ive gathered some eq for it already.
My question is whether these rings are good enought?
my fear is that lightning damage to attacks bricks one of them? Not sure tho.

lightning damage to attacks, on the contray, is great because it enables your elemental equilibrium when you shield charge around
So nice build. Uber elder killed in 5 portal without deaths. Just f*cks all content and tank Shaper on 3-5 anomalies. Not the fastest mappers but definitely it has huge defenses.
Hey, not sure if this has been covered here (heard to search 72 pages) but what about using CWDT - Blood rage - IC - Less duration in a setup to pretty much always have Soul of Arakaali up?

Good idea or am i missing something?

EDIT: - I now realize this wont work because youre still taking damage from RF. Derp.
Last edited by bobby3127 on Apr 15, 2018, 9:10:12 AM

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