[3.7] LL RF Scorching Ray Guardian | 19K ES | 52k Armour|1.5 mil dps| Uber Elder & HoGM DEATHLESS

I feel like the damage from RF and SR is kinda low, so i was thinking about get a jewel socket when i reach lv94 (prolly never) and use combustibles jewel to increase the dmg output done by burning damage.
@metal0r0 :

Watcher's Eye with "Gain (12-18)% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity" is BiS. A better Watcher's Eye would be one with this affixe and with one or two (Elder Watcher's Eye) of the following affixes :
- (20-30)% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline ;
- (1.5-2.5)% of Maximum Energy Shield Regenerated per Second while affected by Discipline ;
- (100-140) Life Regenerated per Second while affected by Vitality.

For your dmg issues, I can propose some explainations :

- Your SR setup is only a 4L while you should play it in a 6L ;
- Your rings are not realy good. Look for Opal (or Unset) with those core stats : 40+str / 40+ES / some Mana. One of your ring should have, an extra +40 dex, and one should also have a bonus of "adds cold/light dmg to attacks" affixe (those 2 affixes does not need to be on the same ring). Any Intel bonus are extremly wellcome on each ring, it would upgrade significantly your ES and mana pool. %Fire dmg are a realy usefull affixe, but only come in last priority position imo.
- Your jewels should be, as core %ES / %Burning Dmg / 1-2 dmg affixe (%DOT / %Fire / %Globale dmg (AOE dmg is good too but I'm not sure it will help your SR)).

I also see mistake in your tree :
- Heart of Flame wheel gives you +71% fire dmg while Breath of Flame gives you 80% dmg ;
- Cruel Preparation and the linked life nodes are useless. We take them only if we take the Jewel sock near Witch start, and sock in it a Healthy Mind jewel. Then Life from Cruel Preparation will be converted in mana and the value will be doubled.
- The dex nodes ("Expertise" & "Agility") should be respected while you should have ~40 dex on one of your rings ;
- In Dreamer wheel, respect one mana & mana regen node ;
- You don't have Elemental Equilibrium and Elemental Overload. Those nodes are mandatory. You miss something like 40% more dmg for each of those two keystone.

There is more to say, but it's more or less some arguable choice in tree and character building.
Not the fastest moving build. Pretty slow actually, but man do i love eating everything the game throws at me.
I went more defensive until i decide to stop leveling. Once i decide to stop leveling i'll probably drop es to 15k or so and pick up more dps. Rock solid build.


Last edited by Dissever on May 21, 2018, 5:28:13 PM
What ascendancy nodes should i pick? can't seem to find it in the post
Dissever wrote:
Not the fastest moving build. Pretty slow actually, but man do i love eating everything the game throws at me.
I went more defensive until i decide to stop leveling. Once i decide to stop leveling i'll probably drop es to 15k or so and pick up more dps. Rock solid build.


You should drop your Stygian Vise for a Shaper belt with 20% ES recovery rate. Right now you only have 59 positive regen, I don't think it's enought for end game content.

I would like to add a little thing. When zzang created this build, I was playing the same setup as you : 6L RF + 4L SR. It's cool for mapping. And honestly, you have a realy smooth clear speed. But once you are facing boss, and especialy end game boss, the dps start to show it's limite.
That's why I personnaly came back from this situation and just switched to a 6L SR and a 4L RF. It gave me a better overhaul dps. It's more or less a personnal choice, but I personnaly think it was better to do this little switch. And it looks particulary relevant in my eyes while you have the Scorching Ray dmg enchant on your Memory Vault.

Btw, you should rework your rare jewels. It's cool that 2 rare jewels gives you like 1k ES. But at the same time, you miss like 64% dmg buff (for 2 medium jewels). I would look for %ES / %burning / +1 extra dmg affixe (%dot / %fire dmg / %global dmg). This kind of jewels cost 40chaos each. You could check out if this help you to balance your build in terme of dps or not.

Other little thing. Personnaly, I rather prefer having Purity of Ice in Prisme Guardian. Just by switching your Purity of Ice and your Purity of Lightning positions. This would leave you with those res : 84/83/82. It's more ballanced in my eyes.
It's imho, slightly better for end game content while Shaper & Elder do mostly cold dmg, it looks to be better in my eye to have a higher max cold res, than a light res.

At the same time, you should drop your Enlighten 4 for a lvl 2. Like this you will lower your unreserved mana from 11% to 2%. With this change, you should win some exalt, and win 450+ ES (thanks to your Watcher's Eye and the Ascendency).

unclesp wrote:
What ascendancy nodes should i pick? can't seem to find it in the post

In order :
- Normal Lab : Time of Need ;
- Cruel Lab : Radiant Faith ;
- Merciless Lab : Unwavering Faith ;
- Uber Lab : Bastion Hope.
Last edited by LAGROSSESIMONE on May 22, 2018, 6:55:37 AM
I've been leveling by doing mostly the toughest content aside from uber elder. Deathless from 93-96+ so far. It's been working great for me without having the es regen % on belt. If i can score one that doesn't compromise other stats it will only help i guess. The 6 link rf is so i clear faster. And although a couple bosses can take a few seconds longer it's better exp/hr for me as i level.

Was Just testing the waters with my 2 rare jewels and 17k+ es really doesn't seem needed. Looks like i'll have close to 17k es with a level 2 enlighten and dps jewels anyway. Thanks for the enlighten tip. never thought to do that.

I did plan to swap the purities around for uber elder. Shaper is a joke as is but have yet to do uber elder on this character. Might need the cold there.
Last edited by Dissever on May 22, 2018, 6:49:23 PM
I see what you are pointing with the 6L RF. Did you just tested to play RF in 4L with your current stuff and level ? Because regarding your level and your stuff, the only situation where it would be relevant to play RF in 6L in my eyes is if you are playing Brightbeak instead of Doon. Otherwise, you should have way enought dps with a 4L RF even for T16 maps.
But it's more or less a personnal point of view.

For the purity auras, for maping or even bossing, I think it's better to have some more ballanced res. But here again it's more or less a personnal choice.

For the regen on belt, honestly, it's realy an extremly heavy buff. While you are in std, if you have enought currency, maybe you can try to get a legacy shaper stygian vise ilvl 75+. It's more or less like buying to your character a HH. And imo this kind of legacy item worth it price.
Is this build league starter viable or would it be smarter to start with something like Righteous fire toems + scoring ray totems build for league starter then swap to this.
Qrafty wrote:
Is this build league starter viable or would it be smarter to start with something like Righteous fire toems + scoring ray totems build for league starter then swap to this.

- Shaper's touche = Shaper drop only (in early league, it's easily cost 1ex) ;
- Memory Vault = Enslaver guardian drop only ;
- Shavronne = T1 drop (even if it's around 20-30c atm, it's more or less 2-3ex in early league) ;

Even if you can replace some item with pure es items (Solaris Lorica for Shavronne ; Martyr's Crown vs Memory Vault), Shaper's Gloves is a core item for this build.

It will be extremly difficult to play this build as a league starter, while many items are only accessible in end game/mapping.
As I said before: Great build. I have invested an enormous amount of currency and time into making this, and I don't think as a casual player I would have ever made it to Lvl94 without it. Of course, most all my other chars are naked now but oh well.

I'm sure there is some room for improvement on my items or skill tree, but this is what I am rocking now:

I can't figure out my exact damage output on POB, but I don't die and I kill stuff so I guess it's good.

I thought about switching boots to Sin Treks, but haven't found a good reason why yet. I also wonder about the helm enchant going to scorching ray damage, just curious.

If anyone could peak at my tree and suggest any improvements I would appreciate it.

Thanks to the OP and the other great contributors that have keep this thread alive!
-Time to be funny. The world needs funny right now! Warning: "Might" get you muted.

25 Exalts...oh God my stupidity stuck! Now onto 25 Divines...

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