Development Manifesto: Ascendancy Changes

MetalheartX wrote:
The Guardian will be unplayeble in solo still, weak changes.

If playing solo, Guardian is meant to be played as a low-life, aura-stacker. He's pretty effective, albeit rather plodding. People don't play that not because it's weak, but rather because 1) 'proper' i.e. no Solaris Lorica-shit low-life is expensive and 2) they're usually rather a boring, tanky type of build.
I am so glad to see this new direction you guys are taking as far as balance goes - the reputation of GGG so far is to destroy everything and do balance heavy handed, always nerf or destroy, never fix what doesnt work, destroy what does work, so everything becomes bad by default.

we've been asking forever, stop nerfing so heavily - and look at why people dont play certain nodes, ascendencies and so on, and adjust them to be better, not make good things bad.

Now use this on gear, stop wiping out all gear every league, and give us loot 2.0, because this game drastically needs it.
Assassins' poison stacking potential looks broken...again. -_- Please pre-nerf this before release rather than needlessly sending people on another multiple-league roller coaster ride to verify something that's already glaringly obvious.

Also, you mentioned attaching all sorts of new Ascendancy-exclusive mechanics onto Ascendancies as a way to make them unique (so new unique items don't render them pointless again). An example is the new Rage mechanic on the Berserker. However, I don't see any of that on these three reveals. They just seem like re-balanced versions of the Ascendancies, not unique-ified versions of them.
Kunaak wrote:
Now use this on gear, stop wiping out all gear every league, and give us loot 2.0, because this game drastically needs it.

If you're referencing Diablo 3's Loot 2.0, then no, this game does NOT need it. Not so long as it remains a trade-enabled game. Even D3 only added that when trading was removed.
So instead of a Guardian nerf he gets a buff. I guess the ppl who play the game over at ggg are on vacation.
Hierophant is so hype
I know most people are happy to see all the buffs happening.

I am probably one of the few people to think that nerfs are actually a better option,
since power creeping is already immense in this game due to all the new things constantly being added.

That being said, I do love the idea to make all ascendancies more unique and interesting to play,
kudos for that :)
Last edited by smichal52#3310 on Feb 21, 2018, 3:29:25 AM
__Z__ wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:

Ongoing Rebalance and Potential Nerfs
You'll probably have noticed that there aren't really any direct nerfs in the above changes. This is intentional for now, but will likely be addressed at later releases as we keep iterating on the balance.

I don't understand : You make the change in the ascendencies to make us happy, but you also say that you'll nerf them afterward ????! What ?

So you say that all that is completely unbalanced nethertheless you let it like it is in order to have the leasure to destroy our character/builds at a later time ?

These are "fake" and temporary changes and super buffs, that's it ?


What they mean is that they tried their best to buff all the ascendancies by different amounts depending on how bad/good they were, but with all that comes some obvious imbalance. However, if they addressed that now they'd get tons of Reddit crybabies that only want new shit dangled in front of their face a la D3 whining about how their favorite build that was able to kill everything up to T16 bosses in a single hit now requires two or three hits to massacre everything. So they're going to wait and see before nerfing things.

Which is fine, I guess. Every league has new OP shit for us to screw around with. That poison node on Assassin LMAO.
Tryphanon assasin flicker strike meme buuld here i come!! LUL

Ok, why?
I do not see much synergy, to warrant meme. Assassin has good crit multi, but the biggest perk is a huge critical chance bonus.
Yes, Deadly Infusion with increased Power Charges may be quite strong (with 7 charges it is 56% crit multi), but I am not sure is it worth losing AS, and possible other boni from weapons and/or shields.
On the other hand with
it may be may be interesting combo
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
Nice, i hope no more nerfs... Maybe more buffs incoming?
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Feb 21, 2018, 3:39:46 AM

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