Development Manifesto: Ascendancy Changes

Breakleg wrote:
@Bex_GGG I've been playing POE for years and dropped what I think is a ton of money into the game, could you please find someone from GGG to explain to me the reasons behind nerfing Berserker leech to only be for attack based builds.

I remember POE being about build diversity, fun, and experimentation. This change to Berserker leech kills build diversity so much, it's not liked you weren't being punished already for having to spend all your points on the tree traveling, and you guys already nerfed Vaal Pact.

People like leech, I only play leech builds because I absolutely HATE regen, MoM and ES. I'm forced to run Warlords Mark on all my spell casters which makes me instantly lose 35% of my mana, I can't experiment with other curses/auras/jewels/blood magic. Every single change made to the game is to pigeon hole everyone instead of what POE used to be at it's core and made me fall in love with the game.

I've been asking for spell/elemental leech ever since it was taken away, via reddit, this forum and eventually you guys have given it to me, but on literally the worst ascendancy in the game and its only 0.5% which means i'm going to have to run warlords mark any way.

You know you could use Warlord's Mark directly, without blasphemy, right ? The worse part is that you lose one curse slot that could be otherwise used for an ele penetration one or a defensive one instead. And Elementalist got 0.5% spell leech now, the amount can be enough if you do enough damage. There are also a few other ways to get spell lech - granted they are more tricky and not always suitable for a given build.

Edit: Russell Crowe 82/82 here i come !
Last edited by Wasylus#0708 on Feb 27, 2018, 10:46:04 AM
Could you please drop these ascendancy nonsense, please? I like playing summoner, i played shadow summoner before who this nonsense come into place, and now to play summoner you absolutely need to play necromancer witch or you will be garbage compared to necromancer witch.
And same goes for pretty much every build you can imagine - there is always one and only one ascendancy class for that build and playing any other class will be a punishment.
Breakleg wrote:
@Bex_GGG I've been playing POE for years and dropped what I think is a ton of money into the game, could you please find someone from GGG to explain to me the reasons behind nerfing Berserker leech to only be for attack based builds.

I remember POE being about build diversity, fun, and experimentation. This change to Berserker leech kills build diversity so much, it's not liked you weren't being punished already for having to spend all your points on the tree traveling, and you guys already nerfed Vaal Pact.

People like leech, I only play leech builds because I absolutely HATE regen, MoM and ES. I'm forced to run Warlords Mark on all my spell casters which makes me instantly lose 35% of my mana, I can't experiment with other curses/auras/jewels/blood magic. Every single change made to the game is to pigeon hole everyone instead of what POE used to be at it's core and made me fall in love with the game.

I've been asking for spell/elemental leech ever since it was taken away, via reddit, this forum and eventually you guys have given it to me, but on literally the worst ascendancy in the game and its only 0.5% which means i'm going to have to run warlords mark any way.

It does suck that bererker can't be used for spell leech now, but at the same time when it could it was by far the best ascendancy for spellcasters, so when it was as strong as it was it was killing diversity even more.

"Video games don't buy you a house, car or food" Tell it to the guys getting payed to play, or to streamers and youtubers, the chineese RMT farmers. The league lasts 3 months. Lets suppose you work 8 hours sleep 8 hours, spent time with your better part or doing other things for 6 hours still gives you 2 hours a day in average. 90 days x 2 hours is 180 hours of play. If you can't reach Shaper in 180 hours on a Summon Spectre Necromancer it's time to face the fact that you are not good at the game or at understanding the mechanics. I play this game for it's complex character development, endless item, gem, stat combination. If i wanted everything served on a silver platter id go play Diablo 3. And you are also more than welcome if you find the game frustrating you. Everyone has their limitations. Maybe your limitations just don't allow you to comprehend the complex mechanics of this game and you should look for a game you enjoy if not reaching a goal frustrates you. Played a Spectre summoner for the first time ever this league, started leveling it around day 15 into the league. In 70 chaos and 3 days of slow leveling, little build adopting on the side, testing and mapping I melted all 3 Elders and the Shaper. Overpowered skill overpowered asendancy.

As for SSF it's meant to be harder. It's meant to make you be able switch entire builds of 1 or 2 unique drops. It's meant to be a slow and painful grind to the top only for those who can stand it. I find trading fun and never gave SSF a try.

Like i said, don't take this the wrong way, maybe you just can't understand what goes on and what's needed to develop your character in this game. Try following a detailed guide or finding something that's fun and not frustrating for you.

I don´t think POE is a hard game to be honest. I played hard games, games where you dropped all your loot if you died and then you had to make a new char, run to that corpse and if lucky, it wasn´t looted by anyone else.

Items, worth thousands of US Dollars, gone with the wind, because a wolf bit you and you died in fever or another players ambushed you. Players could also pick pocket your loot, so towns were not save either. :)

I tell you, all those that insulted me, would run back home to mommy, if they ever had to play such a game.

POE is a game like Diablo or any other. You visit third party websites, buy items that you need for a build, a build that you did copy from some streamer and then you faceroll content. Let´s face it, this is how you guys roll and then you attack those of us, that refuse to take the path of least resistance... hypocrisy at it´s best.

Skill to my time was about surviving a game long enough, for instance finding out how to stop bleeding, how to treat a disease or where to locate a chest, a chest of which all you had was a map with a tree. Such games are no longer made today, because gamers have become so soft, they always need guides and third party websites, nothing is actually coming from their own brain, own imagination and intelligence.

The crux of POE is the length of the seasons, in three months you won´t find the items for your build, as I noted I have not seen a necro item since legacy, but I had great items for bow characters, two handers for melee, one item was even called tier 1 by my loot filter, worth a few hundred chaos, but what am I supposed to do with it?

I also tend to struggle with the portals for uber lab. I simply put can´t find the sixth one, each season the same dilemma. :) Maps drop very badly, even with a 90+ Atlas. The game is based on you having specific items like the necklace for MF, I had it once and guess what, it was the season where I found pretty much all items I wanted. :) It was a totally different game.

Anyways, I play necro because I like that class, to summon stuff is fun and if I would find the items like I did at legacy, then I would once again only rely on RNG and my path to shaper would be open. (Back then, no map drops...).

Really, it has nothing to do with skill if you kill shaper, it´s how you game the system and sadly, all of you play the cheat mode, therefore you shouldn´t be so noisy if others bring up valid points at this forum.

Btw. I don´t think ZiggyD has actually played a successful SSF hero, he attempted some but I don´t think he actually finished those projects and this guy for sure, has a lot of knowledge about this game, but even he was unable to progress at one point. This says a lot about the state of the game and why nerfs are not well received by the SSF community.
Last edited by Ygidua#3074 on Feb 27, 2018, 12:02:33 PM
Does the Trickster node Harness the Void work with traps?
Does the Elementalist's Beacon of Ruin minimum shock/chill effectiveness apply before or after increases/decreases? In other words, If I have 50% increased effectiveness of Shock on a really small hit, will I have a 30% damage increase, or a 20%?
Wasylus wrote:

You know you could use Warlord's Mark directly, without blasphemy, right ? The worse part is that you lose one curse slot that could be otherwise used for an ele penetration one or a defensive one instead. And Elementalist got 0.5% spell leech now, the amount can be enough if you do enough damage. There are also a few other ways to get spell lech - granted they are more tricky and not always suitable for a given build.

Yeah but for bossing forcing warlords mark into every build takes away your diversity from using any other curses just to survive and most times if you don't use it as an aura it can be either clunky or very unreliable or both.
Breakleg wrote:
@Bex_GGG I've been playing POE for years and dropped what I think is a ton of money into the game, could you please find someone from GGG to explain to me the reasons behind nerfing Berserker leech to only be for attack based builds.

I remember POE being about build diversity, fun, and experimentation. This change to Berserker leech kills build diversity so much, it's not liked you weren't being punished already for having to spend all your points on the tree traveling, and you guys already nerfed Vaal Pact.

People like leech, I only play leech builds because I absolutely HATE regen, MoM and ES. I'm forced to run Warlords Mark on all my spell casters which makes me instantly lose 35% of my mana, I can't experiment with other curses/auras/jewels/blood magic. Every single change made to the game is to pigeon hole everyone instead of what POE used to be at it's core and made me fall in love with the game.

I've been asking for spell/elemental leech ever since it was taken away, via reddit, this forum and eventually you guys have given it to me, but on literally the worst ascendancy in the game and its only 0.5% which means i'm going to have to run warlords mark any way.

did you know that most of the bosses had curses effect reduction ?
like shaper/atziri or guardians they have 80% less effect of curse : that brings your warlord's mark to... 0.4 % of damages dealt as life/mana.
so .... now they give 0.5 % so basically BETTER than WM but you are not happy about it ? oO
Last edited by Dakirem#1862 on Feb 27, 2018, 1:40:19 PM
Lets see Scion class revamp... i hope passive skill tree will be reworked too or buffed at least defence node.
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disturbed_999 wrote:

It does suck that bererker can't be used for spell leech now, but at the same time when it could it was by far the best ascendancy for spellcasters, so when it was as strong as it was it was killing diversity even more.

Berserker was really good for caster when Vaal Pact was still an option, but ever since it has gotten nerfed, Inquisitor is king and Berserker is a viable option for people who don't want to deal with the current defensive options and still use leech and not be forced to waste 35% of their mana on warlords mark.

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