Summon Phantasm on Kill Support
Playing as Ranger Deadeye lev. 54 atm.
I deleted my last deadeye since I was very disappointed in Acrobatics and evasion-only armor. I tried again with Armor/Evasion and it felt much better. But what reinstalled the fun and drive for me was this cool support gem. I use it with Split Arrow and (a lot of) piercing. Since I usually have a lot of move speed, the enemies also rubberband to it and were swarming me blitzkrieg-style on the aforementioned character. Now they get distracted by the phantasms (grin...). Phantasms also deal some damage, and their projectiles also pierce (I guess) so I really love the "niche" usefulness that is so fitting for my playstyle. |
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I'm disapointed to notice that it seems elemental proliferation support doesn't apply to SPoK, am I right, and why would that be so ?
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My lvl 89 Champion-summoner on HCB had them on spectre 5link, which sounds stupid but they did some great tanking and damage, since their AI is so good.
But yeah they are useless for most bossfights compared to a lot of gems. Can someone at GGG give us the stats of them or so? |
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I like the *idea* of these... but, in essence, all they are is mobile ethereal knives totems (piercing phys). Not sure how well they convert.
So the only way to really make them work effectively is to support a phys heavy build, but their ranged skill is a *spell* which is quite difficult to support with many ranged attack (ranger) builds, and since spells don't support phys all that well (except BF/EK, ect) and phys (attack) don't support spells (faster cast/echo) at all it's quite difficult to marry the two into a useful whole. Their base cast speed is also *hideously* slow. I considered pairing them with an EK totem build, to see how that might work, though you loose the spell echo unless you're relying on the phantasms more than the totem to deal the damage. Avoid Sire of Shards... while fun, it's more funny (a joke) than useful. Also - there is no tooltip whatsoever for these things. So you have no way of knowing how many casts per second they get, if their duration is modified by duration nodes or supports, or anything else. Overall, rather poorly executed. Patch Notes 3.15: Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive. Patch Notes 3.19: Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment. Last edited by BlaqWolf#1151 on Apr 24, 2018, 1:24:55 PM
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" THIS!!! |
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"If I understand correctly, the phantasms are minions, so they do not benefit from any of your % increased damage or such. Last edited by Ellye#1300 on Jun 1, 2018, 6:31:02 PM
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i find them pretty cool.
using a victarios charity necro aegis build so my summons usually have 3 frency and 3 power charges. losing shield stats and block leaves me with only buffer tank of like 4k health and around 3k ES so i use a mix of spirit offering / desecration / life flask to stay alive and direct my minions with self cast summon skeletions to the next pack of mobs. i also use a abyss jewel with % chance to taunt for minions so i like to have LOTS minions so one of them has aggro so i also spam vaal skellys whenever they ready. 11 zombies 3 spectres 10 phantasms about 10 normal skellies and about 40 vaal skelleis i have no idea whats the combined dps is but seeing how fast high health shit is melting it should be somewhat approaching 1 million dps. with potential for more if sneak in a wrath aura and replace gmp with maybe slower projectiles or something better scaling for single target dps. phantasm setup atm: frost sentinels as spectres get linked with minion speed minion damage summon phantasm on kill GMP and will give them increased crit once i get a six link vis mortis then frost sents will crit 60% spirit offering gives em 32% extra chaos damage on top the whole screen is black and gray from their atacks convocation gatheres them around you so unless the boss has no phases with pauses in between you can just convocate, desecrate, spirit offering and check the loot 2 seconds later :D phantasm support works good for me but i wouldnt link it to anything that has not already minion and projectile synergy |
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I think the duration of the phantasms is a bit shorter(20 seconds is nice). To differ them from skeletons, they should have more elemental resistances(and skeletons have more physical resistances). One minor problem about them is that the summon spot is right to spot where an enemy is killed, which makes their piercing ranged attack rather weird to see in the heat of the battle(not to mention their fragile existences). If it's more of summoner use, they should be summoned at the summoner's spot; If it's more of a general tanker/mob attractor use, they should have more life and duration, and the current status is in the middle.
" I'd love this idea. Maybe a future unique jewel can be designated to this, like - Phantasm Overgrowth Cobalt Jewel (20-30)% reduced minion duration +2 to the maximum number of phantasms Your phantasms summon phantasms on kill Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap |
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Are the Phantasms summoned by Summon Phantasm on Kill categorise as minions or not?
I ask this because I was trying a Null's Inclination, Speaker's Wreath Zombie/Skeleton/Animate Weapon build with 6L Tornado Shot in the Body Armour. My 6L Body Armour links: Tornado Shot + GMP + Pierce + Poison + Culling Strike + Summon Phantasm on Kill. Extensive testing found the Zombies, Skeletons and Animated Weapons unable to finish killing an enemy. However, the Phantasms WERE in fact finishing off the low health enemies sometimes before I could cull them. Technically they shouldn't be able to kill anything in that specific scenario if they are in fact a minion. This makes me curious however. If they are mistakenly not being classed as minions then are any Minion support gems Like Minion Speed and Minion Damage actually affecting them correctly? If not, that could be why they are so lacklustre as a support. Incursion: @Ironclination
Hardcore: @Unbereavabre Standard: @Halgondas @Risendelle @Risendell @SummonRangaSpirits |
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" Phantasms poison enemies, the poison kills them. Everything works exactly the way you're expecting it to, you're just missing the above bit. |
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