What are people most interested in?

Rupenus wrote:
what is the point of pvp, if the league is going to be flushed away? I want to min max my build for months, have huge palette of counters vs various another well min maxed builds.

You can never sell poe as a pvp game. But what i can assure you is that beating me, or most of the pvp'ers are harder than dealing with Uber Elder. and it is fun. A LOT FUN.

I completly agree with the fact that spending every league on min maxing a build just to start again 3 months later is not very enjoyable.... HLD on STD is a much more interesting place to PVP because IMO thats where u will find the best Min/maxed build so u always have something to improve on, this is why i think rebuilding every league is not has good, u don't feel the same sense of progression.

Has Rup said the endgame is pretty boring after u run it 2 or 3 time, on HLD u can always meet some interesting build n u always have to come up with something to counter or deal with it.

Has for league vs STD power, i feel like u can reach pretty much the same thing, but there is much more room for improvement on STD .
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
LMAO. if u havent recognized yet. pvp is an unbalanced piece of sh*t in this game. glasscannon offsrceen trash in "hld" and "lld" is just slow and lame. 1 outta 10000000 prolly enjoys. and that guy has mental issues. one longhaired weirdo who comes back to poe wont change and make it fun. why so excited? poor souls :/
LMAO. if u havent recognized yet. pvp is an unbalanced piece of sh*t in this game. glasscannon offsrceen trash in "hld" and "lld" is just slow and lame. 1 outta 10000000 prolly enjoys. and that guy has mental issues. one longhaired weirdo who comes back to poe wont change and make it fun. why so excited? poor souls :/

Ho I Know where you come from. Those old timers who abused shit like EA or molten shell casters who can t do shit anymore in hld because now everyone can do the same with less currency.

Guys like you who abuse shit in past but now can t deal with the fact others can do it too for a fraction of the price you spent.

Ego trip canceled by power creep of the game.

In a sense I enjoyed pre 2.0 pvp much more but at the same time I can t but laugh at those abusers who are complaining because now they can t be the only one abusing shit.

You are like sonehagal, you are like Those old timer EA, disapointed not to be able to get ego trip.

See that s what I am talking about, nowdays anyone can create a build in HLD and kill people and this is why this old timer right there really don t like it.

Poe Pvp experience
See that s what I am talking about, nowdays anyone can create a build in HLD and kill people and this is why this old timer right there really don t like it.

player vs air. lets one shot each other yay. much fun

player vs air. lets one shot each other yay. much fun

cards on table, was it more fun to you when you could abuse EA and frost walls?

Poe Pvp experience
did i say that? dont get ur point kiddo. ur the 1 outta 1000000 noneed to write anymore
did i say that? dont get ur point kiddo. ur the 1 outta 1000000 noneed to write anymore

forum pvp best pvp.

My point: you played full years abusing EA and thought it was all cool. Now that everyone can abuse something able to 1 shot your EA build in HLD, pvp became shit.

Truth is, it was shit when you played it. It was was shit when your ego thought you were the best ever at targeting a wall with max aoe.

PVP suck now and sucked before, why before we never seen you complaining about it? Because before you could abuse shit others could not and now you can t do that anymore.

I would not go agressive like that if it was not for your history of saying to complainers to get good and EA was ok. Now things changed and the git gud guy became a complainer too.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Apr 25, 2018, 1:14:57 PM
I agree the raw net build costs for HLD can be a lot higher than LLD, but it is important to note that there is a massive difference in gear origin and re-usability.

Firstly viable PvP gear can come inherently just from playing PvE much easier for HLD than LLD, some builds only require small/cheap swaps to enter into HLD, while you most likely have to craft or buy the better LLD items.
Secondly, the gear investments you make towards LLD can be only used in LLD, the PvE content at that level is only up to a few hours in a multiple hundred hour PvE content people usually get on a single character, while HLD investments can be used at the most important places where you are able to farm for more currency.

Keep in mind, as you expressly asked the dedicated PvP players, despite you got overwhelming STD-HLD oriented responses, it might not be the way to go.
For most of us including me it would be the easiest to just roll out our current established characters in a familiar environment holding right click at the edge of the screen, but it would be foolish to ignore or argue against the many many balance problems of HLD, which I think are mostly preventing it from being competitive.

Currently I think the most competitive and fair would be your original LLD idea restriced to uniques 4Ls and such, maybe some of the too overpowered mechanics, it would be easy to enter, all the arguing over build costs would be gone. I would like to give it a try even tho I would also have to start from scratch experiene-wise, and I hope some of the old players would try it out too.
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
It was was shit when your ego thought you were the best ever at targeting a wall with max aoe.
n/c :DD

PVP suck now and sucked before
+1 but less oneshots back than so it was less shit.

Because before you could abuse shit others could not and now you can t do that anymore.
hard gettin 6l quill and shootin walls yea....

nough time waste byebye
Head_Less wrote:
Ban volatile in LLD, ban it in HLD too.
Same legacy aegis/leg kaom can be banned and pvp HLD would still be fun.

There are much more clearly problematic items, and even more that are arguably problematic, a ban-list for STD-HLD would be longer than the 3.0 patch notes, and it still wouldn't please everbody.

philophil wrote:
Rupenus wrote:
what is the point of pvp, if the league is going to be flushed away? I want to min max my build for months, have huge palette of counters vs various another well min maxed builds.

You can never sell poe as a pvp game. But what i can assure you is that beating me, or most of the pvp'ers are harder than dealing with Uber Elder. and it is fun. A LOT FUN.

I completly agree with the fact that spending every league on min maxing a build just to start again 3 months later is not very enjoyable.... HLD on STD is a much more interesting place to PVP because IMO thats where u will find the best Min/maxed build so u always have something to improve on, this is why i think rebuilding every league is not has good, u don't feel the same sense of progression.

Has Rup said the endgame is pretty boring after u run it 2 or 3 time, on HLD u can always meet some interesting build n u always have to come up with something to counter or deal with it.

I agree too, I also only play standard nowadays, and I used to play PvP with similar goals, but that can't get much further where the current state of HLD is, there are very few people who can or willing to seriously compete, so I don't get what you are suggesting in terms of a PvP event.

IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■

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