3.3.0b Patch Notes

I quit after day 1 due to all the crashes/server deaths, been doing dailies only (and crashed 3 times during those).

I suspect there's something about Culling Strike that's causing a crash.
my start to crash now to load the game now.
Nothing change. Still crashing and drop fps....
It is not possible to play.

Last edited by albertmc12#2305 on Jun 5, 2018, 1:49:45 PM
Awesome! Thanks for the patch notes!
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
Did uber lab back to back from 9PM to 5AM yesterday.

Now my game is crashing every other instance.

...y u do dis
I wasn't crashing before this patch, now I'm crashing once every 30 minutes on average. Good job.
it stills crashing for me :/
As many others here mentioned too, this patch started the sporadic crashes for me too. No error messages, just a prompt that PoE has stopped working.

It would seem that specific monsters have something to do with this. I crashed 2 times on Argus in lab, then some specific places in maps.
IGN: Nano
I am crashing with Scorching Ray/IceStorm combo. Also crashing in the Labyrinth any time I go in at any random point. I cant ascend and can hardly level now that I've reached 60 its begun to crash much worse. Please fix.

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